xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Patient Location

Source Object: Patient Location

Overview and Usage: The "Patient Location" source object plays a pivotal role in healthcare systems for effectively managing and organizing patient-related information. It encompasses details about the location or facility where healthcare services are provided to patients. This information is vital for healthcare practitioners, administrators, and systems to ensure the smooth functioning of healthcare operations. The key fields included in this source object are:

  • Address: The physical address of the patient location, enabling accurate location identification.
  • Address2: Additional address information, if necessary, to provide more detailed location description.
  • City: The city in which the patient location is situated.
  • DepartmentId: A unique identifier for the department responsible for managing the patient location, facilitating organizational structure.
  • Fax: The fax number associated with the patient location, which is important for communication and documentation.
  • Latitude and Longitude: Geographic coordinates representing the exact location of the facility, aiding in mapping and navigation.
  • Name: The name or label of the patient location, helping to distinguish it from other facilities within the healthcare system.
  • Phone: The contact phone number for the patient location, essential for communication and appointment scheduling.
  • PlaceOfServiceTypeName: A descriptor for the type of healthcare service provided at this location (e.g., hospital, clinic, or office).
  • State: The state in which the patient location is located.
  • Zip: The postal code or ZIP code of the patient location, assisting in precise address validation.
  • ChartSharingGroupId: If relevant, an identifier that groups multiple patient charts or records associated with this location.
  • ClinicalProviderFax: The fax number specific to clinical providers at this location, separate from general communication.
  • IsHospitalDepartment: A flag indicating whether the patient location is a hospital department, which influences healthcare service categorization.
  • MedicationHistoryConsent: Records whether the patient location has obtained consent to access the patient's medication history, ensuring regulatory compliance and data security.
  • ProviderGroupName: The name of the group of healthcare providers associated with this patient location.
  • TimeZone and TimeZoneOffset: Information about the time zone in which the patient location is situated, helping in scheduling and appointment management.
  • TypeOfBill: An indicator that specifies the type of billing associated with this location, which has financial and administrative implications.

