xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Physician Document

Source Object: Physician Document

Overview and Usage: The "Physician Document" source object is used in healthcare systems to manage and store documents related to patients, typically created or generated by physicians or healthcare providers. These documents can include a variety of clinical and administrative information. Here's a breakdown of the key components:

  • ActionNote: This field may contain notes or descriptions related to actions taken with the document.
  • AppointmentId: Identifies the appointment or encounter associated with the document.
  • AssignedTo: Specifies who the document is assigned to, which can be a healthcare provider or staff member.
  • CreatedDateTime: Indicates the date and time when the document was initially created.
  • CreatedUser: Identifies the user who created the document.
  • DeletedDateTime: If applicable, this field records the date and time when the document was deleted.
  • DepartmentId: Specifies the department or area of the healthcare facility associated with the document.
  • DocumentSource: Describes the source or origin of the document.
  • DocumentSubclass: Categorizes the document into a specific subclass based on its content or purpose.
  • PhysicianAuthId: Refers to an identifier associated with the physician who authorized or created the document.
  • EncounterId: Identifies the encounter or visit during which the document was generated.
  • InternalNote: May contain internal notes or additional information regarding the document.
  • LastModifiedDate: Records the date when the document was last modified.
  • LastModifiedUser: Specifies the user who made the last modification to the document.
  • Pages.ContentType: Describes the content type of the pages within the document.
  • Pages.Href: Provides links or references to specific pages within the document.
  • Pages.PageId: Identifies individual pages within the document.
  • Pages.PageOrdering: Specifies the order or sequence of pages within the document.
  • PatientId: Identifies the patient associated with the document.
  • Priority: Indicates the priority or importance level of the document.
  • ProviderId: Identifies the healthcare provider or physician associated with the document.
  • Status: Describes the current status of the document (e.g., pending, finalized, etc.).
  • Subject: Provides a subject or title for the document.
  • ClinicalProviderId: Specifies the ID of the clinical provider associated with the document.
  • DocumentClass: Categorizes the document into a specific class based on its content or type.
  • DocumentDescription: Provides a description or summary of the document.
  • DocumentRoute: Specifies the route or path taken by the document within the healthcare system.
  • DocumentType: Identifies the type or category of the document.
  • DocumentTypeId: Contains an identifier associated with the document type.
  • ExternalAccessionId: If applicable, this field may contain an external accession ID or reference.
  • ExternalNote: May include external notes or additional information regarding the document.
  • InternalAccessionId: Contains an internal accession ID or reference, if applicable.
  • InternalNote: May include internal notes or additional information regarding the document.
  • LastModifiedDateTime: Records the date and time when the document was last modified.
  • ObservationDateTime: Specifies the date and time associated with observations or data within the document.
  • TietoOrderId: Contains an identifier associated with Tieto orders, if relevant.
  • FaxNumber: Specifies the fax number associated with the document, if applicable.

The "Physician Document" source object is a versatile component in healthcare systems, facilitating the management and retrieval of documents that are crucial for patient care, medical records, and administrative purposes. It helps healthcare providers maintain comprehensive and organized documentation to support clinical decision-making and patient management.

This source object enables the secure storage and accessibility of a wide range of documents generated within a healthcare environment.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
actionnote-The most recent action note for a documentstring0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringaction-noteTop Level
appointmentid-The appointment ID for this documentinteger0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringappointment-idTop Level
assignedto-Person the document is assigned tostring0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringassigned-toTop Level
createddatetime-Date the document was created. Please use createddatetime instead.string0..1DocumentReferencedateTop Level
createduser-The user who created this document.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringcreated-userTop Level
deleteddatetime-Date/time (ISO 8601) the document was deletedstring0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueDatetimedeleted-datetimeTop Level
departmentid-Department for the documentstring0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringdepartment-idTop Level
documentsource-Explains where this document originated.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringdocument-sourceTop Level
documentsubclass-Specific type of documentstring0..1DocumentReferencecategory.extension.valueStringdocument-subclassTop Level
physicianauthid-The primary key for physician authorization documentsinteger0..1DocumentReferenceidTop Level
encounterid-Encounter IDstring0..1DocumentReferencecontext.encounter.referenceTop Level
internalnote-The 'Internal Note' attached to this documentstring0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringinternal-noteTop Level
lastmodifieddate-Date/time (ISO 8601) the document was last modifiedstring0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueDateTimelast-modified-dateTop Level
lastmodifieduser-The user who last modified this document.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringlast-modified-userTop Level
pages.contenttype-The content-type that will be returned by the page image call.string0..1DocumentReferencecontent.attachment.contentTypeTop Level
pages.href-The URL to get the document image.string0..1DocumentReferencecontent.attachment.urlTop Level
pages.pageid-The ID to use in a call to get the page image.string0..1DocumentReferencecontent.attachment.idTop Level
pages.pageordering-Within this list of pages, the ordering (starting with 1).string0..1DocumentReferencecontent.attachment.extension.valueStringpage-orderingTop Level
patientid-The athenaNet patient ID.integer0..1DocumentReferencesubject.referenceTop Level
priority-Document priority, when available. 1 is high, 2 is normal. Some labs use other numbers or characters that are lab-specific.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringpriorityTop Level
providerid-Provider ID for this documentinteger0..1DocumentReferenceauthor.referenceTop Level
status-Status of the documentstring0..1DocumentReferencestatusTop Level
subject-Subject of the documentstring0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringsubjectTop Level
clinicalproviderid-The clinical provider ID of the performing providernumber0..1DocumentReferencecustodian.referenceTop Level
documentclass-Class of documentstring0..1DocumentReferencecategory.coding.codeTop Level
documentdescription-Description of the document typestring0..1DocumentReferencedescriptionTop Level
documentroute-Explains method by which the document was entered into the athenaNet (INTERFACE (digital), FAX, etc.)string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringdocument-routeTop Level
documenttype-The description for this documentstring0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringdocument-typeTop Level
documenttypeid-The ID of the description for this documentnumber0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringdocument-type-idTop Level
externalaccessionid-The external accession ID for this document. Format depends on the system the ID belongs to.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringexternal-accession-idTop Level
externalnote-External note for the patientstring0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringexternal-noteTop Level
internalaccessionid-The internal accession ID for this document. Format depends on the system the ID belongs to.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringinternal-accession-idTop Level
internalnote-The 'Internal Note' attached to this documentstring0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringinternal-noteTop Level
lastmodifieddatetime-Date/time (ISO 8601) the document was last modifiedstring0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueDateTimelast-modified-datetimeTop Level
observationdatetime-Date/time (ISO 8601) the observation was takenstring0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueDateTimeobservation-datetimeTop Level
tietoorderid-Order ID of the order this document is tied to, if anynumber0..1DocumentReferencecontext.related.referenceTop Level
faxnumber-The phone number to use to call back the patient.string0..1DocumentReferenceextension.valueStringfax-numberTop Level