xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh



A streamlined request for surfacing patient visit scheduling details including provider, location, timing, and telehealth workflow triggers for driving tailored frontend experiences and nuanced operational optimization in the healthcare setting.

Use Cases

  • Patient Reminder Apps: Build patient reminder apps
  • Provider Schedule Optimization: Identify visit duration overruns
  • Telehealth Workflow Launch: Initiate telehealth protocols
  • Referral Management: Check post-referral for conflicts
  • Resource Planning: Aggregate for planning

Request Sample


Source Specific Details

EHRAPIsmandatory filtersoptional filters
  • ${url}/v1/${practiceId}/appointments/waitlist
  • ${url}/v1/${practiceId}/appointments/open?&departmentid=${departmentId}&ignoreschedulablepermission=true
  • ${url}/v1/${practiceId}/${departmentId}/fhir/dstu2/Appointment?practitioner=${practitionerId}
  • ${url}/v1/${practiceId}/patients/${patient}/appointments?showcancelled=true&showpast=true
  • ${url}/v1/${practiceId}/appointments/${appointment_id}
  • patient
  • practitioner
  • _id
  • date
  • scheduled-start-date
  • ignore-restrictions
  • appointment-type-id
  • end-last-modified
  • status
  • start-last-modified
  • patient
  • scheduled-end-date
  • count
  • _offset
  • end-date
  • start-date
  • sort-order
  • include
  • ${url}/appointments
  • ${url}/recurring_event_groups
  • patient
  • practitioner
  • recurring
  • date
  • slot-type
  • _count
  • _offset
  • ${url}/Appointment
  • patient
  • practitioner


    FilterNameDescriptionDefault ValueAllowed Values
    _countPagination params
    _idThe appointment ID. Per the FHIR spec, this is _id, not appointmentid as with other API calls.d
    _offsetPagination params. Athena: Starting point of entries; 0-indexed
    appointment-type-idFilter by appointment type ID.
    appointmentIdThe booked appointment ID of the appointment that this wait list entry would replace.
    bookedonlyFilter to get only booked appointments
    day-of-week-idsOne of "LOW", "NORMAL", or "HIGH", indicating the priorty of this wait list entry.
    departmentIdIdentifier for the department
    end-dateEnd of the appointment search date range
    end-last-modifiedIdentify appointments modified prior to this date/time
    hour-fromThe hour (24 hour clock) after which an appointment is desired by a patient. Inclusive.
    hour-toThe hour (24 hour clock) before which an appointment is desired by a patient. Inclusive.
    ignore-restrictionsWhen showing patient detail for appointments, the patient information for patients with record restrictions and blocked patients will not be shown
    includeList of fields which needed to be shown in result
    openonlyFilter to get only open appointments
    patientPatient reference for any fhir resource
    practitionerPractitioner reference for the any fhir resource
    priorityA list (JSON array) of day of week IDs that are desired by the patient, with 1 being Sunday, and 7 being Saturday.
    quorumsets sync/async modetrue
    reason-idFilter by reason id
    recurringrecurring eventfalse
    scheduled-end-dateEnd of the appointment scheduled search date range
    scheduled-start-dateStart of the appointment scheduled search date range (mm/dd/yyyy). Inclusive
    slot-typeAppointment time slot type
    sort-orderSort order by appointment date
    start-datestart of the appointment search date range
    start-last-modifiedIdentify appointments modified after this date/time
    statusThe overall status of the appointmentwaitlist