xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh


Source Object: Providers

Overview and Usage: The "Providers" source object is a fundamental component in healthcare systems, containing crucial information about healthcare providers. It helps in the management and organization of provider data. Here's a breakdown of the key components:

  • Display Name: The name by which the provider is displayed or recognized.
  • First Name: The first name of the provider.
  • Last Name: The last name of the provider.
  • NPI (National Provider Identifier): A unique 10-digit numeric identifier for healthcare providers.
  • Sex: The gender or sex of the provider.
  • Specialty: The medical specialty or field in which the provider practices.
  • Specialty ID: A unique identifier for the provider's medical specialty.
  • Accepting New Patients (YN): An indicator specifying whether the provider is currently accepting new patients.
  • ANSI Name Code: The provider's name code following ANSI standards.
  • ANSI Specialty Code: The specialty code following ANSI standards.
  • Billable: An indicator specifying whether the provider's services are billable.
  • Create Encounter on Check-In (YN): An indicator specifying whether an encounter is created upon patient check-in.
  • Create Encounter Provider ID List: A list of provider IDs associated with encounter creation.
  • Direct Address: The direct contact address or means of communication with the provider.
  • Entity Type: The type of entity or organization the provider is associated with.
  • Federal ID Number: The provider's federal identification number.
  • Hide in Portal (YN): An indicator specifying whether the provider is hidden from the portal.
  • Home Department: The department in which the provider is primarily based.
  • Other Provider ID List: A list of other unique identifiers associated with the provider.
  • Personal Pronouns: The pronouns used to refer to the provider.
  • Provider Group List: A list of provider groups to which the provider belongs.
  • Provider Type: The type of provider, such as physician, nurse, etc.
  • Provider Type ID: A unique identifier for the provider type.
  • Provider Username: The username or identifier used by the provider for various systems.
  • Schedule Resource Type: The type of resource used for scheduling, e.g., room or equipment.
  • Scheduling Name: The name associated with provider scheduling.
  • Supervising Provider ID: The ID of the supervising provider, if applicable.
  • Supervising Provider Username: The username of the supervising provider, if applicable.
  • Usual Department ID: The usual department ID for the provider's primary practice.
  • Alternate Phone: An alternate contact phone number for the provider.
  • ANSI Code: The provider's code following ANSI standards.
  • Billed Name Case: The case format for the billed name.
  • Communicator Display Name: The name displayed for communication purposes.
  • Communicator Home Department: The home department of the communicator.
  • CRD Referring: An indicator for CRD (Centralized Referring Department) referrals.
  • Entity Type ID: A unique identifier for the entity type.
  • Create Encounter on Check-In: Detailed information on encounter creation upon patient check-in.
  • Hide in Portal: Additional details on hiding providers in the portal.
  • Medical Group ID: The medical group ID associated with the provider.
  • Middle Initial: The middle initial of the provider.
  • Name Suffix: A suffix or title following the provider's name (e.g., Jr., Sr., MD).
  • NPI Number: The provider's NPI number.
  • Personal Pronouns ID: A unique identifier for the personal pronouns.
  • Practice Role ID: A unique identifier for the provider's practice role.
  • Provider Group ID: A unique identifier for the provider's group.
  • Provider Profile ID: A unique identifier for the provider's profile.
  • Reporting Name: The name used for reporting purposes.
  • Signature on File Flag: An indicator specifying whether the provider's signature is on file.
  • SSN (Social Security Number): The provider's Social Security Number.
  • Staff Bucket: Information on the staff bucket associated with the provider.
  • Username: The username or identifier used by the provider.
  • Track Missing Slips: Details about tracking missing slips related to the provider.

