xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Order Note

Order Note


The Order Note data model is an essential component of healthcare information systems, designed to capture and manage free-text notes or comments associated with specific orders. These notes provide additional information, instructions, or context related to a particular order, ensuring that healthcare providers have a comprehensive understanding of the order's purpose and requirements. This model plays a crucial role in facilitating effective communication and coordination throughout the patient's healthcare journey.

Use Case

Developers can leverage the capabilities of the Order Note data model to support various technical use cases, enabling efficient management of order-related notes and improving the clarity and completeness of order-related information:

  1. Order Context Enrichment: Developers can create systems that associate free-text notes with specific orders, enriching the context of each order. This ensures that healthcare providers have access to all relevant information when reviewing and executing orders.
  2. Order Comment Retrieval: Developers can build applications that allow users to retrieve order-related comments or notes. This feature enables healthcare providers to access detailed information, instructions, or clarifications associated with each order.
  3. Communication and Collaboration: Developers can implement communication modules that facilitate the exchange of order-related information between healthcare providers. This ensures that important details and instructions are effectively communicated, reducing the risk of errors.
  4. Order Review and Verification: Healthcare professionals can use applications developed by developers to review and verify orders. Order-related notes provide critical context, aiding in the verification process and helping to prevent medication errors or other order-related mistakes.
  5. Order Tracking and History: Developers can create systems that maintain a history of order-related notes, allowing healthcare providers to track changes, updates, and discussions associated with specific orders over time. This is valuable for auditing and accountability.
  6. Order Clarifications: When healthcare providers encounter unclear or ambiguous orders, developers can enable them to request clarifications or additional information through the system. This ensures that orders are executed accurately.
  7. Order Reporting: Developers can design reporting tools that analyze order-related notes to identify trends or common issues. This information can be used to improve order templates, guidelines, and training materials.
  8. Order History and Audit Trail: Developers can implement an audit trail to record all interactions with order-related notes, providing transparency and accountability in the event of disputes or investigations.
  9. Integration with Clinical Decision Support: Developers can integrate order-related notes into clinical decision support systems, where they can be analyzed to provide context-aware recommendations to healthcare providers.
  10. Patient Education: Developers can create patient-facing applications that provide patients with access to simplified and relevant information from order-related notes, ensuring they understand their care instructions.
  11. Legal and Compliance: Maintaining accurate records of order-related notes is essential for legal and compliance purposes. Developers can design systems that ensure proper record-keeping and data retention.

Data Fields

Attribute NameDescriptionHL7 MappingData TypeLabelUse Case
patient_idThis is patient_id attributePID-3-1stringPatient IDThis field is used to convey information about the location within a healthcare facility where a specific action or observation took place. This segment is commonly used in laboratory-related messages (e.g., orders and results) to specify the location of a test or procedure.
xc_visit_idXC visit idBased on alternate_visit_id followed by visit_number followed by system generated IDstringXC visit idThe "xc_visit_id" is a unique identifier used to group together all the interactions, procedures, tests, and check-ups associated with a single patient visit in a healthcare setting. This identifier helps in organising and managing various activities and data related to that specific patient encounter.
note_idThis is note_id attributeNTE-1stringNote IDThis field is used to link notes or comments to relevant healthcare events, such as lab results, clinical observations, or patient encounters. This helps in organising and associating information with the right context.
bundle_idID of bundleMSH-10stringBundle ID“bundle ID" typically refers to a unique identifier assigned to a group or bundle of related messages or data elements. This identifier is used to associate multiple messages or pieces of information that are related to a specific patient, event, or transaction.
visit_numberId of the visitPV1-19-1stringVisit NumberThe visit number serves as a unique identifier for a specific patient visit or encounter within a healthcare facility. It distinguishes one visit from another.
lineageThis is lineage attributeFixed - HL7stringLineage"lineage" refers to the information about the origin or source of a message. It helps trace the path of the message, indicating where it originated, how it was transmitted, and any intermediate systems or components it passed through before reaching its destination.
commentcommentNTE-3stringCommentThis field allows healthcare providers and systems to include supplemental information that provides context or clarification for the data in the segment.
order_idThis is order_id attributeSCH+MSH-10, ORC+MSH-10stringOrder IDThis field is an identifier associated with a specific order or request for healthcare services. This identifier helps track and manage orders within healthcare systems.
alternate_visit_idAlternative visit idPV1-50/PID-18stringAlternate Visit IdThis field provides an alternate identifier for a patient's visit. It is used for tracking and cross-referencing patient visits and records, especially in scenarios requiring multiple identifiers or references. This field is recorded during patient registration and aids in accurate record linkage.
end_datetimeEnd Date timeNTE-8dateEnd DatetimeThis field can be used to specify the duration or timeframe to which a particular note or comment applies. For example, it can indicate when a specific instruction or comment is no longer valid or relevant.
entry_datetimeDate time of entryNTE-6dateEntry DatetimeThis field provides essential temporal context for notes or comments. It helps healthcare providers understand when a particular piece of information was documented or when a specific event or observation occurred.
comment_sourcecomment sourceNTE-2stringComment SourceThis field helps attribute a note or comment to a specific healthcare provider, department, or entity. It clarifies who made the observation or recorded the information.
batch_idBatch idSystem GeneratedstringBatch ID"batch ID" is a unique identifier assigned to a group of messages that are logically grouped together for processing or transmission. Batching messages is a common practice in healthcare systems to efficiently manage and transmit multiple messages as a single unit
start_datetimeStart Date timeNTE-7dateStart DatetimeThis field provides essential temporal context for notes or comments. It helps healthcare providers understand when a particular piece of information becomes relevant or effective.
entererEntererNTE-5+MSH-10stringEntererThis field field indicates who authored or entered the note. It can be a healthcare provider, a nurse, a technician, or even a system-generated note.
comment_typeComment TypeNTE-4stringComment TypeComment types help categorise and classify notes or comments into meaningful groups. For example, comments can be categorised as "Patient Instructions," "Provider Communication," "Administrative Notes," or "Clinical Observations."
note_indexThis is note index attributeNTE-1stringNote IndexThe Note Index ensures that each note or comment within the message has a distinct identifier. This helps in differentiating and referencing specific notes, especially when multiple notes are included in the message.