xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Practice Location


Source Object: Practice-Location

The Practice-Location source object contains information related to the various locations of healthcare practices or facilities. This data is valuable for managing practice locations, ensuring accurate contact details, and improving healthcare services.


The Practice-Location source object stores data associated with different practice locations within the healthcare system. This data typically includes the address, contact information (phone, email, fax), and specific details about the location, such as the name, primary status, and place of service. It also keeps track of the creation and deletion dates, allowing for effective management.


The Practice-Location source object is essential for several purposes:

  1. Practice Management: It helps healthcare systems keep track of different practice locations and their specific details.
  2. Contact Information: The source object provides contact information for each practice location, including addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.
  3. Primary Location: The "is_primary" field helps identify the primary practice location, which can be crucial for routing patients and communication.
  4. Place of Service: The "place_of_service" field categorizes the type of healthcare service offered at each location, such as inpatient, outpatient, or emergency services.
  5. Data Consistency: It ensures that practice location data remains consistent and up-to-date within the healthcare system.

The Practice-Location source object plays a significant role in managing multiple practice locations and maintaining accurate contact information for each site.

Mapping Table

Data FieldSource Field Data TypeResource Mapping ContextSource Data Field CardinalitySource Data Field DescriptionExample ValueSource Data Field Validation RuleMapped FHIR ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapped FHIR Data Field Type
address_line1StringTop Level0..1-1234 First Practice Way-Locationaddress.line[1]-NA-TBD
address_line2StringTop Level0..1---Locationaddress.line[2]-NA-TBD
cityStringTop Level0..1-San Francisco-Locationaddress.city-NA-TBD
created_dateDateTimeTop Level0..1-2017-08-28T22:46:14.445876Z-Locationextension[*].valueString-NAcreated-datestring
deleted_dateDateTimeTop Level0..1-null-Locationextension[*].valueString-NAdeleted-datestring
emailStringTop Level0..1-null-Locationtelecom[*].value-NA-TBD
faxStringTop Level0..1-58-039-1261x38850-Locationtelecom[*].value-NA-TBD
idLongTop Level0..1-13631735-Locationid-NA-TBD
is_primaryBooleanTop Level0..1-TRUE-Locationextension[*].valueString-NAprimarystring
nameStringTop Level0..1-Elation North-Locationextension[*].valueString-NAnamestring
phoneStringTop Level0..1---Locationtelecom[*].valuesystem == phoneNA-TBD
place_of_serviceStringTop Level0..1-Office-Locationtype[*].text-NA-string
practiceIntegerTop Level0..1-140758831005700-LocationmanagingOrganization.reference-NA-TBD
stateStringTop Level0..1-CA-Locationaddress.state-NA-TBD
zipStringTop Level0..1-94114-Locationaddress.postalCode-NA-TBD