xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Patient Goals

Source Object: Patient Goals

Overview and Usage: The "Patient Goals" source object is a fundamental component of the athena EHR system that allows healthcare providers and clinicians to manage and track patient-specific goals and objectives effectively.

  • DiscussionNotes: This field is used to document discussions related to patient goals. It can contain important notes, comments, and updates regarding the goals and their progress.
  • FreeTextGoal: FreeTextGoal stores patient goals in a free-text format. Patients can express their health and wellness objectives and desired outcomes in their own words.
  • Goals: Goals are structured objectives that include specific details such as duration, goal type, primary goal status, name, status, and target value. These structured goals help in setting clear expectations and tracking progress.
  • PatientInstructions: This field contains instructions provided to patients for achieving their goals, which can include guidance on lifestyle changes, medication adherence, and other recommendations.
  • AuditInformation: AuditInformation fields store information about the last modification to discussion notes, free-text goals, and patient instructions, including who made the changes and when.
  • VersionTokens: Version tokens are used to manage updates to the discussion notes, free-text goals, and patient instructions. They help track changes and maintain data integrity.

Healthcare providers and clinicians utilize the "Patient Goals" source object to establish, monitor, and update patient-specific objectives. The structured goals provide clarity and specificity, while the free-text goals allow patients to express their goals in their own terms. The discussion notes and patient instructions facilitate communication and help in aligning care plans with patient goals.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
auditinformation.discussionnotes.lastmodifiedby-The username of the user who last updated the discussion notes.string0..1Goalmeta.extension.valueStringdiscussion-notes-last-modified-byTop Level
auditinformation.discussionnotes.lastmodifieddatetime-The date and time the discussion notes were last modified.string0..1Goalmeta.extension.valueDateTimediscussion-notes-last-modified-datetimeTop Level
auditinformation.freetextgoal.lastmodifiedby-The username of the user who last updated the freetext goal.string0..1Goalmeta.extension.valueStringfree-text-goal-last-modified-byTop Level
auditinformation.freetextgoal.lastmodifieddatetime-The date and time this freetext goal was last modified.string0..1Goalmeta.extension.valueDateTimefree-text-goal-last-modified-datetimeTop Level
auditinformation.patientinstructions.lastmodifiedby-The username of the user who last updated the patient instructions.string0..1Goalmeta.extension.valueStringpatient-instructions-last-modified-byTop Level
auditinformation.patientinstructions.lastmodifieddatetime-The date and time the patient instructions were last modified.string0..1Goalmeta.extension.valueDateTimepatient-instructions-last-modified-datetimeTop Level
discussionnotes-Further discussion notes about these patient goals.string0..1Goalmeta.extension.valueStringdiscussion-notesTop Level
freetextgoal-Unstructured goal. More of a note field.string0..1Goalmeta.extension.valueStringfree-text-goalTop Level
goals.compoundvalues.compoundkey-A key indentifying what information this compound value stores.string0..1Goaltarget.extension.valueCodeableConcept.coding.codecompound-valuesTop Level
goals.com[poundvalues.compoundvalue-The target value for the compound value.string0..1Goaltarget.extension.valueCodeableConcept.coding.displaycompound-valuesTop Level
goals.duration-Expected time frame for reaching goal. This will not be returned if the goal has been met.string0..1Goaltarget.dueDateTop Level
goals.goaltype-Clinical goal type. Usually a VITALS or a LABANALYTE.string0..1Goalcategory.coding.codeTop Level
goals.isprimarygoal-Indicates primary goal. Value would be true if the goal is primary else false.string0..1Goalextension.valueStringis-primay-goalTop Level
goals.name-Display name of goal.string0..1Goalextension.valueStringnameTop Level
goals.status-Status of goal. Null means not yet met. If met will have a value of MET.string0..1GoalachievementStatusTop Level
goals.targetvalue-Goal target value.string0..1Goaltarget.detailStringTop Level
patientinstructions-Instructions to the patient about achieving these goals.string0..1Goalmeta.extension.valueStringpatient-instructionsTop Level
versiontokens.discussionnotes-The version token for discussion notes.string0..1Goalmeta.extension.valueStringversion-tokens-discussion-notesTop Level
versiontokens.freetextgoal-The version token for free text goals.string0..1Goalmeta.extension.valueStringversion-tokens-free-text-goalTop Level
versiontokens.patientinstructions-The version token for patient instructions.string0..1Goalmeta.extension.valueStringversion-tokens-patient-instructionsTop Level