xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Non Visit Note

Non-Visit Note

Source Object: Non-Visit Note

The Non-Visit Note source object represents notes or documents in a healthcare system that are related to a patient but are not associated with a specific visit or encounter. These notes can cover various topics and are typically created for documentation, communication, or informational purposes.


Non-visit notes are an essential part of a patient's medical record, providing a means to document important information and details that may not be tied to a specific appointment or encounter. They serve as a flexible and versatile tool for healthcare providers to maintain comprehensive patient records.


The Non-Visit Note source object is utilized in the following ways:

  1. Note Storage: It stores the content of non-visit notes, including text-based information, which can cover a wide range of topics, such as patient history, follow-up instructions, or general health information.
  2. Timestamps: The source object includes timestamps such as creation date, document date, and signed date to maintain a chronological record of when the note was created and signed.
  3. Patient Association: Notes are associated with a specific patient, ensuring that the information is linked to the correct individual's medical history.
  4. Tags: Non-visit notes may be tagged with codes or descriptors to categorize and classify the type or content of the note, making it easier to retrieve specific information.

Non-visit notes are an important component of electronic health records, as they allow healthcare providers to capture a wide range of patient-related information in a structured and organized manner.

Mapping Table

Data FieldSource Field Data TypeResource Mapping ContextSource Data Field CardinalitySource Data Field DescriptionExample ValueSource Data Field Validation RuleMapped FHIR ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapped FHIR Data Field Type
chart_dateDateTimeTop Level0..1-2016-10-15T23:32:43Z-DocumentReferencecontext.period.start-NA-TBD
created_dateDateTimeTop Level0..1-2016-10-15T23:32:43Z-DocumentReferenceextension[*].valueStringcreated-dateNAcreated-dateTBD
deleted_dateDateTimeTop Level0..1-null-DocumentReferenceextension[*].valueStringdeleted-dateNAdeleted-dateTBD
document_dateDateTimeTop Level0..1-2016-10-15T23:32:43Z-DocumentReferencedate-NA-TBD
idLongTop Level0..1-67179970585-DocumentReferenceid-NA-TBD
notesObjectTop Level0..*---DocumentReference--NAnotesTBD
notes.textStringTop Level0..1-this is phone note-DocumentReferenceextension[].extension[].valueString-NAnoteTBD
patientIntegerTop Level0..1-64058687489-DocumentReferencesubject.referencePatientNA-TBD
signed_byIntegerTop Level0..1-131074-DocumentReferenceextension[*].valueStringsigned-byNAsigned-bystring
signed_dateDateTimeTop Level0..1-2016-10-15T23:34:18Z-DocumentReferenceextension[*].valueStringsigned-dateNAsigned-dateTBD
tagsObjectTop Level0..*---DocumentReference--NAtagsTBD
tags.codeStringTop Level0..1-45378-DocumentReferenceextension[].extension[].valueCodeableConcept.coding[*].code-NA-TBD
tags.code_typeStringTop Level0..1-CPT-DocumentReferenceextension[].extension[].valueCodeableConcept.extensions[*].valueString-NAcode-typestring
tags.valueStringTop Level0..1-Colonoscopy (Screening)-DocumentReferenceextension[].extension[].valueCodeableConcept.coding[*].display-NA-TBD
typeValueSetTop Level0..1-phone"email", "nonvisit", "phone"DocumentReferencetype.coding[*].display-NA-string