xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Payment History

Source Object: Payment History

Overview and Usage: The "Payment History" source object is a crucial component of healthcare management systems that tracks and records various financial transactions and payments associated with patient care. It provides a comprehensive history of payments, including details related to payment methods, dates of service, and more. Here's a brief description of some key fields included in this source object:

  • CheckCCNumber: This field may contain information about the check or credit card number used for payment. It helps in tracking payment methods and ensuring secure and accurate transactions.
  • DateOfService: This field indicates the date when the services or treatments were provided to the patient. It's an essential component for reconciling payments with the services rendered.
  • EPaymentID: EPaymentID represents a unique identifier for electronic payments. It is used to link electronic transactions to specific patients and services.
  • EPaymentReceiptID: EPaymentReceiptID serves as a unique identifier for electronic payment receipts. It helps in tracking and referencing electronic payment records.
  • Method: This field specifies the method of payment used, such as credit card, check, or electronic payment. It is crucial for tracking different payment types and reconciling accounts.
  • NameOnCard: NameOnCard stores the name of the cardholder, which is particularly relevant for credit card payments, ensuring that the payment is associated with the correct individual.
  • OriginalPlan: OriginalPlan may reference the patient's original payment plan or agreement, which can be essential for managing and tracking financial arrangements.
  • Payments: The Payments field records the actual payment amount made by the patient or their insurance provider. This is a critical financial record.
  • PlaceOfPayment: PlaceOfPayment indicates where the payment was made, such as at a clinic, hospital, or online platform.
  • PostDate: PostDate signifies the date when the payment was recorded or posted in the system, which is important for maintaining accurate financial records.
  • Reason: The Reason field provides information about the purpose or rationale behind a specific payment. It can include details about co-pays, deductibles, or other payment categories.
  • SupervisingProvider: This field may reference the healthcare provider overseeing the patient's care and responsible for associated payments.
  • TransactionID: TransactionID serves as a unique identifier for individual financial transactions. It's essential for tracking payments accurately.
  • Type: The Type field specifies the category or type of payment, such as insurance reimbursement, patient co-payment, or other payment categories.

The "Payment History" source object is indispensable for healthcare institutions to manage and track financial transactions related to patient care. It plays a vital role in financial record-keeping, revenue cycle management, and ensuring transparency and accuracy in healthcare billing and payments.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
checkccnumber-Last 4 digits of check or credit card numberstring0..1PaymentNoticeextension.valueStringcheck-ccnumberTop Level
dateofservice-Date of servicestring0..1PaymentNoticecreatedTop Level
epaymentid-EPayment IDinteger0..1PaymentNoticeidentifier.valuetype=epayment-idTop Level
epaymentreceiptid-EPayment Receipt IDinteger0..1PaymentNoticeidentifier.valuetype=epayment-receipt-idTop Level
method-Method of paymentstring0..1PaymentNoticeextension.valueStringpayment-methodTop Level
nameoncard-Name on credit card from EPAYMENTCARD tablestring0..1PaymentNoticeextension.valueStringname-on-cardTop Level
originalplan-Insurance package namestring0..1PaymentNoticeextension.valueStringoriginal-planTop Level
patientid-Patient IDinteger0..1PaymentNoticeextension.valueStringpatient-idTop Level
patientpaymentid-Patient Payment IDinteger0..1PaymentNoticeidTop Level
payments-Payment amountinteger0..1PaymentNoticeamount.valueTop Level
placeofpayment-Gives the place of payment. Ex: FRONTDESK,PORTALDESKTOP,PORTALMOBILE etcstring0..1PaymentNoticeextension.valueStringplace-of-paymentTop Level
postdate-Date the payment was made.string0..1PaymentNoticeextension.valueDatepost-dateTop Level
prepaymentid-Pre payment id of a payment. Will be available when transaction reason is PREPAYMENTnumber0..1PaymentNoticeidentifier.valuetype=pre-payment-idTop Level
reason-Reason for payment.string0..1PaymentNoticeextension.valueStringreasonTop Level
supervisingprovider-Supervising provider namestring0..1PaymentNoticerecipient.referenceTop Level
transactionid-Transaction IDinteger0..1PaymentNoticeidentifier.valuetype=transaction-idTop Level
type-Denotes the payment or refund.string0..1PaymentNoticeextension.valueStringtypeTop Level