xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Encounter Reasons

Source Object: Encounter Reasons

Overview and Usage: The "Encounter Reasons" source object in athena EHR is an essential component for documenting and managing the reasons for a patient's encounter with healthcare providers. It plays a significant role in capturing the context and purpose of each patient encounter, which is crucial for proper care delivery and record-keeping. Here's an overview of key fields and their usage:

  • Encounter Reason Note: "encounterreasonnote" provides a space for healthcare providers to record detailed notes or comments related to the reasons for the patient's encounter. It allows for additional context and information about the encounter.
  • Encounter Reason ID: "encounterreasonid" may be used to identify a unique identifier associated with the specific encounter reason, helping with record-keeping and reference.
  • Encounter Reason Text: "encounterreasontext" contains the actual textual description of the reason for the encounter, capturing the context or details provided by the patient or healthcare provider.
  • Last Modified Date and Time (Encounter Reasons): "encounterreasons.lastmodifieddatetime" records the date and time of the last modification of the encounter reason details, facilitating tracking of changes and updates.
  • Last Modified User (Encounter Reasons): "encounterreasons.lastmodifieduser" specifies the user or entity responsible for the last modification of the encounter reason, enabling accountability and auditability.
  • Note Last Modified Date and Time: "notelastmodifieddatetime" captures the date and time when any notes or comments related to the encounter reason were last modified.
  • Note Last Modified User: "notelastmodifieduser" specifies the user or entity responsible for the last modification of notes or comments, ensuring proper attribution.
  • Laterality: "laterality" may indicate information about the side or location associated with the encounter reason, which is particularly relevant in specialties like orthopedics and ophthalmology.
  • Append Text: "appendtext" can be used to add additional text or information to the encounter reason, allowing for updates or clarifications.
  • Note Text: "notetext" contains the notes or comments related to the encounter reason, providing additional information or context.

The "Encounter Reasons" source object is vital for documenting the purpose and context of patient encounters. It ensures that healthcare providers have a clear understanding of the reasons for each encounter, facilitating effective care delivery, diagnosis, and treatment planning. Developers can leverage this source object to build features and applications that enhance the documentation and management of encounter reasons within athena EHR.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
encounterreasonnote-The reason for visit note associated with the encounter.String0..1Encounterextension[*].valueString-encounter-reason-noteTop Level
encounterreasons.encounterreasonid-The ID of the encounter reason.String0..1EncounterreasonCode.coding[*].codesystem=athena-Top Level
encounterreasons.encounterreasontext-The text of the Encounter Reason / Chief Complaint section. Not all practices use this. Some use it extensively with HTML templates.String0..1EncounterreasonCode.coding[*].display-Top Level
encounterreasons.lastmodifieddatetime-The date and time that the encounter reason was last modified. This API attribute is being rolled out and will be Generally Available on or before September 1, 2022.String0..1EncounterreasonCode.coding[].extension[].valueString-encounter-reason-last-modified-date-timeTop Level
encounterreasons.lastmodifieduser-The username of the user that last modified the encounter reason. This API attribute is being rolled out and will be Generally Available on or before September 1, 2022.String0..1EncounterreasonCode.coding[].extension[].valueString-encounter-reason-last-modified-userTop Level
notelastmodifieddatetime-Date and time when encounter reason note was last modified. This API attribute is being rolled out and will be Generally Available on or before September 1, 2022.String0..1Encounterextension[*].valueString-encounter-note-last-modified-date-timeTop Level
notelastmodifieduser-Username of the user who last modified encounter reason note. This API attribute is being rolled out and will be Generally Available on or before September 1, 2022.String0..1Encounterextension[*].valueString-encounter-note-last-modified-userTop Level
encounterreasonnote-The reason for visit note associated with the encounter.string0..1EncounterreasonCode.extension.valueStringencounter-reason-noteTop Level
encounterreasonid-The ID of the encounter reason.integer0..1EncounterreasonCode.coding.codeTop Level
encounterreasontext-The text of the Encounter Reason / Chief Complaint section. Not all practices use this. Some use it extensively with HTML templates.string0..1EncounterreasonCode.coding.displayTop Level
lastmodifieddatetime-The date and time that the encounter reason was last modified.string0..1EncounterreasonCode.coding.extension.valueDateTimeencounter-reason-last-modified-datetimeTop Level
lastmodifieduser-The username of the user that last modified the encounter reason.string0..1EncounterreasonCode.coding.extension.valueStringencounter-reason-last-modified-userTop Level
notelastmodifieddatetime-Date and time when encounter reason note was last modified.string0..1EncounterreasonCode.extension.valueDateTimeencounter-reason-note-last-modified-datetimeTop Level
notelastmodifieduser-Username of the user who last modified encounter reason note.string0..1EncounterreasonCode.extension.valueStringencounter-reason-note-last-modified-userTop Level
laterality-Optional laterality value (left or right).string0..1EncounterreasonCode.coding.extension.valueStringencounter-reason-lateralityTop Level
appendtext-If true, note text will be appended to the existing note. If false (default), the existing note text will be completely replaced by the new note text.boolean0..1EncounterreasonCode.extension.valueBooleanencounter-reason-append-textTop Level
notetext-The text to set as or append to the note.string0..1EncounterreasonCode.extension.valueStringencounter-reason-note-textTop Level