xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Family History

Family History

Source Object: Family History

The Family History source object encompasses information related to a patient's family medical history, focusing on various aspects such as specific conditions, relationships, and relevant codes.


Family medical history plays a critical role in assessing a patient's risk factors for various hereditary or familial health conditions. The Family History source object is designed to capture and organize this important information within a patient's electronic health record (EHR).


The Family History source object has the following key uses within a healthcare platform:

  1. Documenting Family History: It serves as a structured repository for recording and organizing a patient's family medical history. This may include information about conditions that run in the family or any noteworthy health issues among close relatives.
  2. Identifying Relationships: The source object includes data about the patient's relationships with family members, helping to establish a clear picture of how medical conditions may be inherited.
  3. Coding and Standardization: ICD-9 and SNOMED codes are utilized to standardize and categorize specific medical conditions, ensuring consistency in recording and retrieval of family history data.
  4. Created and Deleted Dates: These dates provide insights into when the family history information was added or removed, contributing to data audit trails.
  5. Enhanced Risk Assessment: Family history data aids healthcare providers in assessing a patient's risk for hereditary conditions and tailoring preventive measures or early detection strategies accordingly.

The Family History source object is an essential component in delivering personalized healthcare by considering genetic factors and family trends in medical assessments and decision-making.

Mapping Table

Data FieldSource Field Data TypeResource Mapping ContextSource Data Field CardinalitySource Data Field DescriptionExample ValueSource Data Field Validation RuleMapped FHIR ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapped FHIR Data Field Type
created_dateDateTimeTop Level0..1The date the family history was created2016-10-13T15:00:38Zread-onlyFamilyMemberHistorydate-NA-TBD
deleted_dateDateTimeTop Level0..1The date the family history was deletednullread-onlyFamilyMemberHistoryextension[*].valueDate-NAdeleted-datedateTime
icd9_codeStringTop Level0..1The icd9 code of the family historynullstring(50)FamilyMemberHistorycondition[1].code.coding[*].code-ICD9-TBD
idIntegerTop Level0..1The id of the family history67178004806long(64)FamilyMemberHistoryid-NA-TBD
patientIntegerTop Level1..1The id of the patient64058687489-FamilyMemberHistorypatient.reference-NA-TBD
relationshipStringTop Level1..1The relationship of the family member of the family historyMother"Mother", "Father", "Brother", "Sister", "Son", "Daughter", "Grandmother", "Grandfather", "Aunt", "Uncle", "Other"FamilyMemberHistoryrelationship.coding[1].display-NA-TBD
snomed_codeStringTop Level0..1The snomed code of the family history49436004-FamilyMemberHistorycondition[1].code.coding[*].code-Snomed-TBD
textStringTop Level0..1The value (or text) of the family history-string(500)FamilyMemberHistorycondition[1].code.coding[*].display-NA-TBD