xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Lab Order Set

Lab Order Set

Source Object: Lab Order Set

The Lab Order Set source object plays a critical role in healthcare data management by providing structured information about predefined sets of laboratory tests. These sets help streamline the ordering and documentation of lab tests, ensuring efficient and consistent clinical workflows.


Lab order sets are standardized groups of laboratory tests, organized to facilitate the efficient ordering and reporting of tests. The Lab Order Set source object captures key information related to these sets, making it easier for healthcare professionals to request the necessary tests based on clinical requirements.


The Lab Order Set source object serves several important purposes in healthcare data management:

  1. Set Information: It contains essential details about a specific lab order set, including its code, name, creation date, and document date. These details help in identifying and referencing the order set.
  2. Lab Vendor: Specifies the lab vendor associated with the order set. This information is vital for tracking the source or provider of the order set data.
  3. Content Details: The content field within the Lab Order Set source object holds information related to the individual tests included in the set. It covers details such as the collection date and time, fasting requirements, ICD-10 codes, patient instructions, standing order end date, order frequency, and more.
  4. Test Information: The content also includes details about individual lab tests, including test codes, names, CPT codes, practice creation dates, procedure classes, associated questions, and synonyms.

By using the Lab Order Set source object, healthcare organizations can streamline the ordering of lab tests, ensuring that the right tests are ordered for each patient based on clinical indications. This enhances efficiency, reduces errors, and improves the quality of patient care.

Mapping Table

Data FieldSource Field Data TypeResource Mapping ContextSource Data Field CardinalitySource Data Field DescriptionExample ValueSource Data Field Validation RuleMapped FHIR ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapped FHIR Data Field Type
compendium_codeStringTop Level0..1--PlanDefinitionextension[*].valueString-NAcompendium-codeTBD
created_dateDateTimeTop Level0..1Time at which elation created this order.Can be different from chart_date when the order was imported into a chart from a different source and document_date when documenting an order that happened at some other time.-PlanDefinitionextension[*].valueDateTime-NAcreated-dateTBD
document_dateDateTimeTop Level0..1Time at which this order was created in whichever system created it. Could be historical or same as the create_date.-PlanDefinitionapprovalDate-NA-TBD
idIntegerTop Level0..1The id of the lab order set in Elation's systems. Will be unique.--PlanDefinitionid-NA-TBD
lab_vendorIntegerTop Level0..1---PlanDefinitionextension[*].valueInteger-NAvendorTBD
nameStringTop Level0..1The name of the lab order set.--PlanDefinitionname-NA-TBD
practiceIntegerTop Level0..1The id of the practice.--PlanDefinitionextension[*].valueReference.reference-NApracticeTBD
contentObjectContained0..1Represents the content of the lab order set.--ServiceRequest--NA-TBD
content.collection_datetimeDateTimeContained0..1If lab specimen collection is done onsite, this is the time at which the collection was taken.--ServiceRequestcontained[].extension[].valueDateTime-NAcollection-dateTBD
content.fasting_methodStringContained0..1Instructions for patient and lab on how long they should fast before specimen collection.-'fasting_12_hour', 'fasting_8_hours', 'fasting_2_hours', 'fasting_none', 'fasting_random'ServiceRequestcontained[].extension[].valueString-NAfasting-statusTBD
content.icd10_codesObjectContained0..*ICD10 diagnosis codes provided along with the order.--ServiceRequest--NA-TBD
content.idIntegerContained0..1Represents the content id of lab order set.--ServiceRequestcontained[].extension[].valueInteger-NAcontent-idTBD
content.patient_instructionsStringContained0..1Notes for patient.--ServiceRequestcontained[*].patientInstruction-NA-TBD
content.standing_order_end_dateDateContained0..1Date at which standing order should be canceled.--ServiceRequestcontained[].extension[].valueDateTime-NAend-dateTBD
content.standing_order_frequencyStringContained0..1Number of times order should be performed on a standing basis.-string(50)ServiceRequestcontained[].extension[].valueString-NAfrequencyTBD
content.stat_methodStringContained0..1--'wet_reading_phone', 'wet_reading_fax', 'stat_phone','stat_fax', 'stat_phone_fax'ServiceRequestcontained[].extension[].valueString-NAstat-methodTBD
content.test_center_notesStringContained0..1Notes for Lab.--ServiceRequestcontained[*].note[1].text-NA-TBD
content.testsObjectContained0..*The list of tests that should be performed by the lab. Must all be either from the same compendium or no compendium.--ServiceRequest--NA-TBD
content.tests.codeStringContained0..1Any code associated with the test, usually provided by the lab vendor's compendium.-string(50)ServiceRequestcontained[*].code.coding[1].code-NA-TBD
content.tests.compendiumIntegerContained0..1The id of the compendium provided the lab vendor that provides the lab order test. All tests in the same order MUST share the same compendium.--ServiceRequestcontained[].code.extension[].valueInteger-NAcompendiumTBD
content.tests.cptsIntegerContained0..*A list of CPT codes associated with the lab order test.--ServiceRequestcontained[].code.extension[].valueInteger-NAcptsTBD
content.tests.created_dateDateTimeContained0..1Time at which Elation created this Lab Order Test.--ServiceRequestcontained[].code.extension[].valueDateTime-NAcreated-dateTBD
content.tests.deleted_dateDateTimeContained0..1Time at which this Lab Order Test was deleted. Can happen when a lab order compendium update deprecates a test.--ServiceRequestcontained[].code.extension[].valueDateTime-NAdeleted-dateTBD
content.tests.idIntegerContained0..1The id of the Lab Order Test.--ServiceRequestcontained[*].code.id-NA-TBD
content.tests.lab_vendorIntegerContained0..1The id of the lab vendor who provides the lab order test.--ServiceRequestcontained[].code.extension[].valueInteger-NAlab-vendorTBD
content.tests.nameStringContained0..1The name of the Lab Order Test.-string(255)ServiceRequestcontained[].code.extension[].valueString-NAtest-nameTBD
content.tests.practice_createdIntegerContained0..1The id of the practice that created the test if practice created.--ServiceRequestcontained[].code.extension[].valueInteger-NApractice-createdTBD
content.tests.procedure_classStringContained0..1Code provided by specific compendiums that indicate the "class" of test, e.g. histology vs cytology. Some lab vendors require that tests with specific procedure classes need to ordered separately.-string(50)ServiceRequestcontained[].code.extension[].valueString-NAprocedure-classTBD
content.tests.questionsObjectContained0..*A list of Ask on Entry (AOE) Questions that need to be answered by the orderer when creating the order.--ServiceRequestcontained[].code.extension[].valueString-NAquestionsTBD
content.tests.synonymsStringContained0..*A list of synonyms that are useful when searching for a specific test.--ServiceRequestcontained[].code.extension[].valueString-NAsynonymsTBD