xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Patient Case Document

Source Object: Patient Case Document

Overview and Usage: The "Patient Case Document" source object in the athena EHR system is designed to manage and maintain documents associated with specific patient cases. Developers can utilize this object to access and manipulate patient case documents. Key data fields include:

  • Appointment ID: Identifies the appointment linked to the document, if applicable.
  • Assigned To: Specifies the user or entity to whom the document is assigned.
  • Clinical Provider ID: Identifies the clinical provider associated with the document.
  • Created Date and Time: Records when the document was created.
  • Deleted Date and Time: Tracks the date and time of document deletion, if applicable.
  • Document Class: Categorizes the type or class of the document.
  • Document Description: Provides a brief description of the document's content.
  • Document Route: Specifies the document's routing information.
  • Document Source: Indicates the source or origin of the document.
  • Document Subclass: Further categorizes the document within its class.
  • Document Type ID: Identifies the specific type or category of the document.
  • Encounter ID: Links the document to a specific patient encounter.
  • External Accession ID: Records an external identification for the document.
  • External Note: Contains additional notes related to the external accession.
  • Patient Case ID: Associates the document with a specific patient case.
  • Internal Accession ID: Stores an internal identification for the document.
  • Internal Note: Contains internal notes or comments related to the document.
  • Last Modified Date and Time: Captures the date and time of the last modification.
  • Observation Date and Time: Indicates when the document's observations or data were recorded.
  • Patient ID: Links the document to a specific patient.
  • Priority: Specifies the document's priority level.
  • Provider ID: Identifies the healthcare provider associated with the document.
  • Status: Indicates the current status of the document (e.g., draft, finalized).
  • Subject: Provides a subject or title for the document.
  • Tieto Order ID: Associates the document with a Tieto order.
  • Created Documents: Records documents created within the context of the main document.
  • Created User: Specifies the user who created the document.
  • Facility ID: Identifies the healthcare facility where the document was created.
  • Last Modified User: Specifies the user who last modified the document.
  • Phone Message ID: Links the document to a specific phone message, if applicable.
  • Auto Close: Indicates if the document is set to close automatically.
  • Callback Name and Number: Records callback information associated with the document.
  • Callback Number Type: Specifies the type of phone number for callbacks.
  • Call Type: Indicates the type of call associated with the document.
  • Action Note: Contains additional notes or comments related to actions taken on the document.
  • Outbound Only: Specifies if the document is for outbound use only.
  • Provider Username: Identifies the username of the provider related to the document.
  • Tied to Procedure or Surgery: Indicates if the document is tied to a specific medical procedure or surgery.
  • Username: Specifies the username associated with the document.
  • Action Reason ID: Identifies the reason for specific actions taken on the document.

Developers can leverage the "Patient Case Document" source object to create applications that efficiently manage, retrieve, and organize patient case-related documents within the athena EHR system.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
appointmentid-The appointment ID for this document.number0..1DocumentReferencecontext.related.reference-Top Level
assignedto-Person the document is assigned tostring0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringassigned-toTop Level
clinicalproviderid-The clinical provider ID of the performing providernumber0..1DocumentReferencecustodian.referenceTop Level
createddatetime-Date/Time (ISO 8601) the document was createdstring0..1DocumentReferencedateTop Level
deleteddatetime-Date/time (ISO 8601) the document was deletedstring0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueDateTimedeleted-datetimeTop Level
departmentid-Department for the documentstring0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringdepartment-idTop Level
documentclass-Class of documentstring0..1DocumentReferencecategory.coding.codeTop Level
description-Description of the document typestring0..1DocumentReferencedescriptionTop Level
documentroute-Explains method by which the document was entered into the athenaNet (INTERFACE (digital), FAX, etc.)string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringdocument-routeTop Level
documentsource-Explains where this document originated (e.g. ENCOUNTER, PORTAL, etc.)string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringdocument-sourceTop Level
documentsubclass-Specific type of documentstring0..1DocumentReferencecategory.extension.valueStringdocument-subclassTop Level
documenttypeid-The ID of the description for this documentnumber0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringdocument-type-idTop Level
encounterid-Encounter IDstring0..1DocumentReferencecontext.encounter.referenceTop Level
externalaccessionid-The external accession ID for this document. Format depends on the system the ID belongs to.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringexternal-accession-idTop Level
externalnote-External note for the patientstring0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringexternal-noteTop Level
patientcaseid-The patient case idnumber0..1DocumentReferenceidTop Level
internalaccessionid-The internal accession ID for this document. Format depends on the system the ID belongs to.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringinternal-accession-idTop Level
internalnote-The 'Internal Note' attached to this documentstring0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringinternal-noteTop Level
lastmodifieddatetime-Date/time (ISO 8601) the document was last modifiedstring0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueDateTimelast-modified-datetimeTop Level
observationdatetime-Date/time (ISO 8601) the observation was takenstring0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueDateTimeobservation-datetimeTop Level
patientid-The athenaNet patient IDnumber0..1DocumentReferencesubject.referenceTop Level
priority-Document priority, when available.number0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringpriorityTop Level
providerid-Provider ID for this documentnumber0..1DocumentReferenceauthor.referenceTop Level
status-Status of the documentstring0..1DocumentReferencestatusTop Level
subject-Subject of the documentstring0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringsubjectTop Level
tietoorderid-Order ID of the order this document is tied to, if anynumber0..1DocumentReferencecontext.related.referenceTop Level
createddocuments.documentclass-The document class.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueCoding.displayTop Level
createddocuments.documentid-The document id.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueCTop Level
createduser-The user who created this document.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringcreated-userTop Level
facilityid-The ID of the clinical provider associated with this clinical document. Clinical providers are a master list of providers throughout the country. These include providers as well as radiology centers, labs and pharmacies.number0..1DocumentReferencecustodian.referenceTop Level
lastmodifieduser-The user who last modified this document.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringlast-modified-userTop Level
phonemessageid-The primary key for phone message documentsInteger0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringphone-message-idTop Level
autoclose-Documents will, normally, automatically appear in the clinical inbox for providers to review. In some cases, you might want to force the document to skip the clinical inbox, and go directly to the patient chart with a "closed" status. For that case, set this to true.Boolean0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueBooleanauto-closeTop Level
callbackname-The person to call (if other than patient).string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueContactPoint.extension.valueStringcall-back,call-back-nameTop Level
callbacknumber-The phone number to use to call back the patient.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueContactPoint.valuecall-backTop Level
callbacknumbertype-The type of callback number (e.g. home, office, work, guarantor).string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueContactPoint.usecall-backTop Level
calltype-Type of call. (Options include: Tickler, Cancellation, ReminderCall etc...)string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueContactPoint.extension.valueStringcall-back,call-typeTop Level
actionnote-The most recent action note for a documentstring0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringaction-noteTop Level
outboundonly-If the call made in the patient case is outboundstring0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringout-bound-onlyTop Level
providerusername-The username of the provider associated with this lab result document.string0..1DocumentReferenceauthor.displayTop Level
tiedtoprocedureorsurgery-Link to retrieve the tied to surgery/procedure document.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringtied-to-procedure-or-surgeryTop Level
username-athenNet user to whom the case is being reassigned to.This parameter is case-sensitive.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringuser-nameTop Level
actionreasonid-Valid Document Action Reason ID for closure of Patient Case.Integer0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringaction-reason-idTop Level