xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Lab Vendor

Lab Vendor

Source Object: Lab Vendor

The Lab Vendor source object is a fundamental component of healthcare data systems, specifically relating to laboratory test orders and results. It serves as a repository for information about different lab vendors, their services, and integrations with healthcare practices.


Lab Vendors are organizations or entities that provide laboratory testing services, often in partnership with healthcare practices. The Lab Vendor source object is designed to capture and manage essential information about these vendors, including their capabilities, test compendiums, and integration status with healthcare practices.


The Lab Vendor source object fulfills the following key purposes:

  1. Vendor Information: It contains basic details about lab vendors, such as the vendor's name and a display name for identification.
  2. Integration Status: Indicates whether a lab vendor offers integration capabilities with healthcare practices. This includes both orders integration (the ability to receive and process test orders) and results integration (the ability to send test results back to the practice).
  3. Test Compendiums: Lab vendors typically maintain a compendium of available tests. This source object may include information about these test compendiums, such as codes, names, and last update dates.
  4. Default Compendium: It may specify a default test compendium offered by the vendor.

Lab vendors play a vital role in the healthcare ecosystem, as they provide essential laboratory testing services required for patient diagnosis and treatment. Healthcare practices often partner with lab vendors to access a broad range of tests. By documenting information about lab vendors, healthcare systems can ensure efficient communication and coordination for ordering and retrieving test results.

Lab Vendor source objects facilitate the integration between healthcare practices and lab vendors, streamlining the process of ordering tests and receiving results. This integration is crucial for providing timely and accurate healthcare services.

Mapping Table

Data FieldSource Field Data TypeResource Mapping ContextSource Data Field CardinalitySource Data Field DescriptionExample ValueSource Data Field Validation RuleMapped FHIR ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapped FHIR Data Field Type
display_nameStringTop Level0..1The display name of the Lab Vendor--Organizationalias-NA-TBD
has_order_compendiumBooleanTop Level0..1---Organizationextension[*].valueBoolean-NAhas-orderTBD
has_test_compendiumBooleanTop Level0..1---Organizationextension[*].valueBoolean-NAhas-testTBD
idIntegerTop Level0..1Represents id of the lab vendor--Organizationid-NA-TBD
nameStringTop Level0..1The name of the Lab Vendor--Organizationname-NA-TBD
orders_integration_availableBooleanTop Level0..1---Organizationextension[*].valueBoolean-NAorders-integrationTBD
practice_createdIntegerTop Level0..1The id of the practice that created the test if practice created.--Organizationextension[*].valueInteger-NApractice-createdTBD
results_integration_availableBooleanTop Level0..1---Organizationextension[*].valueBoolean-NAresults-integrationTBD
compendiumsObjectContained0..*List of Compendium Object--Composition--NA-TBD
compendiums.idIntegerContained0..1Represents the id of compendium--Compositioncontained[].contained[].id-NA-TBD
compendiums.nameStringContained0..1Name of the compendium--Compositioncontained[].contained[].title-NA-TBD
default_compendiumObjectContained0..1Represents the default compendium-Composition--NA-TBD
default_compendium.idIntegerContained0..1Represents the id of compendium--Compositioncontained[*].id-NA-TBD
default_compendium.nameStringContained0..1Name of the compendium--Compositioncontained[*].title-NA-TBD