xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh




The Interaction data model serves as a comprehensive record of the interactions between patients and healthcare providers across various stages of a patient's healthcare journey. It encompasses essential details, including the recorded date and time of interactions, the facility where the interaction occurred, indicators for readmission, financial information like the current patient balance, account status, and the servicing facility. This model plays a pivotal role in managing and analyzing patient-provider interactions within healthcare systems.

Use Case

Developers can leverage the Interaction data model for a wide range of use cases to query and analyze patient-provider interaction data, thereby improving healthcare processes and patient care. Some notable use cases include:

  1. Patient History and Engagement: Developers can use this model to access historical records of patient interactions with healthcare facilities. This information enables a better understanding of patient history and engagement patterns, aiding in personalized care.
  2. Readmission Analysis: By querying the readmission_indicator field, developers can identify instances of patient readmission. This is crucial for healthcare institutions to monitor and address potential issues related to patient health and treatment.
  3. Financial Management: The current_patient_balance and account_status fields are valuable for financial management purposes. Developers can use these fields to track and manage patient accounts, billing, and payments effectively.
  4. Quality of Care Assessment: Developers can analyze interaction data to assess the quality of care provided to patients. This includes evaluating patient satisfaction, treatment outcomes, and adherence to healthcare protocols.
  5. Facility Performance Analysis: The facility field allows developers to analyze interactions by location or facility. This is useful for evaluating the performance of different healthcare facilities, identifying trends, and making informed decisions about resource allocation.
  6. Healthcare Analytics: Interaction data can be aggregated and analysed to derive insights into patient demographics, utilization patterns, lengths of stay, and overall healthcare system performance. These insights are essential for data-driven decision-making.
  7. Risk Assessment: Developers can use this model to identify potential risks associated with patient interactions. For example, analyzing readmission data can help identify patients at higher risk of re-hospitalisation1.
  8. Billing and Revenue Cycle Management: Interaction data assists in reconciling patient interactions with billing records, streamlining revenue cycle management, and ensuring accurate billing processes.
  9. Resource Allocation: Interaction data aids in optimizing resource allocation within healthcare systems by providing insights into patient demand, facility usage, and service utilization.

