xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Imaging result

Source Object: Imaging Result

Overview and Usage: The "Imaging Result" source object within sthena EHR is designed to store and manage results from medical imaging procedures. It contains relevant information and metadata associated with imaging reports. Here's an overview of its primary fields and their usage:

  • Appointment ID: Unique identifier linking the result to a specific appointment or encounter.
  • Created Date and User: Indicates when and by whom the result was created.
  • Deleted Date: Records the date if the result was deleted.
  • Department ID: Identifies the department or facility where the imaging took place.
  • Document Class, Description, Route, Source, Subclass: Classify and categorize the imaging result document.
  • Document Type and ID: Provide additional document-related information.
  • Encounter ID: Links the result to a specific patient encounter.
  • Entity Type: Specifies the type of entity associated with the result.
  • External Accession ID and Note: Records external references and notes.
  • Facility ID: Identifies the facility where the imaging was performed.
  • File Extension and Size: Describes the format and size of the document.
  • Imaging Result ID: A unique identifier for the imaging result.
  • Internal Accession ID and Note: Stores internal references and notes.
  • Last Modified Date and Time: Indicates when the result was last updated.
  • Observation Date and Time: Records the date and time of the imaging observation.
  • Order Genus Name and Type: Provides information about the order.
  • Original Filename and Document Data: Contain details about the original file and document content.
  • Patient ID and Note: Link the result to the patient and include patient-specific notes.
  • Portal Published Date and Time: Specifies when the result was published on the patient portal.
  • Priority: Assigns a priority level to the result.
  • Provider ID: Identifies the healthcare provider associated with the result.
  • Received Facility Order Code: Contains information about the facility's order code.
  • Status: Indicates the current status of the imaging result.
  • Subject: Describes the subject matter of the result.
  • Tieto Order ID: Relates the result to a Tieto order.
  • Alarm Days: Specifies any alarm or notification periods.
  • Interpretation and Template: Include interpretations and relevant templates.
  • Action Note: Contains additional action-related notes.

Developers can utilize the "Imaging Result" source object to build applications that efficiently manage and display imaging results, supporting healthcare providers in diagnosing and treating patients.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
appointmentid-The appointment ID for this document.integer0..1DiagnosticReportcontext.related.referenceTop Level
assignedto-Person the document is assigned to.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringassigned-toTop Level
createddatetime-Date/Time (ISO 8601) the document was created.string0..1DiagnosticReportissuedTop Level
createduser-The user who created this document.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringcreated-userTop Level
deleteddatetime-Date/time (ISO 8601) the document was deleted.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueDatetimedeleted-datetimeTop Level
departmentid-Department for the document.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringdepartment-idTop Level
documentclass-Class of document.string0..1DiagnosticReportcategory.coding.codesystem=athenaTop Level
documentdescription-Description of the document type.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringdocument-descriptionTop Level
documentroute-Explains method by which the document was entered into the athenaNet (INTERFACE (digital), FAX, etc.).string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringdocument-routeTop Level
documentsource-Explains where this document originated.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringdocument-sourceTop Level
documentsubclass-Specific type of document.string0..1DiagnosticReportcategory.extension.valueStringdocument-subclassTop Level
documenttypeid-The ID of the description for this document.integer0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringdocument-type-idTop Level
encounterid-Encounter ID.string0..1DiagnosticReportencounter.referenceTop Level
entitytype-Type of entity creating the document. Possible values are PROVIDER, PATIENT and OTHERS.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringentity-typeTop Level
externalaccessionid-The external accession ID for this document. Format depends on the system the ID belongs to.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringexternal-accession-idTop Level
externalnote-DEPRECATED: This field has been deprecated and is now returned as 'patientnote'.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringexternal-noteTop Level
facilityid-The ID of the clinical provider associated with this clinical document. Clinical providers are a master list of providers throughout the country. These include providers as well as radiology centers, labs and pharmacies.integer0..1DiagnosticReportperformer.referenceTop Level
fileextension-The file extension of this document.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringfile-extensionTop Level
filesize-The file size of this document.number0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringfile-sizeTop Level
imagingresultid-The primary key for imaging result class of documents.integer0..1DiagnosticReportidTop Level
internalaccessionid-The internal accession ID for this document. Format depends on the system the ID belongs to.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringinternal-accession-idTop Level
internalnote-The 'Internal Note' attached to this document.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringinternal-noteTop Level
lastmodifieddatetime-Date/time (ISO 8601) the document was last modified.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueDateTimelast-modified-datetimeTop Level
observationdatetime-Date/time (ISO 8601) the observation was taken.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueDateTimeobservation-datetimeTop Level
ordergenusname-The category name of the clinical order.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringorder-genus-nameTop Level
ordertype-Order type group name.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringorder-typeTop Level
originalfilename-The original file name of this document.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringoriginal-file-nameTop Level
patientid-The athenaNet patient ID.integer0..1DiagnosticReportsubject.referenceTop Level
patientnote-External note for the patient.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringpatient-noteTop Level
portalpublisheddatetime-The date the document was published to the portal in format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss).string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueDateTimeportal-published-datetimeTop Level
priority-Document priority, when available. 1 is high, 2 is normal. Some labs use other numbers or characters that are lab-specific.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringpriorityTop Level
providerid-Provider ID for this document.integer0..1DiagnosticReportperformer.referenceTop Level
receivedfacilityordercode.code-The code as received from the facility via HL7 in OBR.4.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueCodeableConcept.codereceived-facility-order-codeTop Level
receivedfacilityordercode.display-string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueCodeableConcept.displayreceived-facility-order-codeTop Level
status-Status of the document.string0..1DiagnosticReportstatusTop Level
subject-Subject of the document.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringsubjectTop Level
tietoorderid-Order ID of the order this document is tied to, if any.integer0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringtie-to-order-idTop Level
alarmdays-The number days until a document will go into followup after being sent to the portal.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringalaram-daysTop Level
description-A description of the imaging result document (e.g. "imaging result").string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringdescriptionTop Level
documentdata-Text data for this document. Typically because there are no attachments.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringdocument-dataTop Level
isconfidential-If true, this result document should not be shown to the patient.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringis-confidentialTop Level
tiedtoprocedureorsurgery-Link to retrieve the tied to surgery/procedure document.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringtied-to-procedure-or-surgeryTop Level
resultstatus-The status of the result (e.g. "final", "partial").string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringresult-statusTop Level
originaldocument.contenttype-The content-type of the original document.string0..1DiagnosticReportpresentedForm.attachment.contentTypeTop Level
originaldocument.href-The URL to get the original document.string0..1DiagnosticReportpresentedForm.attachment.urlTop Level
pages.contenttype-The content-type that will be returned by the page image call.string0..1DiagnosticReportpresentedForm.attachment.contentTypeTop Level
pages.href-The URL to get the document image.string0..1DiagnosticReportpresentedForm.attachment.urlTop Level
pages.pageid-The ID to use in a call to get the page image.string0..1DiagnosticReportpresentedForm.attachment.idTop Level
pages.pageordering-Within this list of pages, the ordering (starting with 1).string0..1DiagnosticReportpresentedForm.attachment.extension.valueStringpage-orderingTop Level
pcas.href-The URL to the PACS system to view the imaging study.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueAttachment.urlpcasTop Level
actionnote-The most recent action note for a document.string0..1DiagnosticReportextension.valueStringaction-noteTop Level
interpretation-The practice entered interpretation of this result.string0..1DiagnosticReportconclusionTop Level
interpretationtemplate-The interpretation template added to the imaging result.object0..1DiagnosticReportTop Level