xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Thread Member

Thread Member

Source Object: Thread Member

The Thread Member source object represents users and their participation in message threads within the healthcare platform.


Thread Members are individuals or users who are part of a conversation or message thread. This source object tracks their participation and provides valuable information about the messages exchanged in a healthcare context.


The Thread Member source object is used for various purposes within a healthcare platform:

  1. Message Thread Association: The "thread" field connects a thread member to a specific message thread, indicating which conversation they are a part of.
  2. User Identification: Each thread member is assigned a unique identifier ("id") to distinguish them in the system.
  3. Acknowledgment Time: The "ack_time" field records the time when a thread member acknowledged a message or took action, which can be crucial for tracking responses and ensuring effective communication.
  4. Status: The "status" field signifies the status of the thread member in the conversation, helping differentiate between senders, receivers, and other participants.
  5. Message Information: The "body," "send_date," "sender," and "to_document" fields provide details about the messages sent or received by the thread member.
  6. Patient and Practice: The "patient" and "practice" fields can specify the patient associated with the message thread and the healthcare practice to which the thread member belongs.

Message threads are an essential part of healthcare communication, and the Thread Member source object is instrumental in managing and tracking these interactions.

Mapping Table

Data FieldSource Field Data TypeResource Mapping ContextSource Data Field CardinalitySource Data Field DescriptionExample ValueSource Data Field Validation RuleMapped FHIR ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapped FHIR Data Field Type
ack_timeDateTimeTop Level0..1The time at which the member acknowledge the message thread.--Practitionerextension[*].valueBoolean-NAack-timeTBD
groupIntegerTop Level0..1The id of the group referenced by this thread member. Should only ever be one of either a user or group set for the thread member.--Practitionerextension[*].valueInteger-NAgroupTBD
idIntegerTop Level0..1The id of the thread member.--Practitionerid-NA-TBD
statusStringTop Level0..1Whether this member has acknowledged the message thread.-Addressed,Requiring ActionPractitionerextension[*].valueString-NAstatusTBD
threadIntegerTop Level0..1The id of the thread this thread member is a member of.--Practitionerextension[*].valueInteger-NAthreadTBD
userIntegerTop Level0..1The id of the user referenced by this thread member. Should only ever be one of either a user or group set for the thread member.--Practitionerextension[*].valueInteger-NAuserTBD
bodyStringTop Level0..1The actual message body--Communicationpayload[*].contentString-NA-TBD
idIntegerTop Level0..1The id of the thread message--Communicationid-NA-TBD
patientIntegerTop Level0..1The patient id--Communicationsubject.referencePatientNA-TBD
practiceIntegerTop Level0..1The practice id--Communicationextension[*].valueReference.reference-NApracticeTBD
send_dateDateTop Level0..1The date of when the message was sent--Communicationsent-NA-TBD
senderIntegerTop Level0..1The id of who sent the message--Communicationsender.referencePractitionerNA-TBD
threadIntegerTop Level0..1The message thread id--Communicationextension[*].valueInteger-NAthreadTBD
to_documentObjectTop Level0..1---Communication--NA-TBD