xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Lab Results

Source Object: Lab Results

Overview and Usage: The "Lab Results" source object within the athena EHR system plays a vital role in managing and storing laboratory test results. It contains detailed information about various lab tests and their outcomes. Key data fields include:

  • Analytes (Abnormal Flag, HL7 Code, HL7 Name, Analyte Date, Analyte Datetime, Analyte ID, Analyte Name, Description, LOINC, Note, Observation Identifier, Reference Range, Result Status, Status, Units, Value): These fields store comprehensive data about the specific lab tests and their results, including abnormal flags, units, and reference ranges.
  • Attachment Exists: Indicates whether attachments or additional documents are associated with the lab results.
  • Description: Provides a brief description or summary of the lab results.
  • Exact Duplicate Document ID: Stores the unique identifier of an exact duplicate document, if any.
  • Facility ID: Identifies the healthcare facility where the lab tests were conducted.
  • Internal Note: Allows for internal notes or comments related to the lab results.
  • Interpretation Template: Refers to any predefined templates used for interpreting the lab results.
  • Is Reviewed by Provider: Indicates whether the lab results have been reviewed by a healthcare provider.
  • Lab Result Date and Datetime: Specifies the date and time when the lab results were obtained.
  • Lab Result ID: A unique identifier for the lab result.
  • Lab Result LOINC: Contains the LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers, Names, and Codes) for standardizing lab test results.
  • Lab Result Note: Provides additional notes or comments associated with the lab results.
  • Order ID: Identifies the original order or request associated with these lab results.
  • Patient Note: Allows for patient-specific notes or comments regarding the lab results.
  • Performing Lab Address (Address1, Address2, City, Name, State, Zip): Indicates the address and location of the lab that conducted the tests.
  • Priority: Specifies the priority level assigned to the lab results.
  • Provider ID: Identifies the healthcare provider or clinician responsible for interpreting or discussing the lab results.
  • Result Status: Describes the status of the lab results (e.g., preliminary, final, verified).
  • Superseded Document ID: If applicable, references any documents that superseded or replaced these lab results.

