xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh



Retrieves detailed information on patient health conditions, enabling healthcare developers to access and display real-time and historical data for informed decision-making within clinical workflows.

Use Cases

  • Assess Comorbidity Burden: Retrieve all conditions
  • Inform Treatment Decisions: Get conditions relevant to care
  • Predict Hospital Admissions: Identify risk factor conditions
  • Enrich Patient Profile: Obtain complete health profile
  • Evaluate Population Health: Analyze condition prevalence

Request Sample


Source Specific Details

EHRAPIsmandatory filtersoptional filters
  • ${url}/v1/${practiceId}/chart/encounter/${encounter}/diagnoses
  • ${url}/v1/${practiceId}/chart/${patient}/problems?departmentid=${departmentId}
  • patient
  • category=problem-list-item
  • departmentId
  • include
  • third-party-user-name
  • patient-facing-call
  • ${url}/histories
  • ${url}/bills
  • ${url}/problems
  • category=encounter-diagnosis
  • patient
  • encounter
  • _count
  • _offset
  • ${url}/Encounter/${encounterId}
  • ${url}/Condition
  • patient
  • encounter
  • visitType
  • category=encounter-diagnosis


FilterNameDescriptionDefault ValueAllowed Values
_countPagination params
_offsetPagination params. Athena: Starting point of entries; 0-indexed
asserterSource of the information about the allergy
categoryfood | medication | environment | biologicAthena: encounter-diagnosis,problem-list-item Elation: encounter-diagnosis,problem-list-item
clinical-statusactive | inactive | resolved
codeCode for the condition
criticalitylow | high | unable-to-assess
dateDate first version of the resource instance was recorded
departmentIdIdentifier for the department
encounterEncounter created as part of
identifierA unique identifier of the condition record
includeList of fields which needed to be shown in result
last-dateDate(/time) of last known occurrence of a reaction
manifestationClinical symptoms/signs associated with the Event
onsetDate(/time) when manifestations showed
patientPatient reference for any fhir resource
patient-facing-callWhen 'true' is passed source will collect relevant data and store in their database.false
patient-flagpatient facing call
practitionerPractitioner reference for the any fhir resource
quorumsets sync/async modetrue
recorderWho recorded the sensitivity
routeHow the subject was exposed to the substance
severitymild | moderate | severe (of event as a whole)
third-party-user-nameUser name of the patient in the third party application.
typeThe type of the history ("Past", "Family", "Social", "Habits", "Diet", "Exercise", "Immunization", "Legal", "Consultation", "Health Maintenance", "Past Surgical", "Cognitive Status", "Functional Status")past
verification-statusunconfirmed | confirmed | refuted | entered-in-error