xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Inbox Tasks

Source Object: Inbox Tasks

Overview and Usage: The "Inbox Tasks" source object within athena EHR is designed for managing tasks, reminders, and notifications related to patient care and administrative workflows. It serves as a central hub for organizing and prioritizing various tasks for healthcare providers and staff. Here's a brief overview of its key fields and their usage:

  • Created Date: Records the date when the task was generated.
  • Department ID: Identifies the department or area to which the task is assigned.
  • Description: Provides a brief summary of the task.
  • Document Class and Subclass: Classifies the task type within the EHR system.
  • Inbox Category: Categorizes the task for easy sorting and filtering.
  • Patient ID: Associates the task with a specific patient.
  • Priority: Indicates the task's importance or urgency level.
  • Result Category: Specifies the category of the task's outcome or result.
  • Status: Tracks the task's progress (e.g., pending, completed, in progress).
  • Subtype and Subtype ID: Further categorize the task based on specific criteria.
  • Task ID: Provides a unique identifier for reference.
  • Abnormal Count and Critical Count: Numerical values for tasks requiring special attention.

The "Inbox Tasks" source object helps streamline healthcare workflows, ensuring that tasks related to patient care and administrative responsibilities are well-organized and prioritized. Developers can use this source object to create applications that enhance task management within the EHR system.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
createddate-Date when this task was created.string0..1TaskauthoredOnTop Level
departmentid-The department ID associated with this task, typically just the department from the encounter or department.integer0..1Taskextension.valueStringdepartment-idTop Level
description-Task description.string0..1TaskdescriptionTop Level
documentclass-Document class, for further classification within the given inbox category bucket.string0..1Taskextension.valueStringdocument-classTop Level
documentsubclass-Document subclass, for further classification within the document class.string0..1Taskextension.valueStringdocument-subclassTop Level
inboxcategory-Category for this task.string0..1Taskcode.coding.displayTop Level
patientid-The ID of the patient that this task is for. Please note that not all tasks will have associated patients.integer0..1Taskowner.referenceTop Level
priority-Task priority.string0..1TaskpriorityTop Level
resultcategory-The uppercase result category (e.g. "NORMAL", "ABNORMAL" , "UNKNOWN", etc.).string0..1Taskextension.valueStringresult-categoryTop Level
status-Status that the task is currently in.string0..1TaskstatusTop Level
subtype-Subtype of this task.string0..1Taskcode.coding.displayTop Level
subtypeid-athenaNet ID of the Subtype - i.e. if this is an encounter, then encounter ID.string0..1Taskcode.coding.codeTop Level
taskid-athenaNet ID for the given task.integer0..1TaskidTop Level
abnormalcount-The number of abnormal tasks (generally results).string0..1Taskmeta.extension.valueStringabnormal-countTop Level
criticalcount-The number of tasks that are critical.string0..1Taskmeta.extension.valueStringcritical-countTop Level
count-The total number of tasks.string0..1Taskmeta.extension.valueStringcountTop Level