xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Appointment Slot

Source Object: Appointment Slot

Overview and Usage: The "Appointment Slot" source object in athena EHR is a key component for managing and scheduling patient appointments. It provides structured data related to available appointment slots and facilitates efficient appointment booking and management.

  • Appointment Scheduling: "Appointment Slot" serves as a repository for available appointment slots, capturing crucial details including the appointment ID, type, and date.
  • Appointment Type: The "appointmenttype" and "appointmenttypeid" fields specify the type of appointment, allowing for categorization and scheduling of different appointment types.
  • Date and Time: "date," "starttime," and "duration" provide information about the date, start time, and duration of the appointment slot, essential for scheduling patient appointments.
  • Department and Provider: The "departmentid," "localproviderid," and "providerid" fields link the appointment slot to a specific department and provider, ensuring accurate scheduling and resource allocation.
  • Reason for Appointment: "reasonid" and "patientappointmenttypename" capture the reason for the appointment, facilitating effective communication and patient-centered care.
  • Rendering Provider: "renderingproviderid" specifies the provider responsible for rendering the services during the appointment.
  • Slot Freezing: The "frozenyn" and "freeze" fields indicate whether the appointment slot is frozen or requires cancellation. Slot freezing prevents inadvertent bookings.
  • Valid Appointment Types: "validappointmenttypeids" defines the appointment types that are valid for the slot, ensuring appropriate scheduling and resource utilization.
  • Appointment Date and Time: The combination of "appointmentdate" and "appointmenttime" further specifies the date and time of the appointment.

The "Appointment Slot" source object streamlines the scheduling and management of patient appointments within athena EHR. It helps healthcare providers efficiently allocate resources and ensures that appointments are accurately booked based on the available slots and providers. Developers can use this source object to build features and applications that support appointment scheduling, availability tracking, and patient-centered care.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
appointmentid-This is the ID of the appointment to use when booking.Integer0..1Slotidentifier[*].valuesystem=appointment-id-Top Level
appointmenttype-The practice-friendly (not patient friendly) name for this appointment type.String0..1SlotserviceCategory[1].displaysystem=athena-Top Level
appointmenttypeid-This is the ID for the appointment type.Integer0..1SlotserviceCategory[1].code-Top Level
date-The appointment date.String0..1Slotstart-Top Level
departmentid-The athenaNet department ID for the appointment.Integer0..1Slotextension[*].valueInteger-department-idTop Level
duration-In minutesInteger0..1Slotendnote:use start and add duration-Top Level
frozenyn-If true, this appointment slot is frozen.String0..1Slotextension[*].valueBoolean-frozen-ynTop Level
localproviderid-The local athenaNet ID for the provider of the appointment.Integer0..1Slotextension[*].valueInteger-local-provider-idTop Level
patientappointmenttypename-The patient-friendly name for this appointment type.String0..1Slotidentifier[*].valuesystem=patient-appointment-type-name-Top Level
providerid-The athenaNet ID for the provider of the appointment.Integer0..1Slotidentifier[*].valuesystem=provider-id-Top Level
reasonid-A list of reason IDs that could be used for this slot.Integer0..1SlotappointmentType[1].code-Top Level
renderingproviderid-The rendering provider ID.Integer0..1Slotextension[*].valueInteger-rendering-provider-idTop Level
starttime-As HH:MM (where HH is the 0-23 hour and MM is the minute). This time is local to the department.String0..1Slotstart-Top Level
validappointmenttypeids-A list of Appointment Type IDs that are valid to be booked in this slot.Integer0..1Slotextension[*].valueInteger-valid-appointment-type-idsTop Level
appointmentdate-The appointment date for the new open appointment slot (mm/dd/yyyy).string0..1SlotstartTop Level
appointmenttime-The time (hh24:mi) for the new appointment slot. Multiple times (either as a comma delimited list or multiple POSTed values) are allowed. 24 hour time.array0..1SlotstartTop Level
appointmenttypeid-The appointment type ID to be created. Either this or a reason must be provided.integer0..1SlotappointmentType.coding.codeTop Level
departmentid-The athenaNet department ID.integer0..1contextTop Level
providerid-The athenaNet provider ID.integer0..1Slotextension.valueIntegerprovider-idTop Level
reasonid-The appointment reason (/patientappointmentreasons) to be created. Either this or a raw appointment type ID must be provided.integer0..1Slotextension.valueIntegerreason-idTop Level
freeze-If true, slot will be frozen, if false, slot will be unfrozen.boolean0..1Slotextension.valueBooleanfrozenTop Level
requirescancellation-If true, appointment can be cancelled, if false, cannot cancel the appointment.boolean0..1Slotextension.valueBooleanrequires-cancellationTop Level