xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Referral Authorization

Source Object: Referral Authorization

Overview and Usage: The "Referral Authorization" source object is crucial for managing and tracking patient referrals in the healthcare system. This source object contains information related to referral authorizations, including details about the referral process, the involved providers, and authorization specifications. Here's a breakdown of the key components:

  • ANSI Name Code: The ANSI code for the referring provider's name.
  • ANSI Specialty Code: The ANSI code for the referring provider's specialty.
  • Appointment IDs: The unique identifiers of appointments associated with this referral.
  • Department ID: The unique identifier for the department associated with the referral.
  • Diagnosis Code: The diagnosis code associated with the referral.
  • Document ID: The unique identifier for the document related to the referral.
  • End Date: The date when the referral authorization ends or expires.
  • Expired: Indicates whether the referral authorization has expired.
  • ICD-10 Diagnosis Code: The ICD-10 diagnosis code associated with the referral.
  • Insurance ID Number: The unique identifier for the patient's insurance.
  • Insurance Package Name: The name of the insurance package related to the referral.
  • Last Modified: The date when the referral authorization was last modified.
  • Last Modified By: The user or entity that last modified the referral authorization.
  • No Referral Required: Indicates whether a referral is required for this patient or service.
  • Note: Additional notes or comments related to the referral authorization.
  • Notes to Provider: Specific notes or instructions intended for the referring or referred-to provider.
  • Procedure Code: The procedure code associated with the referral.
  • Referral Authorization ID: The unique identifier for the referral authorization.
  • Referral Authorization Number: The unique authorization number for the referral.
  • Referral Authorization Type: The type or category of the referral authorization.
  • Referral Authorization Units: The units specified within the referral authorization.
  • Referred-to Provider ID: The unique identifier for the provider to whom the patient is referred.
  • Referring Provider ID: The unique identifier for the referring provider.
  • Requisition ID: The unique identifier for the requisition associated with the referral.
  • Specialty: The specialty of the referring provider.
  • Specialty ID: The unique identifier for the referring provider's specialty.
  • Start Date: The date when the referral authorization starts or becomes effective.
  • Visits Approved: The number of visits approved as part of the referral authorization.
  • Visits Left: The remaining number of visits allowed within the referral authorization.
  • Specifies Visits: Indicates whether the referral authorization specifies the number of visits allowed.
  • Expiration Date: The date when the referral authorization expires.
  • ICD-9 Diagnosis Codes: The ICD-9 diagnosis codes associated with the referral.
  • Insurance ID: The unique identifier for the patient's insurance.

The "Referral Authorization" source object is a critical component of the healthcare system, helping to ensure that patients receive appropriate referrals and tracking the authorization and utilization of services.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
ansinamecode-This is the ANSI name and code for this referring provider's specialty.string0..1ExplanationOfBenefitextension.valueStringansi-name-codeTop Level
ansispecialtycode-The ANSI specialty code for this referring provider.string0..1ExplanationOfBenefitextension.valueStringansi-specialty-codeTop Level
appointmentids-The appointment ID associated with this authorization.array0..1ExplanationOfBenefitextension.valueStringappointment-idsTop Level
departmentid-The department idinteger0..1ExplanationOfBenefitextension.valueStringdepartment-idTop Level
diagnosiscode-The diagnosis code(s).string0..1ExplanationOfBenefitdiagnosis.diagnosisCodeableConcept.coding.codeTop Level
documentid-The document idstring0..1ExplanationOfBenefitextension.valueStringdocument-idTop Level
enddate-The date the authorization/referral is no longer effective.string0..1ExplanationOfBenefitextension.valueStringend-dateTop Level
expired-Flag that specifies whether or not the authorization/referral is expired.string0..1ExplanationOfBenefitextension.valueStringexpiredTop Level
icd10diagnosiscode-The ICD-10 diagnosis code(s).string0..1ExplanationOfBenefitdiagnosis.diagnosisCodeableConcept.coding.codeTop Level
insuranceidnumber-Patient's member number on the insurance packagestring0..1ExplanationOfBenefitinsurance.extension.valueStringinsurance-id-numberTop Level
insurancepackagename-Name of the patient's insurance packagestring0..1ExplanationOfBenefitinsurance.extension.valueStringinsurance-package-nameTop Level
lastmodified-The date when the referral auth was last modifiedstring0..1ExplanationOfBenefitextension.valueDatelast-modifiedTop Level
lastmodifiedby-The user who last modified the referral authstring0..1ExplanationOfBenefitextension.valueStringlast-modified-byTop Level
noreferralrequired-If set to true, then the insurance authorization number is not required.string0..1ExplanationOfBenefitextension.valueStringno-referral-requiredTop Level
note-The note attached to the authorization/referral.string0..1ExplanationOfBenefitextension.valueStringnoteTop Level
notestoprovider-The notes for the provider.string0..1ExplanationOfBenefitextension.valueStringnotes-to-providerTop Level
procedurecode-The procedure code(s).string0..1ExplanationOfBenefitprocedureCodeableConcept.coding.codeTop Level
referralauthid-The referral/authorization ID.integer0..1ExplanationOfBenefitidTop Level
referralauthnumber-The referral authorization number. If this is passed in, then the REFERRINGPROVIDERID is required. This input can by bypassed with the NOREFERRALREQUIRED parameter.string0..1ExplanationOfBenefitidentifier.valueTop Level
referralauthtype-Determines whether the form is an AUTHORIZATION or REFERRAL.string0..1ExplanationOfBenefitidentifier.typeTop Level
referralauthunits-The unit (VISITS, UNITS) of count for this authorization/referral.string0..1ExplanationOfBenefitextension.valueStringreferral-auth-unitsTop Level
referredtoproviderid-The referred-to provider ID.integer0..1ExplanationOfBenefitextension.valueStringreferred-to-provider-idTop Level
referringproviderid-The referring provider ID.integer0..1ExplanationOfBenefitprovider.referenceTop Level
requisitionid-The id of requisition the referralauth was obtained frominteger0..1ExplanationOfBenefitidentifier.valueTop Level
specialty-A friendly name for this provider's specialty.string0..1ExplanationOfBenefitextension.valueStringspecialtyTop Level
specialtyid-The specialty ID.integer0..1ExplanationOfBenefitextension.valueStringspecialty-idTop Level
startdate-The starting date the authorization/referral is effective.string0..1ExplanationOfBenefitbenefitPeriod.startTop Level
visitsapproved-The number of visits/units approved. Please see field REFERRALAUTHUNITS for the type.integer0..1ExplanationOfBenefitextension.valueStringvisits-approvedTop Level
visitsleft-The number of visits/units remaining. Please see field REFERRALAUTHUNITS for the type.integer0..1ExplanationOfBenefitextension.valueStringvisits-leftTop Level
specifiesvisits-Determines whether or not this authorization specifies visits.boolean0..1ExplanationOfBenefitextension.valueStringspecific-visitsTop Level
expirationdate-The expiration date of when the referral authorization is valid.string0..1ExplanationOfBenefitextension.valueDateexpiration-dateTop Level
icd9diagnosiscodes-The ICD9 codes associated with this referral authorization.array0..1ExplanationOfBenefitdiagnosis.diagnosisCodeableConcept.coding.codeTop Level
insuranceid-The athena patient insurance ID.Integer0..1ExplanationOfBenefitinsurance.coverage.referenceTop Level