xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Social History

Source Object: Social History

Overview and Usage: The "Social History" source object contains data related to a patient's social history. Social history information is essential in healthcare to understand a patient's lifestyle, habits, and other non-medical factors that can impact their health. Below are key components of the "Social History" source object:

  • Answer: The answer or response to a specific social history question.
  • Key: A unique identifier for the social history answer.
  • Last Updated: The date and time when the social history answer was last updated.
  • Question: The social history question or inquiry.
  • Question ID: A unique identifier for the social history question.
  • Deprecated: Indicates whether the question or answer is deprecated or no longer in use.
  • Last Updated By: The user or entity that last updated the social history answer.
  • Note: Additional notes or comments related to the social history answer.
  • Note Last Updated By: The user or entity that last updated the notes.
  • Note Last Updated Date: The date and time when the notes were last updated.
  • Not Performed Reason: The reason for not performing or answering a specific question.
  • Ordering: The order or sequence in which the questions and answers are presented.
  • Template ID: A unique identifier for the template used for social history questions and answers.
  • Delete: Indicates whether the social history answer is marked for deletion.
  • Not Performed Reason Code: A code indicating the reason for not performing or answering a specific question.
  • Template Name: The name of the template used for social history questions and answers.
  • Questions:
    • Question: The social history question or inquiry.
    • Input Type: The type of input or response expected for the question.
    • Key: A unique identifier for the social history question.
    • Question ID: A unique identifier for the question.
    • Deprecated: Indicates whether the question is deprecated or no longer in use.
    • Ordering: The order or sequence in which the questions are presented.
    • Options: Available options or choices for the question, if applicable.

Social history data provides valuable context for healthcare providers to offer patient-centered care and support, taking into consideration social and lifestyle factors that influence a patient's well-being.

Mapping Table

Data FieldExample ValueSource Data Field DescriptionSource Field Data TypeSource Data Field CardinalityMapped FHIR++ ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapping Context
answer-The patient answer to this questionString0..1QuestionnaireResponseitem[1].answer[1].valueString---Top Level
key-Unique key for this question.String0..1QuestionnaireResponseitem[1].linkId---Top Level
lastupdated-The date this answer was last updated (or first answered if never updated).String0..1QuestionnaireResponseauthored---Top Level
question-Human readable questionString0..1QuestionnaireResponseitem[1].text---Top Level
questionid-(Deprecated) Unique ID for this question within this template.Integer0..1QuestionnaireResponseid---Top Level
deprecated-A value of 1 indicates that the question has been deprecated. A deprecated question is a\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tquestion that was previously supported, and is now considered obsolete for any number of reasons;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tit could've been replaced with another question, the nature of the question is no longer relevant,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tetc. While these questions may still be answered, the use of them is not recommended, and the\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tquestion will display as "deleted" in the client's workflow.String0..1QuestionnaireResponseextension[*].valueString--deprecatedTop Level
lastupdatedby-Username of the provider who last modified the answer to this question. This API attribute is being rolled out and will be Generally Available on or before July 1, 2022.String0..1QuestionnaireResponseextension[*].valueString--last-modified-byTop Level
note-The notes associated with this question.String0..1QuestionnaireResponseextension[*].valueString--noteTop Level
notelastupdatedby-The username of the user who last updated the note. This API attribute is being rolled out and will be Generally Available on or before July 1, 2022.String0..1QuestionnaireResponseextension[*].valueString--note-last-updated-byTop Level
notelastupdateddate-The date this note was last updated (or first added if never updated).String0..1QuestionnaireResponseextension[*].valueString--note-last-updated-dateTop Level
notperformedreason-The reason this question was not performed.String0..1QuestionnaireResponseextension[*].valueString--not-performed-reasonTop Level
ordering-Display ordering for this question within this templateInteger0..1QuestionnaireResponseextension[*].valueInteger--orderingTop Level
templateid-The template where this question is listedInteger0..1QuestionnaireResponseextension[*].valueInteger--template-idTop Level
delete-remove the answer to this question.Boolean0..1QuestionnaireResponseextension[*].valueBooleandeleteTop Level
notperformedreason.code-the snomed code code for not performed reasonInteger0..1QuestionnaireResponseextension[*].valueIntegerSnomednot-performed-reason-codeTop Level
templatename-Name for this social history templateString0..1Questionnairename---Top Level
templateid-ID for this social history templateInteger0..1Questionnaireid---Top Level
questions.question-Human readable questionString0..1Questionnaireitem[*].text---Top Level
questions.inputtype-Input type for this question. Valid values are DROPDOWN, NUMERIC, FREETEXT, YESNO, and DATEString0..1Questionnaireitem[*].type---Top Level
questions.key-Unique key for this question.String0..1Questionnaireitem[*].linkId---Top Level
questions.questionid-(Deprecated) Unique ID for this question within this template.Integer0..1Questionnaireitem[*].id---Top Level
questions.deprecated-A value of 1 indicates that the question has been deprecated. A deprecated question is a question that was previously supported, and is now considered obsolete for any number of reasons; it could've been replaced with another question, the nature of the question is no longer relevant, etc. While these questions may still be answered, the use of them is not recommended, and the question will display as "deleted" in the client's workflow.String0..1Questionnaireitem[].extension[].valueString--deprecatedTop Level
questions.ordering-Display ordering for this question within this templateInteger0..1Questionnaireitem[].extension[].valueInteger--orderingTop Level
questions.options-If the inputtype is DROPDOWN, this contains the list of key => value selections.String0..1Questionnaireitem[].answerOption[].valueCoding---Top Level