xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Invoice Diagnosis Code

Invoice Diagnosis Code


The invoice Diagnosis Code data model plays a pivotal role in healthcare financial systems by managing and organizing medical diagnosis codes used for billing and insurance claims on healthcare invoices. It provides a structured approach to handle diagnosis-related data within the context of patient journeys, especially within the FT1 (Financial Transaction) and PV1 (Patient Visit) HL7 segments. This model ensures that diagnosis codes are accurately associated with healthcare transactions, facilitating transparent billing and insurance claims processes.

Use Case

Developers can leverage the invoice diagnosis code data model to support various technical use cases, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of diagnosis-related billing and claims processes:

  1. Claims Validation: Developers can use this model to validate diagnosis codes against established medical coding standards, ensuring that submitted claims contain accurate and compliant diagnosis information.
  2. Insurance Claims: Developers can integrate this model with insurance claims processing systems to link diagnosis codes with insurance claims. This linkage is essential for insurers to assess the validity of claims.
  3. Claims Adjudication: The model aids developers in claims adjudication processes by ensuring that diagnosis codes match the services provided. This helps in determining whether a claim should be approved or denied.
  4. Billing Audits: Developers can use this model to support billing audits, ensuring that diagnosis codes on invoices align with the services documented in patient records.
  5. Data Analytics: Researchers and analysts can use this model to perform data analytics on diagnosis-related information. This can include assessing the prevalence of specific diagnoses, trends in billing, and the impact of diagnosis coding on revenue.
  6. Denial Management: Developers can build denial management systems that analyze diagnosis codes associated with denied claims, helping healthcare organizations identify and address common denial reasons.
  7. Reporting: Developers can generate reports that include diagnosis code-related data, assisting healthcare organizations in tracking the utilization of specific codes and their impact on billing and claims processing.
  8. Clinical Decision Support: Developers can integrate this model with clinical decision support systems to provide clinicians with real-time guidance on appropriate diagnosis code selection during patient encounters.
  9. Audit Trails: The model can be used to create audit trails of diagnosis code-related activities, ensuring transparency and accountability in diagnosis code management.
  10. Coding Quality Assurance: Developers can implement coding quality assurance processes that analyze diagnosis codes for consistency, completeness, and accuracy.

Data Fields

Attribute NameDescriptionHL7 MappingData TypeLabelUse Case
bundle_idID of bundleMSH-10stringBundle ID“bundle ID" typically refers to a unique identifier assigned to a group or bundle of related messages or data elements. This identifier is used to associate multiple messages or pieces of information that are related to a specific patient, event, or transaction.
alternate_visit_idAlternative visit idPV1-50/PID-18stringAlternate Visit IdThis field provides an alternate identifier for a patient's visit. It is used for tracking and cross-referencing patient visits and records, especially in scenarios requiring multiple identifiers or references. This field is recorded during patient registration and aids in accurate record linkage.
batch_idBatch idSystem GeneratedstringBatch ID"batch ID" is a unique identifier assigned to a group of messages that are logically grouped together for processing or transmission. Batching messages is a common practice in healthcare systems to efficiently manage and transmit multiple messages as a single unit
visit_numberId of the visitPV1-19-1stringVisit NumberThe visit number serves as a unique identifier for a specific patient visit or encounter within a healthcare facility. It distinguishes one visit from another.
patient_idThis is patient_id attributePID-3-1stringPatient IDThe patient ID is a unique identifier assigned to a patient within the healthcare system. It is used to accurately identify and link a patient's medical records, treatments, and history.
xc_visit_idXC visit idBased on alternate_visit_id followed by visit_number followed by system generated IDstringXC visit idThe "xc_visit_id" is a unique identifier used to group together all the interactions, procedures, tests, and check-ups associated with a single patient visit in a healthcare setting. This identifier helps in organising and managing various activities and data related to that specific patient encounter.
invoice_idThis is invoice_id attributeFT1+MSH-10stringInvoice IDThis field can be used to create a unique identifier for an invoice or financial transaction. Healthcare organisations may use such an identifier to manage and track invoices related to patient billing.
encounter_idEncounter IDPV1+MSH-10stringEncounter IDThis unique identifier is used to associate various HL7 messages with a specific patient encounter or visit. It ensures that data and events are accurately linked to the correct patient's healthcare journey.
diagnosis_codeDiagnosis CodeDG1-3stringDiagnosis CodeThis field contains the code for a specific diagnosis or condition that has been assigned to the patient. It is used to communicate a diagnosis made by a healthcare provider.
lineageThis is lineage attributeFixed - HL7stringLineage"lineage" refers to the information about the origin or source of a message. It helps trace the path of the message, indicating where it originated, how it was transmitted, and any intermediate systems or components it passed through before reaching its destination.
diagnosis_code_idThis is diagnosis_code_id attributeSystem GeneratedstringDiagnosis Code IdThis field can refer to the unique code assigned to a specific diagnosis or medical condition. It serves as an identifier for that particular diagnosis within the coding system.