xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Lab Order Test

Lab Order Test

Lab Order Test

Source Object: Lab Order Test

The Lab Order Test source object is a fundamental component of healthcare data systems, providing comprehensive information about specific laboratory tests. It enables healthcare professionals to order and document lab tests accurately and efficiently.


Lab Order Test source object is designed to capture detailed information about laboratory tests. It plays a crucial role in the healthcare ecosystem by making it possible to request and process diagnostic tests for patients systematically.


The Lab Order Test source object is extensively used for the following purposes:

  1. Test Identification: The code, name, and other fields provide identification and descriptive information about the laboratory test. This includes the associated lab vendor and details about when the test was created.
  2. Procedure Class: Indicates the specific category or class to which the test belongs. It aids in organizing and categorizing different types of tests within a medical practice.
  3. Synonyms: Some tests may have multiple names or synonyms. This field captures alternate names for the test to ensure clarity and consistency in test orders and results.
  4. Questions: Lab tests may require additional information, such as specific questions to be answered. These questions are related to the test and may include choices or codes. They ensure that the test is correctly interpreted and performed.
  5. CPT Codes: Common Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes associated with the test are documented. CPT codes are crucial for billing, reporting, and identifying the specific procedure.

By using the Lab Order Test source object, healthcare providers can standardize and streamline the process of ordering and documenting laboratory tests. This results in more efficient healthcare operations, improved patient care, and accurate record-keeping. The structured data captured by this source object is essential for accurate billing, reporting, and clinical decision-making.

Mapping Table

Data FieldSource Field Data TypeResource Mapping ContextSource Data Field CardinalitySource Data Field DescriptionExample ValueSource Data Field Validation RuleMapped FHIR ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapped FHIR Data Field Type
codeStringTop Level0..1Any code associated with the test, usually provided by the lab vendor's compendium.--ServiceRequestcode.coding[1].code-NA-TBD
compendiumIntegerTop Level0..1The id of the compendium provided the lab vendor that provides the lab order test. All tests in the same order MUST share the same compendium.--ServiceRequestextension[*].valueInteger-NAcompendiumTBD
cptsTop Level0..1A list of CPT codes associated with the lab order test.--ServiceRequestextension[*].valueInteger-NA-TBD
created_dateDateTimeTop Level0..1Time at which Elation created this Lab Order Test.--ServiceRequestauthoredOn-NA-TBD
deleted_dateDateTimeTop Level0..1Time at which this Lab Order Test was deleted. Can happen when a lab order compendium update deprecates a test.--ServiceRequestextension[*].valueDateTime-NAdeleted-dateTBD
idIntegerTop Level0..1Represents the id of Lab Order Test--ServiceRequestid-NA-TBD
lab_vendorIntegerTop Level0..1The id of the lab vendor who provides the lab order test.--ServiceRequestextension[*].valueInteger-NAlab-vendorTBD
nameStringTop Level0..1The name of the Lab Order Test.--ServiceRequestextension[*].valueString-NAtest-nameTBD
practice_createdIntegerTop Level0..1The id of the practice that created the test if practice created.--ServiceRequestextension[*].valueInteger-NApractice-createdTBD
procedure_classStringTop Level0..1Code provided by specific compendiums that indicate the "class" of test, e.g. histology vs cytology. Some lab vendors require that tests with specific procedure classes need to ordered separately.--ServiceRequestextension[*].valueString-NAprocedure-classTBD
synonymsTop Level-ServiceRequestextension[*].valueString-NAsynonymsTBD
questionsObjectContained0..*List of Questions--Questionnaire--NA-TBD