xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Encounter Provider

Encounter Provider


The Encounter Provider data model is a comprehensive representation of patient encounters with healthcare providers across various stages of the patient's journey. This data model focuses on capturing essential fields derived from the PV1 (Patient Visit) segment of HL7 messages. It serves as a valuable resource for healthcare data management, facilitating the tracking and analysis of patient interactions with healthcare providers within diverse healthcare contexts.

Use Case

Developers can harness the Encounter Provider data model for a multitude of use cases within the healthcare domain:

  1. Provider Performance Assessment: Healthcare organizations can utilize this model to evaluate the performance of different providers by examining data such as provider types, visit numbers, and interaction types. This aids in assessing the quality of care provided by individual healthcare professionals.
  2. Patient Interaction Timeline: Developers can query data fields such as bedside_datetime, visit numbers, and lineage to construct detailed timelines of patient-provider interactions. This facilitates understanding the sequence of events during a patient's journey within a healthcare facility.
  3. Patient Identification: The model offers data elements like visit numbers and alternate visit IDs, enabling developers to accurately identify and track patients across multiple interactions with healthcare providers.
  4. Billing and Claims Processing: Healthcare billing and finance departments can benefit from querying data such as encounter IDs and provider IDs. This information is pivotal for precise billing, insurance claims processing, and financial reporting.
  5. Quality Assurance: Healthcare quality assurance teams can use the model to assess the quality of care provided by different provider types. They can also analyze interaction types to ensure adherence to healthcare standards and best practices.
  6. Provider Type Analysis: Healthcare organizations can analyze provider type data to optimize staffing levels and allocate resources effectively based on the types of providers required for specific patient interactions.
  7. Reporting and Compliance: The data model supports compliance reporting by providing essential data fields related to provider types, encounter IDs, and interaction types. This ensures that healthcare organizations comply with regulatory standards and guidelines.
  8. Outcome Analysis: Developers can use the model to correlate patient outcomes with specific provider interactions. This helps in identifying patterns and trends related to the effectiveness of different provider types and interaction types.

Data Fields

Attribute NameDescriptionHL7 MappingData TypeLabelUse Case
bedside_datetimeBed side Date and timePV1-52dateDatetimeThis field captures the date and time of specific bedside events or actions related to patient care, such as procedures, assessments, or vital sign measurements.
alternate_visit_idAlternative visit idPV1-50/PID-18stringAlternate Visit IdThis field provides an alternate identifier for a patient's visit. It is used for tracking and cross-referencing patient visits and records, especially in scenarios requiring multiple identifiers or references. This field is recorded during patient registration and aids in accurate record linkage.
message_typeType of interactionMSH-9-1stringMessage Sub TypeThe "Message Type" field specifies the type or class of HL7 message being transmitted, such as admission, discharge, transfer, query, or acknowledgment.
xc_visit_idXC visit idBased on alternate_visit_id followed by visit_number followed by system generated IDstringXC visit idThe "xc_visit_id" is a unique identifier used to group together all the interactions, procedures, tests, and check-ups associated with a single patient visit in a healthcare setting. This identifier helps in organising and managing various activities and data related to that specific patient encounter.
provider_typeRole of the providerPV1-7, PV1-8, PV1-9, PV1-17, PV1-52stringProvider TypeThis field in the PV1 (Patient Visit) segment can specify the attending doctor's identification and, indirectly, their provider type or specialty. The attending doctor may belong to a specific specialty or practice type.
lineageThis is lineage attributeFixed - HL7stringLineage"lineage" refers to the information about the origin or source of a message. It helps trace the path of the message, indicating where it originated, how it was transmitted, and any intermediate systems or components it passed through before reaching its destination.
bundle_idID of bundleMSH-10stringBundle ID“bundle ID" typically refers to a unique identifier assigned to a group or bundle of related messages or data elements. This identifier is used to associate multiple messages or pieces of information that are related to a specific patient, event, or transaction.
encounter_idThis is encounter_id attributePV1+MSH-10stringEncounter IDThis unique identifier is used to associate various HL7 messages with a specific patient encounter or visit. It ensures that data and events are accurately linked to the correct patient's healthcare journey.
patient_idThis is patient_id attributePID-3-1stringPatient IDThe patient ID is a unique identifier assigned to a patient within the healthcare system. It is used to accurately identify and link a patient's medical records, treatments, and history.
visit_numberId of the visitPV1-19-1stringVisit NumberThis field contains a unique identifier for a specific patient visit or encounter within a healthcare facility. It serves as a reference number for tracking and managing patient visits.
provider_uidThis is provider_uid attributeSystem GeneratedstringProvider UIDThis is the unique identifier assigned to a healthcare provider. It distinguishes one provider from another within the XC system.
provider_idId of the providerPV1-7+MSH-10, PV1-8+MSH-9, PV1-9+MSH-9, PV1-17+MSH-10, PV1-52+MSH-10stringProvider IdThis field in the PV1 (Patient Visit) segment can specify the identification of the attending doctor or healthcare provider responsible for the patient's care. This field may contain a provider identifier.
typeType of interactionPV1-4stringTypeThe "Type of Interaction" field specifies the classification or type of interaction that is taking place within a healthcare facility. It categorizes the reason for the patient's presence or interaction.
batch_idBatch idSystem GeneratedstringBatch ID