xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Lab Analyte

Source Object: Lab Analyte

Overview and Usage: The "Lab Analyte" source object within athena EHR is designed for managing and documenting laboratory results and analyte information. It is essential for healthcare applications that handle lab data, making it easier for medical professionals to track, analyze, and interpret lab results. Key data fields include:

  • Abnormal Flag: Indicates whether the lab result is considered abnormal.
  • Abnormal HL7 Code: Contains the HL7 code for abnormal lab results.
  • Abnormal HL7 Name: Provides a human-readable name for the abnormality.
  • Analyte Date and Time: Records the date and time when the analyte was tested.
  • Analyte ID: A unique identifier for the analyte.
  • Analyte Name: Describes the specific analyte being measured in the lab test.
  • Description: Provides additional information or notes about the lab analyte.
  • LOINC: Contains the LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers, Names, and Codes) code for standardizing the analyte.
  • Note: Stores any relevant notes or comments related to the lab result.
  • Observation Identifier: Identifies the lab observation or test being performed.
  • Reference Range: Specifies the reference range for the lab analyte.
  • Result Status: Indicates the status of the lab result.
  • Status: Describes the general status of the analyte data.
  • Units: Specifies the units of measurement for the lab result.
  • Value: Contains the actual measured value for the lab analyte.

Developers can use the "Lab Analyte" source object to create applications that handle and display lab results, ensuring accurate record-keeping, efficient data interpretation, and easy access to patients' diagnostic information. This is crucial for healthcare professionals to make informed decisions and provide the best possible care to their patients.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
abnormalflag-Status indicator of the measurement relative to normal (low, high, normal, abnormal).String0..1Observationinterpretation--Top Level
abnormalhl7code-The HL7 code related to the abnormal flag.String0..1Observationextension[*].valueString-abnormal-hl7-codeTop Level
abnormalhl7name-The HL7 description related to the abnormal flag.String0..1Observationextension[*].valueString-abnormal-hl7-nameTop Level
analytedate-Date when this observation was recorded.String0..1Observationextension[*].valueDate-analyte-dateTop Level
analytedatetime-The date and time when this observation was recorded. Returned in mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss format.String0..1ObservationeffectiveDateTime--Top Level
analyteid-athena ID for the given lab result observation/analyte.Number0..1Observationid--Top Level
analytename-Name / description specific to this analyte.String0..1Observationcode.coding[*].code.display--Top Level
description-General description of the lab result test.String0..1Observationextension[*].valueString-descriptionTop Level
loinc-Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes ID, if available.String0..1Observationcode.coding[*].codesystem=http://loinc.org--Top Level
note-Additional note for this analyte, if applicable.String0..1Observationnote[*].text--Top Level
observationidentifier-Local lab ID for the given lab result observation/analyte.String0..1ObservationObservation.code.extension[*].valueString-observation-identifierTop Level
referencerange-Reference range of values accepted as normal for this observation.String0..1ObservationObservation.referencerange[].low.value ,Observation.referencerange[].high.value--Top Level
resultstatus-The status of the result (e.g., "final\ "preliminary\ "corrected\ etc.).String0..1Observationstatus--Top Level
status-DEPRECATED -- use "abnormalflag" instead. Status indicator of the measurement relative to normal (low, high, normal, abnormal).String0..1Observation---Top Level
units-Units for this analyte entry, if provided by the lab.String0..1ObservationObservation.referencerange[].low.unit ,Observation.referencerange[].high.unit--Top Level
value-Value recorded for this observation.String0..1ObservationvalueQuantity.value--Top Level
abnormalflag-Status indicator of the measurement relative to normal (low, high, normal, abnormal).string0..1Observationinterpretation
abnormalhl7code-The HL7 code related to the abnormal flag.string0..1Observationextension.valueStringabnormal-hl7-codeTop Level
abnormalhl7name-The HL7 description related to the abnormal flag.string0..1Observationextension.valueStringabnormal-hl7-nameTop Level
analytedate-Date when this observation was recorded.string0..1ObservationeffectivedatetimeTop Level
analyteid-athena ID for the given lab result observation/analyte.number0..1ObservationidTop Level
analytename-Name / description specific to this analyte.string0..1Observationcode.coding.displayTop Level
description-General description of the lab result test.string0..1Observationextension.valueStringdescriptionTop Level
labresultstatus-The status of the underlying lab result.string0..1Observationextension.valueStringlab-result-statusTop Level
loinc-Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes ID, if available.string0..1Observationcode.coding.codesystem= "http://loinc.org"Top Level
note-Additional note for this analyte, if applicable.string0..1Observationnote.textTop Level
observationidentifier-Local lab ID for the given lab result observation/analyte.string0..1Observationcode.coding.extensionobservation-identifierTop Level
referencerange-Reference range of values accepted as normal for this observation.string0..1ObservationreferenceRange.low.value,referenceRange.high.valueTop Level
resultstatus-The status of the result (e.g., "final", "preliminary", "corrected", etc.).string0..1ObservationstatusTop Level
units-Units for this analyte entry, if provided by the lab.string0..1ObservationvalueQuantity.unitTop Level
value-Value recorded for this observation.string0..1ObservationvalueQuantity.valueTop Level