xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh


Source Object: Allergies

Overview and Usage: The "Allergies" source object in athena EHR is instrumental in managing and documenting patient allergies. It provides a structured approach to record, categorize, and track allergies, ensuring patient safety and healthcare efficiency.

  • Allergy Documentation: "Allergies" serves as the primary repository for recording patient allergies. It captures critical information related to allergens, reactions, criticality, and other relevant details.
  • Allergen Identification: The source object contains fields like "allergenid" and "allergenname" for specifying the allergen causing the patient's allergic reactions. This is essential for accurate allergy identification and management.
  • Criticality Assessment: "criticality" indicates the severity of the allergy, helping healthcare providers understand the potential impact on the patient's health.
  • Onset and Deactivation: Fields such as "onsetdate," "deactivatedate," and "reactivatedate" provide insights into when the allergy started, when it was deactivated, and when it was reactivated, aiding in tracking the allergy's history.
  • Reactions and Severity: "reactions" and "reactions.severity" fields describe the patient's allergic reactions and their severity. This information is crucial for treatment and avoidance strategies.
  • SNOMED Codes: "reactions.snomedcode" and "reactions.severitysnomedcode" employ standardized SNOMED codes for reactions and their severity, ensuring consistent data exchange and interpretation.
  • RxNorm Codes: "rxnormcode" and "rxnormdescription" fields associate the allergy with relevant RxNorm codes and descriptions, enhancing interoperability with medication data.
  • Categorization: "categories" allows for categorizing allergies based on specific criteria, streamlining the organization of allergy data.
  • Patient-Facing Calls: "PATIENTFACINGCALL" indicates whether the allergy requires patient notification or a follow-up call.
  • Third-Party Involvement: "THIRDPARTYUSERNAME" records third-party user involvement in allergy management or notification.
  • NKDA (No Known Drug Allergies): "nkda" specifies if the patient has no known drug allergies, a critical piece of information for safe medical treatment.
  • Section Notes: "sectionnote" can contain additional notes and context related to the allergy, offering healthcare providers a more comprehensive understanding.
  • Reaction Name: "reactions.reactionname" allows for specifying the names of allergic reactions, aiding in precise documentation.

The "Allergies" source object ensures accurate and comprehensive documentation of patient allergies, improving patient safety and healthcare decision-making. It facilitates the systematic recording of allergy-related data, using standardized codes for interoperability and enhancing the overall quality of healthcare services. Developers can leverage this source object to build features and applications that support the management of patient allergies within athena EHR.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
allergenid-athena ID for this allergen.Integer0..1AllergyIntoleranceid/code.coding[1].code---Top Level
allergenname-The name of the allergen.String0..1AllergyIntolerancecode.coding[1].display---Top Level
criticality-The criticality of the allergen.String0..1AllergyIntolerancecriticality---Top Level
deactivatedate-Date of allergy deactivation. Set to deactivate the allergy.String0..1AllergyIntolerancelastOccurrence---Top Level
note-Note about this allergy.String0..1AllergyIntolerancenote[1].text---Top Level
onsetdate-Date of allergy onset.String0..1AllergyIntoleranceonsetDateTime---Top Level
reactions-List of reactions.Object0..*AllergyIntolerancereaction[*]---Top Level
reactions.severity-Severity of the reaction.String0..1AllergyIntolerancereaction[*].severity---Top Level
reactions.snomedcode-SNOMED code for this reaction.String0..1AllergyIntolerancereaction[].manifestation.coding[].codesytem=http://snomed.info/sctSnomed-Top Level
reactions.severitysnomedcode-SNOMED code for the severity of this reaction.Integer0..1AllergyIntolerancereaction[].extension[].valueInteger-Snomedseverity-codeTop Level
reactivatedate-Date of allergy reactivation. Set to reactivate the allergy.String0..1AllergyIntoleranceextension[*].valueDate--reactive-dateTop Level
patientId-Patient id.IntegerAllergyIntolerancepatient.reference---Top Level
rxnormcode-rxnorm code.StringAllergyIntolerancecode.coding[2].codesystem="rxnorm"RxNorm-Top Level
rxnormdescription-Description for the given rxnormcode.StringAllergyIntolerancecode.coding[2].display---Top Level
categories-The category of the allergen.ValuesetAllergyIntolerancecategory---Top Level
PATIENTFACINGCALL-When 'true' is passed we will collect relevant data and store in our database.BooleanAllergyIntoleranceextension[*].valueBoolean--patient-facimg-callTop Level
THIRDPARTYUSERNAME-User name of the patient in the third party application.StringAllergyIntoleranceextension[*].valueString--third-party-user-nameTop Level
nkda-Whether the patient has no known drug allergies. This is an explicit statement separate from a patient with no documented allergies so far. Note that while a patient can have this checked and have allergies, that is not recommended.BooleanAllergyIntoleranceextension[*].valueBoolean--nkdaTop Level
sectionnote-A section-wide note. Passing an empty string will remove any existing note.StringAllergyIntoleranceextension[*].valueString--section-noteTop Level
reactions.reactionname-Name of the reaction.String0..1AllergyIntolerancereaction[].manifestation.coding[].display---Top Level