xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh




Source Object: Physician

The Physician source object contains essential information about healthcare providers, specifically physicians. This data is crucial for managing healthcare practices, ensuring provider credentials, and facilitating communication.


The Physician source object holds data related to healthcare providers, particularly physicians. Key information includes the provider's name (first and last), email address, National Provider Identifier (NPI), license information, specialty, and practice details. Additionally, metadata related to the provider's credentials and practice is included.


The Physician source object serves the following purposes:

  1. Provider Identification: It uniquely identifies and provides details for healthcare providers, particularly physicians.
  2. Contact Information: The email address serves as a primary contact point for physicians, enabling communication between healthcare professionals.
  3. Credential Verification: The source object offers data for verifying the provider's credentials, such as their NPI and state license.
  4. Specialty Information: Specialization data allows healthcare systems to categorize and manage providers based on their areas of expertise.
  5. Practice Details: The source object contains practice-related information, assisting in associating physicians with specific healthcare facilities or clinics.
  6. User Identification: The user ID facilitates linking the physician to user accounts within healthcare systems.

The Physician source object is essential for maintaining an accurate provider directory, supporting healthcare practices, and ensuring that patients receive care from licensed and qualified professionals.

Mapping Table

Data FieldSource Field Data TypeResource Mapping ContextSource Data Field CardinalitySource Data Field DescriptionExample ValueSource Data Field Validation RuleMapped FHIR ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapped FHIR Data Field Type
credentialsStringTop Level0..1-MD-Practitionerqualification[*].code.text-NA-string
emailStringTop Level1..1---Practitionertelecom[1].value-NA-TBD
first_nameStringTop Level1..1-Gary-Practitionername[1].given[1]-NA-TBD
idIntegerTop Level0..1-64811630594-Practitionerid-NA-TBD
is_activeBooleanTop Level0..1Whether or not the physician is still active at the above practiceTRUE-Practitioneractive-NA-TBD
last_nameStringTop Level1..1-Leung-Practitionername[2].family-NA-TBD
licenseStringTop Level0..1-G3455-Practitionerqualification[*].code.text-NA-string
license_stateStringTop Level0..1-CA-Practitionerqualification[*].code.text-NA-string
metadataObjectTop Level0..1-null-Practitionermeta-NA-TBD
npiStringTop Level0..1-1234567890-Practitioneridentifier[*].value-NA-TBD
practiceIntegerTop Level0..1-65540-Practitionerextension[*].valueInteger-NApracticeinteger
specialtyStringTop Level0..1-Family Medicine-Practitionerqualification[*].code.text-NA-string
user_idIntegerTop Level0..1-342-Practitioneridentifier[*].value-NA-TBD