The "Providers" source object is a central repository of information about healthcare providers, facilitating efficient management and ensuring accurate and up-to-date provider data.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
displayname-The preferred name to use when displaying this provider.String0..1Practitionername[1].text---Top Level
firstname-The provider's first name.String0..1Practitionername[1].given[1]---Top Level
lastname-The provider's last nameString0..1Practitionername[1].family---Top Level
npi-The NPI for this provider, if available.Integer0..1Practitioneridentifier[1].value---Top Level
providerid-The ID to be used for this provider. Note that in athenaNet, an individual provider (as defined by a unique NPI) may have multiple provider IDs. For the API, we have collapsed these to a single canonical ID.Integer0..1Practitionerid---Top Level
sex-The sex of this provider.String0..1Practitionergender---Top Level
specialty-A friendly name for this provider's specialty."String0..1Practitionerqualification[1].code.coding[1].display---Top Level
specialtyid-The ID of the provider's specialty.Integer0..1Practitionerqualification[1].code.coding[1].codesystem=http://xcaliber-fhir/structureDefinition/practitioner-speciality--Top Level
acceptingnewpatientsyn-Indicates whether the provider is accepting new patients. This field is currently only for informational purposes, and does not drive any athenaNet functionality.String0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--accepting-new-patients-ynTop Level
ansinamecode-This is the ANSI name with ANSI code for this provider's specialty.String0..1Practitioner.PractitionerRolespecialty[].coding[].display---Contained
ansispecialtycode-This is the ANSI code for this provider's specialty.String0..1Practitioner.PractitionerRolespecialty[].coding[].codesystem=http://xcaliber-fhir/structureDefinition/practitioner-speciality--Contained
billable-Indicates if this is a billable provider.String0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--billableTop Level
createencounteroncheckinyn-If true, appointments scheduled with this provider will create an encounter when the appointment is checked in for encounter supported appointment types. Only applies to the primary providerid. If the provider has other IDs with the same API, please use 'showallproviderids' to see which IDs create encounters.String0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--create-encounter-on-checkin-ynTop Level
createencounterprovideridlist-A list of provider IDs for this provider NPI that will create an encounter when the appointment is checked in for encounter supported appointment types. Only populated if 'showallproviderids' is setString0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--create-encounter-provider-id-listTop Level
directaddress-The direct email address for the providerString0..1Practitionertelecom[*].valuesystem=email--Top Level
entitytype-Either "Person" or "Non-Person" (e.g. X-Ray machines)String0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--entity-typeTop Level
federalidnumber-The federal ID number for provider, if SHOWFEDERALIDNUMBER is set.String0..1Practitioneridentifier[*].value---Top Level
hideinportalyn-If set, this provider does not appear in athenaCommunicator's web portal.String0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--hide-in-portal-ynTop Level
homedepartment-For certain purposes, this can be considered to be the "home" or default department for a provider.String0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--home-departmentTop Level
otherprovideridlist-When showallproviderids is set to true, a list of all other athenaNet providers IDs that may refer to this same provider. If not present with showallproviderids, there are no other IDs other than the primary ID.String0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--other-provider-id-listTop Level
personalpronouns-The preferred personal pronouns of this provider.String0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--personal-pronounsTop Level
providergrouplist-"When showallproviderids is set to true, a list of all provider groups that this provider is registered in. Data is only relevant if a practice is using Provider-Group-Based Data Permissions in their practice.String0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--provider-group-listTop Level
providertype-There is a long potential list of provider type in the form "full name (id)", but "MD", "NP" or "NP S" (Nurse Practitioner (Supervising)), "RES" (resident), "EQUIP", "DO", "PA" or "PASUP" (Physician's Assistant (Supervising)), "TECH", "RN", LPT", "CRNA" or "CRNASUP" (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthesiologist (Supervising)), and MA (Medical Assistant) are among the most common.String0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--provider-typeTop Level
