xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Drug Intolerance

Drug Intolerance

Source Object: Drug Intolerance

The Drug Intolerance source object is used to record and manage instances where patients exhibit intolerance or adverse reactions to specific drugs. This information is crucial for healthcare providers to ensure patient safety and avoid prescribing medications that may cause harm.


In healthcare, it's essential to document and track instances where patients exhibit intolerance or adverse reactions to certain drugs. The Drug Intolerance source object provides a structured way to record and manage this information. It captures details such as the drug name, the patient affected, the nature of the reaction, its severity, and relevant dates.


The Drug Intolerance source object serves several important purposes within a healthcare platform:

  1. Patient Safety: It helps ensure patient safety by recording and tracking drug intolerances or adverse reactions, preventing the prescription of such drugs in the future.
  2. Medication Management: Healthcare providers can use this data to make informed decisions about drug prescriptions, avoiding drugs that patients have previously shown intolerance to.
  3. Allergy Assessment: Drug intolerances may be indicative of broader allergies or sensitivities. This information can be used to assess patients for related allergies.
  4. Medical Records: It becomes a part of the patient's medical record, allowing for comprehensive and accurate patient history.
  5. Clinical Decision Support: Integrated healthcare systems can use this data to provide clinical decision support, warning providers about potential intolerances or interactions.
  6. Research and Reporting: Aggregated data on drug intolerances can be used for research, reporting, and adverse event analysis.

The Drug Intolerance source object plays a vital role in patient safety and medication management within healthcare systems, ensuring that patients receive appropriate and safe treatment.

Mapping Table

Data FieldSource Field Data TypeResource Mapping ContextSource Data Field CardinalitySource Data Field DescriptionExample ValueSource Data Field Validation RuleMapped FHIR ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapped FHIR Data Field Type
created_dateDateTimeTop Level0..1The date the drug was created2016-05-02T13:29:28Z-AllergyIntolerancerecordedDate-NA-TBD
deleted_dateDateTimeTop Level0..1The date the drug was deleted2016-05-02T13:29:28Z-AllergyIntoleranceextension[*].valueDateTime-NAdeleted-dateTBD
idIntegerTop Level0..1The id of the Drug Intolerance64296189993-AllergyIntoleranceid-NA-TBD
nameStringTop Level0..1The Drug Intolerance's name; e.g. what drug the patient cannot toleratetylenol-AllergyIntolerancecode.coding[1].display-NA-TBD
patientIntegerTop Level1..1The id of the patient140756523220993-AllergyIntolerancepatient.reference-NA-TBD
reactionStringTop Level0..1The type of reaction the patient experiences when taking the drugHives-AllergyIntolerancereaction[1].description-NA-TBD
severityStringTop Level0..1The severity of the patient's reaction24484000-AllergyIntolerancereaction[1].severity-NA-TBD
start_dateDateTimeTop Level0..1The date of onset for the drug intolerance1980-01-01-AllergyIntoleranceonsetDateTime-NA-TBD
statusBooleanTop Level0..1Whether the drug intolerance is active or not11,0AllergyIntoleranceclinicalStatus.code.coding[1].code and clinicalStatus.code.coding[1].display-NA-TBD