The "Patient Location" source object ensures accurate and efficient patient management, appointment scheduling, and healthcare service delivery. It is essential for healthcare systems to maintain a comprehensive record of patient locations, enabling effective communication, service categorization, and billing. This source object aids in optimizing healthcare operations and ensuring quality patient care.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
address-The address for this department.String0..1Locationaddress.line[1]---Top Level
address2-The address (line 2) for this department.String0..1Locationaddress.line[2]---Top Level
city-The city for this department.String0..1Locationaddress.city---Top Level
departmentid-The department ID. This ID is local to each practice.String1..1Locationid---Top Level
fax-This is the department's fax number. Sometimes this is not configured even though the department can receive faxes. This happens when the main clinical provider has their fax number set up but the department does not. You should check both this field and the "clinicalproviderfax" field when determining if faxes are possible.String0..1Locationtelecom[*].value--Top Level
latitude-The latitude may be set by the practice to correct any bad public mapping data. In degrees, with a decimal component.String0..1Locationposition.latitute---Top Level
longitude-The longitude may be set by the practice to correct any bad public mapping data. In degrees, with a decimal component.String0..1Locationposition.longtitude---Top Level
name-The department's name.String0..1Locationname---Top Level
phone-This number is not always patient-facing; it may be a "back line".String0..1Locationtelecom[*].valuesystem=phone--Top Level
placeofservicetypename-The name describing the type of service location (e.g. office vs. hospital)String0..1Locationtype[1].coding[1].displaysystem=http://xcaliber-fhir/structureDefinition/place-of-service-type--Top Level
state-The state for this department.String0..1Locationaddress.state---Top Level
zip-The zip code for this department.String0..1Locationaddress.postalCode---Top Level
chartsharinggroupid-The chart sharing group ID puts departments (that are enabled for Clinicals) into groups with regards to clinical information. Any chart related GET calls with department IDs that are in the same chart sharing group generally return the same set of information. For example, if department IDs 1 and 2 are in chart sharing group 1000 and department IDs 20 and 21 are in chart sharing group 2000, the allergies endpoint for department ID 1 or 2 will return the same set of data, and using department IDs 20 and 21 may return a different set of allergies. Most commonly, this is used to ensure mental health and other sensitive charts remain separate from other data.String0..1Locationextension[*].valueString--chart-sharing-group-idTop Level
clinicalproviderfax-This is the department's fax number for receiving orders.String0..1Locationtelecom[*].valuesystem=fax, extension={ url:http://xcaliber-fhir/structureDefinition/clinical-provider-fax, valueString="CLINICALPROVIDERFAX"}-clinical-provider-faxTop Level
clinicals-Is Clinicals turned on for this department. Possible values are "ON "OFF "DOCUMENTSONLY" (which means that they accept documents, but generally not doing encounters in Clinicals) or "ADMINONLY" which for most purposes is the same as "OFF though means that it is in the middle of implementation.String0..1Locationextension[*].valueString--clinicalsTop Level
communicatorbrandid-The ID of the patient-facing brand this department belongs to.String0..1Locationextension[*].valueString--communicator-brand-idTop Level
creditcardtypes-An array of credit card types accepted in this department (for retail transactions). If not present, credit cards can not be processed for this department for retail transactions.String0..1Locationextension[*].valueString--credit-card-typesTop Level
doesnotobservedst-Set to true if this practice does not observe daylight savings time.String0..1Locationextension[*].valueString--does-not-observed-stTop Level
ecommercecreditcardtypes-An array of credit card types accepted in this department (for ecommerce transactions). If not present, credit cards can not be processed for this department for ecommerce transactions.String0..1Locationextension[*].valueString--ecommerce-credit-card-typesTop Level
ishospitaldepartment-Flag denoting if this department is a hospital department.String0..1Locationextension[*].valueString--is-hospital-departmentTop Level
medicationhistoryconsent-Should medication history consent be asked in this practice. This is a practice-wide setting at the end of the day; if it is on for one Clinicals department (of status "ON"), it will be on for all Clinicals departments.String0..1Locationextension[*].valueString--medication-history-consentTop Level
oneyearcontractmax-For a year long payment contract, the practice's suggested maximum amount for this department.String0..1Locationextension[*].valueString--one-year-contract-maxTop Level
patientdepartmentname-The patient-friendly name for this department, if set by the practice.String0..1Locationextension[*].valueString--patient-department-nameTop Level
placeofservicefacility-Is this department a "facility" or notString0..1Locationextension[*].valueString--place-of-service-acilityTop Level
placeofservicetypeid-An athena-internal ID for the type of service location (e.g. office vs. hospital)String0..1Locationtype[1].coding[1].code---Top Level
portalurl-The URL for the practice or the portal, if available, for this department. This may be the practice's website where they have a link to the portal.String0..1Locationextension[*].valueString--portal-urlTop Level
providergroupid-The ID of the financial group this department belongs to. Not all practices have distinct financial groups.String0..1Locationextension[*].valueString--provider-group-idTop Level
providergroupname-The name of the financial group this department belongs to. Not all practices have distinct financial groups.String0..1Locationextension[*].valueString--provider-group-nameTop Level
providerlist-If providerlist is passed in (set to true), a list of provider IDsString0..1Locationextension[*].valueString--provider-listTop Level
servicedepartment-Indicates if this is a department where billable services are performed (i.e. a department where you can create claims).String0..1Locationextension[*].valueString--service-departmentTop Level
singleappointmentcontractmax-For a single appointment payment contract, the practice's suggested maximum amount for this department.String0..1Locationextension[*].valueString--single-appointment-contract-maxTop Level
timezone-The timezone for this department, offset from UTC/GMT.String0..1Locationextension[*].valueString--timezoneTop Level
timezonename-Timezone name of the department.String0..1Locationextension[*].valueString--timezone-nameTop Level
timezoneoffset-The "normal" timezone offset from UTC/GMT. The "timezone" combines this and "doesnotobservedst". During daylight savings, this is 1 less than "timezone".String0..1Locationextension[*].valueString--timezone-offsetTop Level
typeofbill-This is the name of type of bill for the department.String0..1Locationextension[*].valueString--type-of-billTop Level