xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Secure Messages

Source Object: Secure Messages

Overview and Usage: The "Secure Messages" source object contains data related to secure messaging in healthcare, enabling secure communication and collaboration between healthcare providers, patients, and other stakeholders. Below are key components of the "Secure Messages" source object:

  • Brand ID: Identifier for the brand or organization associated with the secure messages.
  • Document ID: Unique identifier for the document containing the secure message.
  • Enterprise ID: Identifier for the healthcare enterprise or organization managing the secure messages.
  • Message List:
    • Display Date: The date when the message is displayed.
    • From:
      • Display Name: Display name of the sender.
      • Provider ID: Unique identifier of the sender provider.
      • Username: Username of the sender.
    • Is Reply: Indicates whether the message is a reply to a previous message.
    • Text: The content of the message.
    • Timestamp: The timestamp or date and time when the message was sent.
    • To:
      • Display Name: Display name of the message recipient.
      • Provider ID: Unique identifier of the recipient provider.
      • Username: Username of the recipient.
    • Unread: Indicates whether the message is marked as unread.
  • Message Type: The type or category of the secure message.
  • Subject: The subject or title of the secure message.

Secure messaging is a critical aspect of healthcare communication, ensuring that sensitive information is exchanged securely and efficiently among healthcare professionals and patients.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
brandid-Brandid of the messageinteger0..1Communicationidentifier.valuetype=brand-idTop Level
documentid-ID of the documentinteger0..1Communicationidentifier.valuetype=document-idTop Level
enterpriseid-ID of the patientinteger0..1Communicationsubject.referenceTop Level
messagelist.displaydate-Fetch date from documentaction table which calculates time accoding to timezonestring0..1Communicationpayload.extension.valueDateTimedisplay-dateTop Level
messagelist.from.displayname-Practice or provider namestring0..1Communicationpayload.extension.valueReference.displayfromTop Level
messagelist.from.providerid-ID of the providerinteger0..1Communicationpayload.extension.valueReference.referenceTop Level
messagelist.from.username-string0..1Communicationpayload.extension.valueReference.extension.valueStringuser-nameTop Level
messagelist.isreply-Boolean. Whether or not this message is a replystring0..1Communicationpayload.extension.valueStringis-replyTop Level
messagelist.text-Content of the messagestring0..1Communicationpayload.contentStringTop Level
messagelist.timestamp-Timestamp of the created messageinteger0..1Communicationpayload.extension.valueIntegertimestampTop Level
messagelist.to.displayname-Patient name or user namestring0..1Communicationpayload.extension.valueReference.displayfromTop Level
messagelist.to.providerid-ID of the providerinteger0..1Communicationpayload.extension.valueReference.referenceTop Level
messagelist.to.username-PORTAL by defaultstring0..1Communicationpayload.extension.valueReference.extension.valueStringuser-nameTop Level
messagelist.unread-Boolean. Whether or not the message is unreadstring0..1Communicationpayload.extension.valueStringun-readTop Level
messagetype-Messagetype of the documentstring0..1Communicationcategory.coding.codeTop Level
subject-Subject of the messagestring0..1Communicationtopic.coding.displayTop Level