Developers can leverage the "Lab Results" source object to build applications that allow healthcare professionals to view, interpret, and communicate lab test results effectively. This object streamlines the management of diagnostic information, ensuring that clinicians can make informed decisions based on accurate data.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
analytes-Individual lab result observations/analytes.Object0..*Observation----Contained
analytes.abnormalflag-Status indicator of the measurement relative to normal (low, high, normal, abnormal).String0..1Observationinterpretation---Contained
analytes.abnormalhl7code-The HL7 code related to the abnormal flag.String0..1Observationextension[*].valueString--abnormal-hl7-codeContained
analytes.abnormalhl7name-The HL7 description related to the abnormal flag.String0..1Observationextension[*].valueString--abnormal-hl7-nameContained
analytes.analytedate-Date when this observation was recorded.String0..1Observationextension[*].valueDate--analyte-dateContained
analytes.analytedatetime-The date and time when this observation was recorded. Returned in mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss format.String0..1ObservationeffectiveDateTime---Contained
analytes.analyteid-athena ID for the given lab result observation/analyte.Number0..1Observationid---Contained
analytes.analytename-Name / description specific to this analyte.String0..1Observationcode.coding[*].code.display---Contained
analytes.description-General description of the lab result test.String0..1Observationextension[*].valueString--descriptionContained
analytes.loinc-Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes ID, if available.String0..1Observationcode.coding[*].codesystem=http://loinc.orgLOINC-Contained
analytes.note-Additional note for this analyte, if applicable.String0..1Observationnote[*].text---Contained
analytes.observationidentifier-Local lab ID for the given lab result observation/analyte.String0..1ObservationObservation.code.extension[*].valueString--observation-identifierContained
analytes.referencerange-Reference range of values accepted as normal for this observation.String0..1ObservationObservation.referencerange[].low.value ,Observation.referencerange[].high.value---Contained
analytes.resultstatus-The status of the result (e.g., "final\ "preliminary\ "corrected\ etc.).String0..1Observationstatus---Contained
analytes.status-DEPRECATED -- use "abnormalflag" instead. Status indicator of the measurement relative to normal (low, high, normal, abnormal).String0..1Observation----Contained
analytes.units-Units for this analyte entry, if provided by the lab.String0..1ObservationObservation.referencerange[].low.unit ,Observation.referencerange[].high.unit---Contained
analytes.value-Value recorded for this observation.String0..1ObservationvalueQuantity.value---Contained
attachmentexists-This flag depicts if the lab result has a scanned document attachment or not.String0..1DiagnosticReportextension[*].valueString--attachment-existsTop Level
description-Description for this lab result.String0..1DiagnosticReportcode.coding.[*].display , code.text---Top Level
exactduplicatedocumentid-The exactduplicatedocumentid of the document.Integer0..1DiagnosticReportextension[*].valueString--exact-duplicate-document-idTop Level
facilityid-The ID of the clinical provider associated with this clinical document. Clinical providers are a master list of providers throughout the country. These include providers as well as radiology centers, labs and pharmacies.Integer0..1DiagnosticReportextension[*].valueInteger--facility-idTop Level
internalnote-The 'Internal Note' attached to this document.String0..1DiagnosticReportextension[*].valueString--internal-noteTop Level
interpretationtemplate-The interpretation template added to the lab result.Object0..1DiagnosticReportextension[*].valueString--interpretation-templateTop Level
isreviewedbyprovider-Whether the lab result has been reivewed by a provider.String0..1DiagnosticReportextension[*].valueString--is-reviewed-by-providerTop Level
labresultdate-Observation date associated with this lab result.String0..1DiagnosticReportextension[*].valueDate--lab-result-dateTop Level
labresultdatetime-The observation date and time associated with this lab result. Returned in mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss format.String0..1DiagnosticReporteffectiveDateTime , issued---Top Level
labresultid-athena ID for this lab result.Integer0..1DiagnosticReportid---Top Level
labresultloinc-The LOINC for the result document or associated order.String0..1DiagnosticReportcode.coding.[*].code-LOINC-Top Level
labresultnote-Additional note associated with this lab result, if any.String0..1DiagnosticReportconclusion---Top Level
orderid-The athena ID of the associated order document.Integer0..1DiagnosticReportbasedOn.[*].reference---Top Level
patientnote-The external note for the patient.String0..1DiagnosticReportextension[*].valueString--patient-noteTop Level
performinglabaddress1-This is the address1 field of the performing lab. For point-of-care tests this is the department. Otherwise, it is the clinical provider.String0..1Organizationaddress.line[0]---Contained
performinglabaddress2-This is the address2 field of the performing lab. For point-of-care tests this is the department. Otherwise, it is the clinical provider.String0..1Organizationaddress.line[1]---Contained
performinglabcity-This is the city of the performing lab. For point-of-care tests this is the department. Otherwise, it is the clinical provider.String0..1Organizationaddress.city---Contained
performinglabname-This is the name of the performing lab. For point-of-care tests this is the department. Otherwise, it is the clinical provider.String0..1Organizationname---Contained
performinglabstate-This is the state of the performing lab. For point-of-care tests this is the department. Otherwise, it is the clinical provider.String0..1Organizationaddress.state---Contained
performinglabzip-This is the zip code of the performing lab. For point-of-care tests this is the department. Otherwise, it is the clinical provider.String0..1Organizationaddress.postalcode---Contained
priority-Document priority, when available. 1 is high, 2 is normal. Some labs use other numbers or characters that are lab-specific.String0..1DiagnosticReportextension[*].valueString--priorityTop Level
providerid-The provider ID for this document.Integer0..1DiagnosticReportperformer[*].reference---Top Level
resultstatus-The status of the result (e.g., "final\ "preliminary\ "corrected\ etc.).String0..1DiagnosticReportstatus---Top Level
supersededdocumentid-The supersededid of the Document.String0..1DiagnosticReportextension[*].valueString--superseded-document-idTop Level