xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh


Source Object: Problems

Overview and Usage: The "Problems" source object is essential in healthcare systems for tracking and managing patient health issues, diagnoses, and conditions. It provides a comprehensive view of a patient's medical problems and their associated details. Here's a breakdown of the key components:

  • Code: A unique identifier for the problem or diagnosis code.
  • Code Set: The code set used for the problem code (e.g., ICD-10, SNOMED CT).
  • Name: The name or description of the problem or diagnosis.
  • Problem ID: A unique identifier for the problem or diagnosis record.
  • Events: Information related to events associated with the problem, including start date, best match ICD-10 code, deactivation date, and more.
    • Start Date: The date when the problem or diagnosis was first identified.
    • Best Match ICD-10 Code: The ICD-10 code that best matches the problem or diagnosis.
    • Deactivation Date and User: The date when the problem was deactivated and the user responsible.
    • Last Modified By and Date Time: The user who last modified the problem and the date and time of the modification.
    • Most Recent Diagnosis Note: The note associated with the most recent diagnosis event.
    • Created By and Date: The user who created the event and the date of creation.
    • Diagnosis: Information about the diagnosis associated with the event.
      • Code: The diagnosis code.
      • Code Set: The code set for the diagnosis code.
      • Name: The name or description of the diagnosis.
    • Encounter Date: The date when the diagnosis event occurred during an encounter.
    • End Date: The date when the event concluded.
    • Event Type: The type of event related to the problem or diagnosis.
    • Laterality: Information about the laterality of the problem or diagnosis.
    • Note: Additional notes related to the event.
    • Onset Date: The date when the problem or diagnosis first began.
    • Source: The source or cause of the problem or diagnosis.
    • Status: The status of the event (e.g., resolved, ongoing).
  • SNOMED Code: The SNOMED CT code associated with the problem.
  • Note: Additional notes or comments related to the problem or diagnosis.
  • Status: The status of the problem (e.g., active, resolved).
  • Laterality: Information about the laterality of the problem or diagnosis.
  • Start Date: The date when the problem or diagnosis was first identified.
  • PATIENT FACING CALL: An indication of whether the problem or diagnosis is associated with patient-facing communication.
  • THIRD PARTY USERNAME: The username of the third party involved in the management of the problem or diagnosis.

The "Problems" source object is vital for maintaining a comprehensive and accurate patient health record, enabling healthcare providers to diagnose, treat, and monitor patient conditions effectively.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
code-Problem codeString1..1Conditioncode.coding[1].code---Top Level
codeset-Problem codeset (SNOMED, ICD9, ICD10, etc)String0..1Conditioncode.coding[1].system-Snomed,ICD10,ICD9-Top Level
name-Problem nameString0..1Conditioncode.coding[1].display---Top Level
problemid-athena ID for this problemInteger1..1Conditionid---Top Level
events-List of start and stop events for this problem, which can occur multiple times.Object0..*ClinicalImpression----Contained
events.startdate-The date this problem event started or was restarted. Uses the onsetdate if available, otherwise uses the date the problem was entered into the system.String0..1ClinicalImpressioneffectivePeriod.start---Contained
bestmatchicd10code-If this was added from the chart or from an encounter without a selected ICD10 code, and if the primary codeset is SNOMED, then this contains the best matching ICD10 code mapped. Because SNOMED to ICD10 is a many to many map, this will tend to give the most generic diagnosis.String0..1Conditioncode.coding[2].codesystem = ICD10ICD10-Top Level
deactivateddate-Date of problem deactivation.String0..1Conditionabatement.abatementDateTime---Top Level
deactivateduser-The name of the user who deactivated the problem.String0..1Conditionextension[*].valueString--deactivated-userTop Level
lastmodifiedby-The username of the user who last modified this problem.String0..1Conditionextension[*].valueString--last-modified-byTop Level
lastmodifieddatetime-The date the problem was last modified. Currently only date precision.String0..1Conditionextension[*].valueString--last-modified-datetimeTop Level
mostrecentdiagnosisnote-The data will be displayed when the showdiagnosisinfo flag is set to trueString0..1Conditionnote[1].text---Top Level
events.createdby-The name of the user who entered this problem.String0..1ClinicalImpressionassessor.reference---Contained
events.createddate-The date that the user entered this problem.String0..1ClinicalImpressiondate---Contained
events.diagnosis-List of encounter diagnoses that triggered this problem.Object0..*ClinicalImpression----Contained
events.diagnosis.code-Diagnosis codeString0..1ClinicalImpressionfinding[].itemCodeableConcept.coding[].code---Contained
events.diagnosis.codeset-Diagnosis codeset (SNOMED, ICD9, ICD10, etc)String0..1ClinicalImpressionfinding[].itemCodeableConcept.coding[].system-Snomed,ICD10,ICD9-Contained
events.diagnosis.name-Diagnosis name. Might be different than problem name.String0..1ClinicalImpressionfinding[].itemCodeableConcept.coding[].display---Contained
events.encounterdate-The date of the encounter where a diagnosis matching this problem was used.String0..1ClinicalImpressionextension[*].valueString--encounter-dateContained
events.enddate-The date this problem event ended or was hiddenString0..1ClinicalImpressioneffectivePeriod.end---Contained
events.eventtype-The type of this event: START, END, HIDDEN, REACTIVATED, or ENCOUNTERString0..1ClinicalImpressionextension[*].valueString--event-typeContained
events.laterality-The laterality of this problem. Can be null, LEFT, RIGHT, or BILATERAL.String0..1ClinicalImpressionextension[*].valueString--lateralityContained
events.note-The note attached to this event.String0..1ClinicalImpressionnote.text---Contained
events.onsetdate-The specified onset date for this problem, as entered by the practice. If available this is more accurate than the start date.String0..1ClinicalImpressionextension[*].valueString--on-set-dateContained
events.source-The source of this event: ENCOUNTER or HISTORYString0..1ClinicalImpressionextension[*].valueString--sourceContained
events.status-The status of this problem event: CHRONIC or ACUTEString0..1ClinicalImpressionextension[*].valueString--statusContained
snomedcode-snomed codeInteger1..1Conditioncode.coding[*].codesystem=http://snomed.info/sctSnomed-Top Level
note-The note to be attached to this problem.String0..1Conditionnote[0].text---Top Level
status-Whether the problem is chronic or acute.String0..1ConditionclinicalStatus.extensions[*].valueString--problem-statusTop Level
laterality-Update the laterality of this problem. Can be null, LEFT, RIGHT, or BILATERAL.String0..1Conditionextensions[*].valueString---Top Level
startdate-The onset date to be updated for this problem in MM/DD/YYYY format.String0..1ConditiononsetDateTime---Top Level
PATIENTFACINGCALL-When 'true' is passed we will collect relevant data and store in our database.Boolean0..1Conditionextensions[*].valueBoolean--patient-facing-callTop Level
THIRDPARTYUSERNAME-User name of the patient in the third party application.String0..1Conditionextensions[*].valueString--third-party-user-nameTop Level