Data Fields

Field NameDescriptionHL7 MappingLabelUse Case
recorded_datetimeDate and time of recording of the interaction - always presentORC-9, EVN-2dateThis field indicates when a specific event or interaction, such as an admission, discharge, transfer, or other healthcare event, was recorded. This timestamp is crucial for tracking the timing of important healthcare events.
facilityFacility concernedPV1-3+MSH-10stringThis field is essential for identifying the specific facility or location within a healthcare system where the patient is situated. This information is critical for patient tracking and care coordination.
ratingRating provided by coders to the interactionNA to HL7stringRating
lineageThis is lineage attributeFixed - HL7string"lineage" refers to the information about the origin or source of a message. It helps trace the path of the message, indicating where it originated, how it was transmitted, and any intermediate systems or components it passed through before reaching its destination.
message_typeType of interactionMSH-9-1stringMSH-9-1 represents the message type within the MSH (Message Header) segment of an HL7 message. It indicates the type or purpose of the HL7 message, such as an admission message (ADT^A01), discharge message (ADT^A03), or laboratory result message (ORU^R01).
typeType of interactionPV1-44stringThis field represents the type of interaction or activity related to a patient's stay or visit within a healthcare facility. It indicates whether the interaction is an admission, transfer, discharge, or other relevant activity.
readmission_indicatorReadmission indicatorPV1-13stringThis field indicates if a patient's current admission is a readmission. It's crucial for care planning and resource allocation, helping identify patients with a history of returning for further care.
patient_idId of the patientPID-3-1stringThis field serves as a unique identifier for the patient within the healthcare system. It ensures that the patient's data and records are correctly associated with their identity.
current_patient_balanceBalance of the patientPV1-46stringThis field represents the current financial balance or amount owed by the patient for healthcare services received during their stay at a healthcare facility.
account_statusStatus of the accountPV1-41stringThis field denotes the financial account status associated with a patient's visit or encounter within a healthcare facility. It signifies whether the account is open, closed, in dispute, or in another state.
servicing_facilityServicing facilityPV1-3-4stringThis field provides information about the specific servicing facility or department within a healthcare organisation where a patient is currently receiving
total_paymentsTotal PaymentsPV1-49stringThis field captures the total payments made or expected for a patient's care within a healthcare facility. It includes payments received from insurance, patients, or other sources.
batch_idBatch idSystem Generatedstring"batch ID" is a unique identifier assigned to a group of messages that are logically grouped together for processing or transmission. Batching messages is a common practice in healthcare systems to efficiently manage and transmit multiple messages as a single unit
visit_indicatorIndicator of visitPV1-51stringThis field helps identify and categorise different types of patient visits or encounters within a healthcare facility. It may indicate the purpose of the visit, such as routine check-up, emergency, surgery, or consultation.
total_chargesTotal ChargesPV1-47stringThis field represents the total charges associated with a patient's stay or visit within a healthcare facility which is used to generate invoices and submit claims to insurance companies or payers.
financial_classFinancial class codePV1-20stringThis field represents the financial class assigned to a patient, which categorises the patient's financial responsibility, insurance coverage, or eligibility for specific financial assistance programs.
visit_numberId of the visitPV1-19-1stringThis field contains a unique identifier for a specific patient visit or encounter within a healthcare facility. It serves as a reference number for tracking and managing patient visits.
bedside_datetimeBed side Date and timeTXA-4,EVN-2,EVN-6,PV1-44,MSH-10dateThis field captures the date and time of specific bedside events or actions related to patient care, such as procedures, assessments, or vital sign measurements.
preadmit_test_indicatorPreadmit test indicatorPV1-12stringThis field indicates whether specific pre-admission tests or assessments have been conducted for a patient before their formal admission to a healthcare facility.
patient_typeType of the patientPV1-18stringThis field specifies the type of patient being admitted to a healthcare facility. It categorises the patient based on criteria such as inpatient, outpatient, observation, or emergency.
admission_typeType of the admission like Routine, Urgent etc.PV1-4stringThis field represents the type of admission or entry method through which a patient is admitted to a healthcare facility. It is vital for care planning and resource allocation within healthcare facilities.
diet_typeDiet typePV1-38stringThis field indicates the type of diet that a patient is prescribed or receiving during their stay at a healthcare facility. It is essential for managing a patient's nutritional needs during their hospital stay.
ambulatory_statusAmbulatory statusPV1-15stringThis field describes the patient's ambulatory status, indicating whether the patient is ambulatory (able to walk) or non-ambulatory (unable to walk).
bundle_idID of bundleMSH-10string“bundle ID" typically refers to a unique identifier assigned to a group or bundle of related messages or data elements. This identifier is used to associate multiple messages or pieces of information that are related to a specific patient, event, or transaction.
alternate_visit_idAlternative visit idPV1-50/PID-18stringThis field provides an alternate identifier for a patient's visit. It is used for tracking and cross-referencing patient visits and records, especially in scenarios requiring multiple identifiers or references. This field is recorded during patient registration and aids in accurat
datetimeDate and time of the interactionPV1-44dateThis field specifies the date and time when a patient is admitted to a healthcare facility. It records the precise moment when the patient's admission process began. This information is crucial for maintaining accurate patient records, billing, resource allocation, and care planning
total_adjustmentsTotal AdjustmentsPV1-48stringThis field specifies the total adjustments made to a patient's account for their visit or encounter at a healthcare facility. It represents the sum of all adjustments, including discounts, write-offs, or contractual allowances.
preadmit_numberPreadmit numberPV1-5stringThis field contains a pre-admission number or identifier assigned before formal admission. This temporary identifier assists in tracking pre-admission processes and facilitates the transition to full admission once the patient's registration is complete.
hospital_serviceHospital service like cardiac, medical etc.PV1-10stringThis field indicates the type of hospital service the patient is receiving or is expected to receive during their stay in a healthcare facility. It categorises the patient's care based on the services provided.
xc_visit_idXC visit idBased on alternate_visit_id followed by visit_number followed by system generated IDstringThe "xc_visit_id" is a unique identifier used to group together all the interactions, procedures, tests, and check-ups associated with a single patient visit in a healthcare setting. This identifier helps in organising and managing various activities and data related to that specific patient encounter.
admit_datetimeDate time of admissionPV1-44dateThis field specifies the date and time when a patient is admitted to a healthcare facility. It records the precise moment when the patient's admission process began. This information is crucial for maintaining accurate patient records, billing, resource allocation, and care planning.
discharge_datetimeDate time of dischargePV1-45dateThis field is critical for tracking and documenting the movement of patients within a healthcare facility. It marks the moment when the patient transitions from inpatient to discharge status.
admit_sourceSource of admission like referral or transferPV1-14stringThis field specifies the source or location from which the patient was admitted. It indicates whether the patient was admitted from the emergency room, transferred from another facility, or came from another source. This information is crucial for care planning and resource allocation, ensuring that patients receive appropriate care upon admission based on their source.
discharge_dispositionDischarge dispositionPV1-36stringThis field specifies the disposition or destination of the patient after discharge from a healthcare facility. It indicates where the patient is going or what is happening to them after leaving the facility. Common values include "Home," "Another Healthcare Facility," etc.
reasonReason for the interactionEVN-4stringThis field serves as contextual information for healthcare interactions. It helps healthcare providers, systems, and recipients understand why a particular event or action is taking place.
encounter_idEncounter IDPV1+MSH-10stringThis unique identifier is used to associate various HL7 messages with a specific patient encounter or visit. It ensures that data and events are accurately linked to the correct patient's healthcare journey.
bed_statusStatus of the bedPV1-40stringThis field captures the status of a patient's bed within a healthcare facility. It indicates whether the bed is currently occupied, vacant, reserved, or undergoing cleaning or maintenance.
interaction_idId of interactionMSH, MSH-10stringMSH-10 represents the unique identifier assigned to an HL7 message. It is used to track and manage the message throughout its lifecycle.
discharged_to_locationDischarge locationPV1-37stringThis field represents the location or destination where a patient is discharged after their stay at a healthcare facility. This location can include home, another healthcare facility, a long-term care facility, or other relevant destinations.
patient_classPatient class like emergency, Inpatient etc.PV1-2stringThis field represents the patient class, which categorises the type of patient within a healthcare facility. Common values for this field include "Inpatient," "Outpatient," and "Emergency."

Similar Models

Here are the models that are similar to the current data model

Interaction_Identifier - It captures and gives information regarding the interaction of the patient with a specific type of provider

  1. readmission?