xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Patient Info Order

Source Object: Patient Info Order

Overview and Usage: The "Patient Info Order" source object is used in healthcare systems to facilitate the ordering and management of patient-specific information. It plays a crucial role in coordinating diagnostic or patient-related actions. This source object includes the following fields:

  • DiagnosisSnomedCode: This field contains the SNOMED code associated with the diagnosis, which provides a standardized way to represent the diagnosis or condition of the patient.
  • ExternalNote: The external note field may capture additional information related to the order. It can include details, comments, or references to external documents that are relevant to the order.
  • OrderTypeId: This field specifies the type or category of the order. It helps classify orders for different purposes, such as lab tests, imaging studies, or consultations.
  • ProviderNote: This field allows healthcare providers to add notes or comments related to the order. These notes can provide specific instructions or context regarding the order.

The "Patient Info Order" source object serves as a key component in healthcare systems for placing and managing orders for patient-related activities. It ensures that diagnostic or patient-specific actions are documented and executed effectively. This source object supports healthcare providers in delivering high-quality care and maintaining comprehensive patient records.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
diagnosissnomedcode-The SNOMED code for diagnosis this order is for.Integer1..1serviceRequestreasonCode.[*].codingsystem=http://snomed.info/sct--Top Level
externalnote-An external note for the patient.String0..1serviceRequestnote[*].textnote[*].authorString=external--Top Level
ordertypeid-The athena ID of the patient information to order. Get the IDs using /reference/order/patientinfo.Integer1..1serviceRequestcode.coding[*].codesystem=athena--Top Level
providernote-An internal note for the provider or staff.String0..1serviceRequestnote[*].textnote[*].authorString=practitioner--Top Level