xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Physical Exam

Source Object: Physical Exam

Overview and Usage: The "Physical Exam" source object is used in healthcare systems to document and manage physical examination data for patients. It includes various fields to record and categorize the examination findings. Here's a breakdown of the key components:

  • LastModifiedBy: Indicates the user or healthcare professional who last modified the physical examination data.
  • LastModifiedDateTime: Specifies the date and time when the physical examination data was last modified.
  • PhysicalExam: Contains the primary physical examination data.
  • PhysicalExam.ParagraphId: Identifies specific paragraphs within the physical exam, allowing for structured organization.
  • PhysicalExam.ParagraphName: Describes the name or title of the paragraph within the physical exam.
  • PhysicalExam.Sentences: Represents sentences or statements related to the physical examination.
  • PhysicalExam.Sentences.SentenceId: Identifies individual sentences within the physical exam.
  • PhysicalExam.Sentences.SentenceName: Describes the name or title of each sentence.
  • PhysicalExam.Sentences.SentenceNote: Contains additional notes or details about each sentence.
  • SectionNote: Provides notes or information specific to a section of the physical exam.
  • TemplateData: Refers to data related to the use of templates in documenting the physical examination.
  • Templates: Allows the use of predefined templates for consistent documentation.

This source object serves as a valuable tool for healthcare providers to maintain comprehensive and structured records of physical examinations, making it easier to monitor patient health, track changes over time, and provide well-documented care. It can be instrumental in enhancing patient care and ensuring accurate and up-to-date medical records, which are essential for informed decision-making and effective treatment planning.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
lastmodifiedby-\n\t\t\t\tA string representing the username of the user who last modified the physical exam section.\n\t\tString0..1Observationextension[*].valueString--last-modified-byTop Level
lastmodifieddatetime-The last time any information in the physical exam section was modifiedString0..1Observationextension[*].valueString--last-modified-dateTop Level
physicalexam-The structured physical exam data. It is structured as a list of paragraphs, each containing a list of sentences, each containing a list of findings.Object0..*Observationextension.[*].valueString (the whole physical exam is stringified into a JSON )--physical-exam/physical-exam-templateTop Level
physicalexam.paragraphid-ID of this paragraph.Integer0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.paragraphname-The label for this paragraphString0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences-Object0..*Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.findings-The list of findingsObject0..*Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.findings.contradictionids-A string representing an array of finding IDs that contradict the current finding ID. What this means is that if this finding is selected, any findings in the CONTRADICTIONIDS should not be selected.String0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.findings.findingid-ID of this Finding.Integer0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.findingsv.findinglastmodifiedby-The username of the provider that last modified the value for this finding.String0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.findings.findinglastmodifieddatetime-The date and time that the value for this finding was last modified.String0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.findings.findingname-The label for this finding. Note that this may contain specific answers for this finding (e.g. "wakes up 2 hours after going to sleep"). See GENERICFINDINGNAME for an example that does not contain specific answers.String0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.findings.findingnote-The note for this findingString0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.findings.findingnotelastmodifiedby-The username of the provider that last modified the note for this finding.String0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.findings.findingnotelastmodifieddatetime-The date and time that the note for this finding was last modified.String0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.findings.findingshortname-The abbreviated label for this findingString0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.findings.findingtype-Describes the finding -- either NORMAL, ABNORMAL, or NEUTRAL.String0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.findings.freetext-Freetext for this findingString0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.findings.freetextlastmodifiedby-The username of the provider that last modified the value of the text field sometimes associated with this finding.String0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.findings.freetextlastmodifieddatetime-The date and time that the value of the text field sometimes associated with this finding was last modified.String0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.findings.genericfindingname-The general label for this finding. It will not contain any specific answers for this finding (e.g. "wakes up ___ {{minutes*hours}} after going to sleep").String0..1Observation----
physicalexam.sentences.findings.medcinid-Where available, the matching MEDCIN ID for this clinical finding.Integer0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.findings.optionlists-An array of arrays. Each inner array contains the possible options for a dropdown list. The order of the these arrays corresponds to the ordering of dropdowns from left to right within the finding.String0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.findings.selected-Whether the finding is selected. If templateids are not passed in, this field will not be returned.String0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.findings.selectedoptions-The options the user has chosen from any dropdowns for this finding. The order of these selections corresponds to the order of the dropdowns from left to right in the finding name.String0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.sentenceid-ID of this sentence.Integer0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.sentencename-The label for this sentenceString0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.sentencenote-The note for this sentenceString0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.sentencenotelastmodifiedby-The username of the provider that last modified the note for this sentence.String0..1Observation----Top Level
physicalexam.sentences.sentencenotelastmodifieddatetime-The date and time that the note for this sentence was last modified.String0..1Observation----Top Level
sectionnote-The structured section-level note for the physical exam section.String0..1Observationextension.[*].valueString--physicalexam/section-noteTop Level
sectionnotelastmodifiedby-\n\t\t\t\tA string representing the username of a the user who last modified the physical exam section note.\n\t\tString0..1Observationextension.[*].valueString--physical-exam/section-note-last-modified-byTop Level
sectionnotelastmodifieddatetime-The last time the physical exam section note was modifiedString0..1Observationextension.[*].valueString--physical--exam/section-note-last-modified-datetimeTop Level
summarytext-The unstructured summaryString0..1Observationnote.text---Top Level
templatedata-An array of objects each containing the name and id for physical exam templates attached to the encounter.Object0..*Observationextension.[*].valueString ((the whole physical exam is stringified into a JSON ))--physical-exam/physical-exam-template-dataTop Level
templatedata.templateid-ID of the template.Integer0..1Observationextension.[*].valueString--physicalexam/template-idTop Level
templatedata.templatename-Name of the template.String0..1Observationextension.[*].valueString--physicalexam/template-nameTop Level
templates-The comma separated list of selected physical exam templates usedString0..1Observationextension.[*].valueString--physicalexam/templatesTop Level