xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Vitals (Encounters)

Source Object: Vitals (Encounters)

Overview: The "Vitals (Encounters)" source object contains data related to vital signs recorded during patient encounters. These vital signs are critical for assessing a patient's overall health and monitoring changes over time.

Key Data Fields:

  • Code: Code representing the vital sign measurement (e.g., heart rate, blood pressure).
  • Code Description: Description of the vital sign code.
  • Code Set: The set or system that defines the vital sign code.
  • Reading Taken: Date and time when the vital sign measurement was recorded.
  • Unit: The unit of measurement (e.g., bpm for heart rate, mmHg for blood pressure).
  • Value: The actual value of the vital sign measurement.
  • Vital ID: Unique identifier for the vital sign record.
  • Clinical Element ID: Identifier for the clinical element associated with the vital sign.
  • Created By: Healthcare professional who recorded the vital sign.
  • Created Date: Date when the vital sign data was created.
  • Is Graphable: A flag indicating if the vital sign data is graphable.
  • Last Modified By: Last user who modified the vital sign data.
  • Last Modified Date: Date when the vital sign data was last modified.
  • Reading ID: Identifier for the specific reading.
  • Source: The source or instrument used to record the vital sign.
  • Source ID: Identifier for the source or instrument.
  • Percentile Specifications: High and low percentile values for reference.
  • Abbreviation: Abbreviated name or symbol for the vital sign.
  • Key: Unique identifier key for the vital sign record.
  • Ordering: The order or sequence of vital sign records.

These vital sign measurements are crucial for clinical assessments and patient monitoring, providing valuable insights into a patient's health status during encounters.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
code-Code indentifier for the reading.String0..1Observationcode.coding[1].code---Top Level
codedescription-Description of the code identifier.String0..1Observationcode.coding[1].codedescription---Top Level
codeset-Codeset of the code.String0..1Observationcode.coding[1].system---Top Level
readingtaken-Date that the reading was taken.String0..1Observationissued---Top Level
unit-Unit that describes this vital's value.String0..1ObservationvalueQuantity.unit---Top Level
value-The value of this reading. NOTE: for numeric values, the units are always in the 'native' units per the configuration.String0..1ObservationvalueQuantity.value---Top Level
vitalid-Unique ID for this vital attribute reading. Used to update/delete this reading.Integer0..1Observationid---Top Level
clinicalelementid-Key used to identify this particular vital attributeString0..1Observationextension[*].valueString--clinical-element-idTop Level
createdby-The athenaNet username of the person who entered the vital.String0..1Observationextension[*].valueString--created-byTop Level
createddate-The date this vital was entered into the chart. Returned in mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss format.String0..1Observationextension[*].valueString--created-dateTop Level
isgraphable-Flag indicating if this vital is graphable.String0..1Observationextension[*].valueString--is-graphableTop Level
lastmodifiedby-The athenaNet username of the user that last modified the reading. This API attribute is being rolled out and will be Generally Available on or before July 1, 2022.String0..1Observationextension[*].valueString--last-modified-byTop Level
lastmodifieddate-The date this vital was last modified. Returned in mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss format. This API attribute is being rolled out and will be Generally Available on or before July 1, 2022.String0..1Observationextension[*].valueString--last-modified-dateTop Level
readingid-Numeric key used to tie related and distinguish separate readings. So the diastolic and systolic blood pressure should have the same readingid.Integer0..1Observationextension[*].valueInteger--reading-idTop Level
source-The source of this reading.String0..1Observationextension[*].valueString--sourceTop Level
sourceid-External key to source.Integer0..1Observationextension[*].valueString--source-idTop Level
percentilespec.high-The highest value the y value could be.String0..1ObservationreferenceRange.high.value---Top Level
percentilespec.highordinal-Ordinal of the high value.String0..1ObservationreferenceRange.extensions[*].valueString--high-ordinalTop Level
percentilespec.low-The lowest value that y could be.String0..1ObservationreferenceRange.low.value---Top Level
percentilespec.lowordinal-Ordinal of the lowest value.String0..1ObservationreferenceRange.extensions[*].valueString--low-ordinalTop Level
percentilespec.prefix-Indicator of less than or greater. Possible values: (>,<)String0..1ObservationreferenceRange.extensions[*].valueString--prefixTop Level
abbreviation-Short human-readable string for this vital group. E.g., Ht.String0..1Observationextension[*].valueString--abbreviationTop Level
key-Key for this vital group. E.g., HEIGHT.String0..1Observationextension[*].valueString--keyTop Level
ordering-Configured order for this vital groupInteger0..1Observationextension[*].valueString--orderingTop Level