xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

GYN History

Source Object: GNY History

Overview and Usage: The "GNY History" source object in athena EHR is designed to capture a patient's medical history and related information, specifically focusing on a set of questions and answers. This source object is valuable for recording and tracking a patient's history, including past medical events, conditions, and treatments. Here's an overview of key fields and their usage:

  • Question: The "question" field represents a specific medical or health-related question that the patient or healthcare provider may answer.
  • Question ID: "questionid" may serve as a unique identifier for each question, allowing for precise categorization and reference.
  • Answer: The "answer" field records the patient's response or information related to the specific question.
  • Answer Last Modified By: "answerlastmodifiedby" identifies the user or entity that last modified the answer. It helps track changes and updates to the patient's medical history.
  • Answer Last Modified Date and Time: "answerlastmodifieddatetime" specifies when the answer was last modified, providing a timestamp for reference.
  • Note: "note" offers a space for additional notes or comments related to the answer, question, or specific medical history details.
  • Section Note: "sectionnote" captures overall notes or comments specific to the section of GNY history.
  • Delete: "delete" indicates whether the question and its associated data have been marked for deletion or removal.

The "GNY History" source object is essential for maintaining a comprehensive medical history for each patient. It enables healthcare providers to document the patient's responses to specific health-related questions, facilitating a thorough understanding of the patient's health background. Developers can utilize this source object to create features and applications that streamline the management of medical history data within athena EHR.

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
answer-The answer given by the patient to the question.String0..1QuestionnaireResponseitem[1].answer[1].valueString--Top Level
answerlastmodifiedby-The username of the provider who last modified the answer.String0..1QuestionnaireResponseauthored--Top Level
question-Question being inquired about.String0..1QuestionnaireResponseitem[1].text--Top Level
questionid-athena ID for the question.String0..1QuestionnaireResponseid--Top Level
answerlastmodifieddatetime-The date and time the answer was last modified.String0..1QuestionnaireResponseextension[*].valueString-last-modified-byTop Level
note-Any special notes.String0..1QuestionnaireResponseextension[*].valueString-noteTop Level
notelastmodifiedby-The username of the provider who last modified the note.String0..1QuestionnaireResponseextension[*].valueString-note-last-modified-byTop Level
notelastmodifieddatetime-The date and time the note was last modified.String0..1QuestionnaireResponseextension[*].valueString-note-last-modified-datetimeTop Level
sectionnote-Additional notes for the entire OB/GYN history section, if any.String0..1QuestionnaireResponseextension[*].valueString-section-noteTop Level
sectionnotelastmodifiedby-The username of the provider who last modified the section note.String0..1QuestionnaireResponseextension[*].valueString-section-note-last-modified-byTop Level
sectionnotelastmodifieddatetime-The date and time the section note was last modified.String0..1QuestionnaireResponseextension[*].valueString-section-note-last-modified-datetimeTop Level
sectionnotelastmodifiedby-The username of the provider who last modified the section note.String0..1QuestionnaireResponsemeta.extension[*]valueStringsection-note-last-modified-byTop Level
sectionnotelastmodifieddatetime-The date and time the section note was last modified.String0..1QuestionnaireResponsemeta.extension[*].valueDateTimesection-note-last-modified-datetimeTop Level
questions.answer-The answer given by the patient to the question.string0..1QuestionnaireResponseitem.answer.valueStringTop Level
questions.description-Description of the code.string0..1QuestionnaireResponseitem.extension[*].valueCodableConcept.coding.displayTop Level
questions.answerlastmodifiedby-Last username to modify question.string0..1QuestionnaireResponseitem.extension[*].valueStringanswer-last-modified-byTop Level
questions.answerlastmodifieddatetime-The date and time that the question was last modified.string0..1QuestionnaireResponseitem.extension[*].valueDateTimeanswer-last-modified-datetimeTop Level
questions.notelastmodifiedby-Last username to modify question.string0..1QuestionnaireResponseitem.extension[*].valueStringnote-last-modified-byTop Level
questions.notelastmodifieddatetime-The date and time that the question was last modified.string0..1QuestionnaireResponseitem.extension[*].valueDateTimenote-last-modified-datetimeTop Level
questions.note-Any special notes.string0..1QuestionnaireResponseitem.extension[*].valueStringnoteTop Level
questions.question-Disease being inquired about.string0..1QuestionnaireResponseitem.textTop Level
questions.questionid-athena ID for the question.number0..1QuestionnaireResponseidTop Level
sectionnote-Additional notes for the entire medical history section, if any.string0..1QuestionnaireResponsemeta.extension[*]valueStringsection-noteTop Level
delete-Remove the answer to this question.Boolean0..1QuestionnaireResponseitem.extension[*].valueStringdeleteTop Level