xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Encounter Patient Goal Discussion Notes

Source Object: Encounter Patient Goal Discussion Notes

Overview and Usage: The "Encounter Patient Goal Discussion Notes" source object in athena EHR plays a crucial role in documenting and managing discussions related to patient goals during healthcare encounters. It allows healthcare providers to record and track discussions about patient goals, making it an essential component for person-centered care. Here's an overview of key fields and their usage:

  • Discussion Notes: "discussionnotes" contains the notes and details of discussions related to patient goals. It captures important information regarding the goals set for the patient's care, progress, and any related discussions.
  • Replace Discussion Notes: "replacediscussionnotes" may be used to specify a replacement or updated version of the discussion notes, enabling the modification of goal-related discussions while preserving a record of changes.
  • Version Token: "versiontoken" can be utilized to track and manage different versions or revisions of the discussion notes, ensuring a comprehensive history of goal-related discussions.

The "Encounter Patient Goal Discussion Notes" source object facilitates person-centered care by documenting discussions about patient goals, their progress, and any changes or updates. It ensures that healthcare providers and care teams have access to relevant information to make informed decisions and provide patient-centric care. Developers can leverage this source object to build features and applications that enhance the documentation and management of patient goal discussions within athena EHR.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
discussionnotes-A free text field used for discussion notes.string0..1Encounterextension.valueStringpatient-goal-discussion-notesTop Level
replacediscussionnotes-If true, will replace the existing section note with the new one. If false, will append to the existing note.boolean0..1Encounterextension.valueBooleanpatient-goal-replace-discussion-notesTop Level
versiontoken-A token specifying a unique version of data in the database. If it's specified and does not match the version token on the server, the update will fail.string0..1Encounterextension.valueStringpatient-goal-version-tokenTop Level