xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Insurance Company

Insurance Company

Source Object: Insurance Company

The Insurance Company source object contains essential information related to insurance providers and companies. In the context of healthcare, insurance companies play a crucial role in facilitating financial coverage for patient medical services.


The Insurance Company source object is used to capture and manage data concerning insurance providers. This data can include the contact details of the insurance company, its eligibility status, and any additional identifying information.


The Insurance Company source object serves various purposes within a healthcare platform:

  1. Billing and Claims Processing: Insurance company information is vital for medical billing and claims processing. This includes details like payer IDs, phone numbers, and addresses.
  2. Eligibility Verification: Healthcare providers use this data to verify whether a patient is eligible for coverage by a particular insurance company.
  3. Credentialing: The object includes fields related to credentialing, which is the process of verifying the qualifications and legitimacy of an insurance company.
  4. Enrollment Status: Tracks the enrollment status of the insurance company, providing information on whether they are currently providing coverage.
  5. External Vendor IDs: Contains unique IDs used for integration with external vendor systems or third-party services.
  6. Aliases: Some insurance companies may have multiple names or aliases. This field captures variations in the company's name.
  7. Practice Information: Practice-related information, including the address and contact details of the insurance company.

The Insurance Company source object facilitates the efficient management of insurance provider information within a healthcare platform. This data is essential for ensuring that healthcare services are properly billed and that patients receive the coverage they are entitled to.

Mapping Table

Data FieldSource Field Data TypeResource Mapping ContextSource Data Field CardinalitySource Data Field DescriptionExample ValueSource Data Field Validation RuleMapped FHIR ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapped FHIR Data Field Type
addressStringTop Level0..1--string(200)Organizationaddress[*].line[1]-NA-TBD
cityStringTop Level0..1--string(50)Organizationaddress[*].city-NA-TBD
created_dateDateTimeTop Level0..1--datetime(iso8601)Organizationextension[*].valueDateTime-NAcreated-dateTBD
deleted_dateDateTimeTop Level0..1--datetime(iso8601)Organizationextension[*].valueDateTime-NAdeleted-dateTBD
extensionStringTop Level0..1--string(6)Organizationextension[*].valueString-NAextensionTBD
idIntegerTop Level0..1---Organizationid-NA-TBD
phoneStringTop Level0..1--string(20)Organizationtelecom[*].value-NA-TBD
practiceIntegerTop Level0..1---Organizationextension[*].valueReference.reference-NApracticeTBD
stateStringTop Level0..1--string(2)Organizationaddress[*].state-NA-TBD
suiteStringTop Level0..1--string(35)Organizationaddress[*].line[2]-NA-TBD
zipStringTop Level0..1--string(10)Organizationaddress[*].postalCode-NA-TBD