xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Html Document

Source Object: HTML Document

Overview and Usage: The "HTML Document" source object within athena EHR is designed for storing and managing documents with HTML content. This source object facilitates the incorporation of rich, structured HTML documents into patient records and healthcare workflows. Below is an overview of the key fields and their usage:

  • Appointment ID: "appointmentid" serves as a reference to the associated appointment, if applicable, providing context for the document.
  • Assigned To: "assignedto" denotes the entity or user to whom the document has been assigned. It is useful for tracking document responsibilities and assignments.
  • Clinical Provider ID: "clinicalproviderid" identifies the clinical provider or healthcare professional associated with the document.
  • Contraindication Reason Code: "contraindicationreason.code" represents a code associated with any contraindication reasons, which may relate to the document or its usage.
  • Contraindication Reason Code Set: "contraindicationreason.codeset" specifies the code set used for the contraindication reason, providing standardized categorization.
  • Contraindication Reason Description: "contraindicationreason.description" offers a textual description of the contraindication reason for better understanding.
  • Created Date and Time: "createddatetime" indicates when the document was created, providing a timestamp for reference.
  • Declined Reason Code: "declinedreason.code" represents a code associated with any declined reasons for the document.
  • Declined Reason Code Set: "declinedreason.codeset" specifies the code set used for the declined reason, aiding in categorization.
  • Declined Reason Description: "declinedreason.description" provides a textual description of the declined reason for clarity.
  • Declined Reason Text: "declinedreasontext" includes additional text or comments related to the declined reason, if applicable.
  • Deleted Date and Time: "deleteddatetime" records the date and time when the document was deleted or removed from the system.
  • Department ID: "departmentid" identifies the department or entity responsible for the document within the healthcare organization.
  • Document Class: "documentclass" categorizes the document into a specific class, offering a standardized classification system.
  • Document Description: "documentdescription" provides a brief description or title for the HTML document, helping users quickly identify its content.
  • Document Route: "documentroute" specifies the route or path through which the document is associated with patient records or encounters.
  • Document Source: "documentsource" indicates the source or origin of the HTML document, which may include internal or external sources.
  • Document Subclass: "documentsubclass" further refines the classification of the document into a subclass for better organization.
  • Document Type: "documenttype" categorizes the document into a specific type, allowing for standardized document management.
  • Document Type ID: "documenttypeid" serves as a unique identifier for the document type, aiding in reference and categorization.
  • Encounter ID: "encounterid" references the encounter associated with the document, providing context within the patient's medical history.
  • External Accession ID: "externalaccessionid" may reference an external accession ID for the document, useful for cross-referencing with external systems.
  • External Note: "externalnote" includes any notes or comments related to the external aspects of the document, if applicable.
  • HTML ID: "htmlid" serves as an identifier for the HTML document, enabling precise reference and retrieval.
  • Internal Accession ID: "internalaccessionid" may reference an internal accession ID for the document, aiding in internal document management.
  • Internal Note: "internalnote" includes internal notes or comments related to the document's handling within the healthcare system.
  • Last Modified Date and Time: "lastmodifieddatetime" indicates the most recent date and time when the document was modified, providing a timestamp for reference.
  • Observation Date and Time: "observationdatetime" specifies the date and time of any observations or information contained within the document.
  • Patient ID: "patientid" uniquely identifies the patient to whom the document is associated, ensuring accurate patient record-keeping.
  • Priority: "priority" assigns a priority level to the document, helping to distinguish its significance within the patient's record.
  • Provider ID: "providerid" represents the identifier of the provider or healthcare professional responsible for the document.
  • Receive Note: "receivernote" includes any notes or comments related to the receipt or acquisition of the document.
  • Status: "status" indicates the status of the HTML document, which may include values like "draft," "final," "approved," etc.
  • Subject: "subject" specifies the subject or topic of the HTML document, aiding in quick content identification.
  • Tieto Order ID: "tietoorderid" may reference an order or identifier related to the document within the healthcare system.

The "HTML Document" source object is crucial for managing structured HTML documents within the patient's medical records. It provides a standardized way to store, retrieve, and associate HTML content with patient encounters and appointments. Developers can leverage this source object to build applications and features that handle HTML documents seamlessly within athena EHR.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
appointmentid-The appointment ID for this document.number0..1DocumentReferencecontext.related.reference-
assignedto-Person the document is assigned to.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringassigned-tp
clinicalproviderid-The clinical provider ID of the performing provider.number0..1DocumentReferencecustodian.reference
contraindicationreason.code-The code indicating why the order was contraindicated.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueCodeableConcept.codecontraindication-reason
contraindicationreason.codeset-The codeset that the code belongs to.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueCodeableConcept.system
contraindicationreason.description-The plaintext description of the contraindication reason.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueCodeableConcept.display
createddatetime-Date/Time (ISO 8601) the document was created.string0..1DocumentReferencedate
declinedreason.code-The code indicating why the order was contraindicated.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueCodeableConcept.codedeclined-reason
declinedreason.codeset-The codeset that the code belongs to.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueCodeableConcept.system
declinedreason.description-The plaintext description of the contraindication reason.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueCodeableConcept.display
declinedreasontext-The user-facing description of the reason the order was not given.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringdeclined-reason-text
deleteddatetime-Date/time (ISO 8601) the document was deleted.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueDateTimedeleted-datetime
departmentid-Department for the document.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringdepartment-id
documentclass-Class of document.string0..1DocumentReferencecategory.coding.code
documentdescription-Description of the document type.string0..1DocumentReferencedescription
documentroute-Explains method by which the document was entered into the athenaNet (INTERFACE (digital), FAX, etc.).string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringdocument-route
documentsource-Explains where this document originated (e.g. ENCOUNTER, PORTAL, etc.).string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringdocument-source
documentsubclass-Specific type of document.string0..1DocumentReferencecategory.extension.valueStringdocument-subclass
documenttype-The description for this document.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringdocument-type
documenttypeid-The ID of the description for this document.number0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringdocument-type-id
encounterid-Encounter ID.string0..1DocumentReferencecontext.encounter.reference
externalaccessionid-The external accession ID for this document. Format depends on the system the ID belongs to.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringexternal-accession-id
externalnote-External note for the patient.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringexternal-note
htmlid-The primary key for html class of documents.number0..1DocumentReferenceid
internalaccessionid-The internal accession ID for this document. Format depends on the system the ID belongs to.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringinternal-accession-id
internalnote-The 'Internal Note' attached to this document.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringinternal-note
lastmodifieddatetime-Date/time (ISO 8601) the document was last modified.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueDateTimelast-modified-datetime
observationdatetime-Date/time (ISO 8601) the observation was taken.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueDateTimeobservation-datetime
patientid-The athenaNet patient ID.number0..1DocumentReferencesubject.reference
priority-Document priority, when available.number0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringpriority
providerid-Provider ID for this document.number0..1DocumentReferenceauthor.reference
receivernote-External note sent to the receiving facility.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringreceiver-note
status-Status of the document.string0..1DocumentReferencestatus
subject-Subject of the document.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringsubject
tietoorderid-Order ID of the order this document is tied to, if any.number0..1DocumentReferencecontext.related.reference