providertypeid-This is just the ID (a text string) such as "NP" or "NP S" for the provider type.String0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--provider-type-idTop Level
providerusername-The username of the provider.String0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--provider-user-nameTop Level
scheduleresourcetype-Name of the scheduling resource type tied to the provider.Integer0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--schedule-resource-typeTop Level
schedulingname-The scheduling name for this provider (as used in athenaNet).String0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--scheduling-nameTop Level
supervisingproviderid-The ID of the supervising provider.String0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueInteger--supervising-provider-idTop Level
supervisingproviderusername-The username of the supervising provider.String0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--supervising-provider-usernameTop Level
usualdepartmentid-The "usual" department for this provider, if SHOWUSUALDEPARTMENTGUESSTHRESHOLD is set.Number0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueInteger--usual-department-idTop Level
displayname-The preferred name to use when displaying this provider.String0..1Personname[*].text---Top Level
firstname-The provider's first name.String0..1Personname[*].given---Top Level
lastname-The provider's last name.String0..1Personname[*].family---Top Level
npi-The NPI for this provider, if available.Integer0..1Personidentifier[0].value---Top Level
providerid-The ID to be used for this provider. Note that in athenaNet, an individual provider (as defined by a unique NPI) may have multiple provider IDs. For the API, we have collapsed these to a single canonical ID.Integer0..1Personid---Top Level
sex-The sex of this provider.String0..1Persongender---Top Level
acceptingnewpatientsyn-Indicates whether the provider is accepting new patients. This field is currently only for informational purposes, and does not drive any athenaNet functionality.String0..1Personextension[*].valueString--accepting-new-patients-ynTop Level
ansinamecode-This is the ANSI name with ANSI code for this provider's specialty.String0..1Personextension[*].valueString--ansi-name-codeTop Level
ansispecialtycode-This is the ANSI code for this provider's specialty.String0..1Personextension[*].valueString--ansi-specialty-codeTop Level
billable-Indicates if this is a billable provider.String0..1Personextension[*].valueString--billableTop Level
createencounteroncheckinyn-If true, appointments scheduled with this provider will create an encounter when the appointment is checked in for encounter supported appointment types. Only applies to the primary providerid. If the provider has other IDs with the same API, please use 'showallproviderids' to see which IDs create encounters.String0..1Personextension[*].valueString--create-encounter-on-checkin-ynTop Level
createencounterprovideridlist-A list of provider IDs for this provider NPI that will create an encounter when the appointment is checked in for encounter supported appointment types. Only populated if 'showallproviderids' is set.String0..1Personextension[*].valueString--create-encounter-provider-id-listTop Level
directaddress-The direct email address for the providerString0..1Persontelecom[*].valuesystem=email--Top Level
entitytype-Either "Person" or "Non-Person" (e.g. X-Ray machines)String0..1Personextension[*].valueString--entity-typeTop Level
federalidnumber-The federal ID number for provider, if SHOWFEDERALIDNUMBER is set.String0..1Personidentifier[*].value---Top Level
hideinportalyn-If set, this provider does not appear in athenaCommunicator's web portal.String0..1Personextension[*].valueString--hide-in-portal-ynTop Level
homedepartment-For certain purposes, this can be considered to be the "home" or default department for a provider.String0..1Personextension[*].valueString--home-departmentTop Level
otherprovideridlist-When showallproviderids is set to true, a list of all other athenaNet providers IDs that may refer to this same provider. If not present with showallproviderids, there are no other IDs other than the primary ID.String0..1Personextension[*].valueString--other-provider-id-listTop Level
personalpronouns-The preferred personal pronouns of this provider.String0..1Personextension[*].valueString--personal-pronounsTop Level
providergrouplist-When showallproviderids is set to true, a list of all provider groups that this provider is registered in. Data is only relevant if a practice is using Provider-Group-Based Data Permissions in their practice.String0..1Personextension[*].valueString--provider-group-listTop Level
providertype-There is a long potential list of provider type in the form "full name (id) but "MD "NP" or "NP S" (Nurse Practitioner (Supervising)), "RES" (resident), "EQUIP "DO "PA" or "PASUP" (Physician's Assistant (Supervising)), "TECH "RN LPT "CRNA" or "CRNASUP" (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthesiologist (Supervising)), and MA (Medical Assistant) are among the most common.String0..1Personextension[*].valueString--provider-typeTop Level
