xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh


Source Object: Diagnoses

Overview and Usage: The "Diagnoses" source object in athena EHR is a fundamental component for capturing and managing patient diagnosis information. It plays a crucial role in documenting and tracking patient diagnoses, including details related to codes, descriptions, and supporting data. Here's an overview of key fields and their usage:

  • Description: "description" field contains a textual description of the diagnosis, providing information about the patient's medical condition.
  • Diagnosis ID: "diagnosisid" serves as a unique identifier for the specific diagnosis record, allowing for efficient tracking and reference.
  • ICD Codes: The "icdcodes" section includes diagnosis codes, codesets, and descriptions associated with the diagnosis. It is crucial for standardized coding and billing.
    • ICD Code: "icdcodes.code" specifies the diagnosis code, ensuring consistency and accuracy in medical coding.
    • ICD Code Set: "icdcodes.codeset" identifies the code set or standard used for the diagnosis code.
    • ICD Code Description: "icdcodes.description" provides a description of the diagnosis code, aiding in understanding and reference.
  • Note: "note" field allows for additional notes or comments related to the diagnosis, offering context or specific details.
  • SNOMED Code: "snomedcode" captures the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine (SNOMED) code associated with the diagnosis, promoting interoperability and standardized healthcare terminology.
  • Laterality: "laterality" indicates any laterality information related to the diagnosis, such as left or right side, when applicable.
  • Ranking: "ranking" may represent a priority or significance level for the diagnosis, helping with clinical decision-making and record organization.
  • Supports Laterality: "supportslaterality" field specifies whether the diagnosis supports laterality information, which can be crucial for clinical context.

The "Diagnoses" source object is central to the management of patient diagnosis information within athena EHR. It enables healthcare providers to accurately document and track patient conditions, facilitating billing, clinical decision-making, and care planning. Developers can leverage this source object to build applications that enhance diagnosis-related processes and clinical decision support.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
description-Brief description for this SNOMED Code.StringConditioncode.coding[*].displaysystem=http://snomed.info/sct--Top Level
diagnosisid-athena ID for this diagnosis.IntegerConditionid---Top Level
icdcodes-List of relevant ICD codes for this diagnosis.Object0..*Condition----Top Level
icdcodes.code-Actual ICD code for this diagnosis.StringConditioncode.coding[*].code-ICD10,ICD9-Top Level
icdcodes.codeset-Codeset for this code (ICD9 or ICD10).StringConditioncode.coding[*].system---Top Level
icdcodes.description-Brief description for this code.StringConditioncode.coding[*].display---Top Level
note-The note entered for this diagnosis.StringConditionnote[1].text---Top Level
snomedcode-SNOMED Code for this diagnosis.IntegerConditioncode.coding[*].code-Snomed-Top Level
laterality-The laterality of the SNOMED Code, if any.StringConditionextension[*].valueString--lateralityTop Level
ranking-Used to specify the position of this diagnosis in the diagnoses section.IntegerConditionextension[*].valueInteger--rankingTop Level
supportslaterality-If true, then laterality may chosen for the diagnosis.StringConditionextension[*].valueString--supports-lateralityTop Level