xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Patient Statement

Source Object: Patient Statement

Overview and Usage: The "Patient Statement" source object is a crucial element of healthcare systems used for generating and managing patient statements. These statements are essential for billing patients for healthcare services provided. The "Patient Statement" source object contains various fields relevant to the creation and tracking of patient statements. Here's a brief description of some key fields included in this source object:

  • AppointmentId: A unique identifier for the appointment associated with the patient statement, linking it to specific healthcare services or visits.
  • AssignedTo: This field typically designates who is responsible for handling or addressing the patient statement, whether it's a clinical provider, administrator, or billing department.
  • ClinicalProviderId: The unique identifier for the clinical provider who rendered the healthcare services reflected in the statement.
  • ContraindicationReason: This field records any contraindication reasons, which may explain why certain services or charges were not included in the statement.
  • CreatedDatetime: The date and time when the patient statement was initially generated.
  • DeclinedReason: If the patient declines or disputes a charge or service, this field captures the reason behind the declination.
  • DeletedDatetime: The timestamp for when the patient statement is deleted or marked for removal from the system.
  • DepartmentId: An identifier for the department responsible for handling patient billing and statements.
  • DocumentType and DocumentDescription: These fields provide information on the type of document (e.g., invoice, statement) and its description.
  • EncounterId: Links the patient statement to the healthcare encounter or visit for which the services were provided.
  • Internal and External Accession ID: These IDs help in tracking and referencing the patient statement within the healthcare system.
  • LastModifiedDatetime: Records the date and time of the most recent modifications or updates to the patient statement.
  • ObservationDatetime: The date and time when the statement's observations or charges were documented.
  • PatientId: The unique identifier for the patient associated with the statement.
  • Priority: Designates the priority or importance level of the statement, which can help in managing and addressing statements effectively.
  • ProviderId: The unique identifier for the healthcare provider or facility responsible for the services billed in the statement.
  • ReceiveNote: This field may contain notes or additional information related to the receipt or processing of the statement.
  • Status: Indicates the status of the patient statement (e.g., pending, paid, disputed), allowing for efficient tracking and follow-up.
  • Subject: A brief description or subject line for the patient statement, which can provide context.
  • TietoOrderId: If applicable, this field links the statement to specific orders or requests within the healthcare system.

The "Patient Statement" source object is a crucial component for healthcare providers and organizations to maintain a comprehensive record of billing and financial transactions with patients. It facilitates accurate billing, effective communication, and patient financial management, ensuring transparency and accountability in healthcare financial operations.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
claimids-Claim Ids associated with the particular statementString0..1Accountextension[*].valueStringclaim-ids-Top Level
dunninglevel-Dunning Level of that particular statementNumber0..1Accountextension[*].valueStringdunning-level-Top Level
statementdate-The date (mm/dd/yyyy) the statement was created.String0..1AccountcalculatedAt-Top Level
statementid-The ID of the patient statement.Number0..1Accountid-Top Level
totalamountdue-The patient's outstanding balance on the statement.String0..1Accountbalance.amount-Top Level