providertypeid-This is just the ID (a text string) such as "NP" or "NP S" for the provider type.String0..1Personextension[*].valueString--provider-type-idTop Level
providerusername-The username of the provider.String0..1Personextension[*].valueString--provider-user-nameTop Level
scheduleresourcetype-Name of the scheduling resource type tied to the provider.String0..1Personextension[*].valueString--schedule-resource-typeTop Level
schedulingname-The scheduling name for this provider (as used in athenaNet).String0..1Personextension[*].valueString--scheduling-nameTop Level
specialty-A friendly name for this provider's specialty.String0..1Personextension[*].valueString--specialtyTop Level
specialtyid-The ID of the provider's specialty.Integer0..1Personextension[*].valueInteger--specialty-idTop Level
supervisingproviderid-The ID of the supervising provider.Integer0..1Personextension[*].valueInteger--supervising-provider-idTop Level
supervisingproviderusername-The username of the supervising provider.String0..1Personextension[*].valueString--supervising-provider-usernameTop Level
usualdepartmentid-The "usual" department for this provider, if SHOWUSUALDEPARTMENTGUESSTHRESHOLD is set.Integer0..1Personextension[*].valueInteger--usual-department-idTop Level
alternatephone-The phone number of the provider.String0..1Practitionertelecom[0].valuesystem=phone--Top Level
ansicode-The provider taxonomy code of the provider.String0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--ansi-codeTop Level
billednamecase-The billing name of the provider.String0..1Practitionername[1].text---Top Level
communicatordisplayname-The communicator display name for the provider.String0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--communicator-display-nameTop Level
communicatorhomedepartment-The communicator home department for the provider.Integer0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueInteger--communicator-home-departmentTop Level
crdreferring-This provider is a Coordinator referring provider.Boolean0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueBoolean--crd-referringTop Level
entitytypeid-The entity type of provider. 1 = person, 2 = non-personInteger0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueInteger--entity-type-idTop Level
createencounteroncheckin-Automatically create encounters at check-in.Boolean0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--create-encounter-on-checkin-ynTop Level
hideinportal-Hide this provider in the Patient Portal.Boolean0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--hide-in-portal-ynTop Level
medicalgroupid-The medical group of the provider.Integer0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueInteger--medical-group-idTop Level
middleinitial-The middle name of the provider.String0..1Practitionername.extension[*].valueString--middle-initialTop Level
namesuffix-The suffix of the provider.String0..1Practitionername.extension[*].valueString--name-suffixTop Level
ndctatnumber-The NDC TAT number for this provider.String0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--ndc-tat-numberTop Level
npinumber-The NPI of the provider.Integer0..1Practitioneridentifier?.[1]?.value---Top Level
personalpronounsid-The personal pronouns ID of the provider. See GET /personalpronouns for a mapping of ID to personal pronouns displaytext.Integer0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueInteger--personal-pronouns-idTop Level
practiceroleid-The practice role ID for the provider.Integer0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueInteger--practice-role-idTop Level
providergroupid-The provider group of the provider.Integer0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueInteger--provider-group-idTop Level
providerprofileid-The provider profile of the provider (integer or 'NEW')String0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--provider-profile-idTop Level
reportingname-The reporting name for the provider.String0..1Practitionername[1].text---Top Level
signatureonfileflag-This provider's signature is on file.Boolean0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueBoolean--signature-on-file-flagTop Level
ssn-The SSN of the provider.Integer0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueInteger--ssnTop Level
staffbucket-Create a staff bucket for this provider.Boolean0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueBoolean--staff-bucketTop Level
username-The username for the provider.String0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueString--user-nameTop Level
trackmissingslips-This provider renders services that should be tracked on the Missing Slips Worklist.Boolean0..1Practitionerextension[*].valueBoolean--track-missing-lipsTop Level