xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Screening Questionnaire (Encounters)

Source Object: Screening Questionnaire (Encounters)

Overview and Usage: The "Screening Questionnaire (Encounters)" source object contains data related to screening questionnaires conducted during healthcare encounters. These questionnaires are designed to assess various aspects of a patient's health and gather relevant information for diagnosis and treatment. The data collected through this source object is essential for understanding a patient's health condition and providing appropriate care. Below are key components of the "Screening Questionnaire (Encounters)" source object:

  • Declined Reason: The reason for any declined responses within the questionnaire, including the declined reason text.
  • Document IDs: The unique identifiers of documents associated with the questionnaire.
  • Guidelines: Guidelines and recommendations relevant to the questionnaire.
  • Maximum Score: The maximum achievable score in the questionnaire.
  • Meta Questions:
    • Answer Text: The answers or responses to meta questions within the questionnaire.
    • Question Text: The text of the meta questions.
  • Name: The name or title of the questionnaire.
  • Note: Additional notes or information related to the questionnaire.
  • Questionnaire ID: A unique identifier for the screening questionnaire.
  • Score: The score obtained in the questionnaire.
  • Scored By: The entity or individual responsible for scoring the questionnaire.
  • Scored Date: The date when the questionnaire was scored.
  • Scoring Status: The status of the questionnaire's scoring.
  • Sections:
    • Header Text: Text displayed as the header of questionnaire sections.
    • Question List:
      • Answer: Answers or responses to questions within the sections.
      • Hidden: Indicates if the question is hidden or not.
      • Key: A unique key for the question.
      • Possible Answers: The list of possible answers.
      • Question: The text of the question.
      • Question ID: A unique identifier for the question.
  • Template ID: The identifier of the questionnaire's template.
  • Template Type: The type or format of the questionnaire template.

Screening questionnaires are valuable tools for healthcare providers to assess a patient's health condition and identify any potential issues. The collected data aids in diagnosing and providing the appropriate care and treatment for the patient.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
declinedreason.declinedreasontext-The text of the reasonString0..1Questionnaireextension[*].valueString-declined-reason-textTop Level
documentids-The document IDs attached to the questionnaire.String0..1Questionnaireextension[*].valueString-document-idsTop Level
guidelines-The guidelines recommended by the questionnaireString0..1Questionnaireextension[*].valueString-guidelinesTop Level
maximumscore-The maximum amount of points for this questionnaireInteger0..1Questionnaireextension[*].valueString-maximum-scoreTop Level
metaquestions.answertext-The answer to the meta questionString0..1Questionnaireextension[*].valueString-answer-textTop Level
metaquestions.questiontext-The text of the meta questionString0..1Questionnaireextension[*].valueString-question-textTop Level
name-The questionnaire nameString0..1Questionnairename-Top Level
note-The note attached to this questionnaireString0..1Questionnaireextension[*].valueString-noteTop Level
questionnaireid-The questionnaire IDInteger0..1Questionnaireid-Top Level
score-The score for this questionnaireInteger0..1Questionnaireextension[*].valueString-scoredTop Level
scoredby-The user that scored this questionnaireString0..1Questionnaireextension[*].valueString-scored-byTop Level
scoreddate-The date this questionnaire was scoredString0..1Questionnaireextension[*].valueString-scored-dateTop Level
scoringstatus-The status of the questionnaireString0..1Questionnaireextension[*].valueString-scoring-statusTop Level
sections.headertext-The header text for this section of the questionnaireString0..1Questionnaireitem[].extension[].valueString-header-textTop Level
sections.questionlist.answer-The current answer to the questionString0..1Questionnaireitem[*].answerOption.valueString-Top Level
sections.questionlist.hidden-Flag that represents if the question is initially hidden or notString0..1Questionnaireitem[*].disabledDisplay.displaysystem=http://hl7.org/fhir/questionnaire-disabled-display code=hidden-Top Level
sections.questionlist.key-The key for the questionString0..1Questionnaireitem[*].linkId-Top Level
sections.questionlist.possibleanswers-List of possible answers for this questionString0..1Questionnaireitem[*].answerValueSet-Top Level
sections.questionlist.question-The text of the questionString0..1Questionnaireitem[*].text-Top Level
sections.questionlist.questionid-The ID for this specific questionnaire's questionInteger0..1Questionnaireitem[*].id-Top Level
templateid-The template ID of the questionnaire. Required to activate a questionnaire for a given encounter.Integer0..1Questionnaireextension[*].valueString-template-idTop Level
templatetype-Boolean to flag whether the questionnaire is score only or not.String0..1Questionnaireextension[*].valueString-template-typeTop Level