xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Staff Group

Staff Group

Source Object: Staff Group

The Staff Group source object plays a pivotal role in healthcare operations, enabling the management of groups or teams within a healthcare practice.


The Staff Group source object serves as a repository for information related to staff groups or teams within a healthcare practice. These groups are essential for organizing healthcare personnel, streamlining communication, and assigning roles and responsibilities.


The Staff Group source object is instrumental in healthcare operations for the following purposes:

  1. Group Management: It provides a structured way to manage and organize healthcare staff into distinct groups. These groups could be based on roles, specialties, or other organizational criteria.
  2. Identification and Assignment: Each staff group is assigned a unique identifier ("id") and a descriptive name. This enables easy identification and assignment of staff members to specific groups.
  3. Practice Association: The "practice" field indicates the healthcare practice to which the staff group is affiliated, allowing practices with multiple locations or departments to manage staff groups accordingly.
  4. User Composition: The "users" field maintains a list of users who belong to the staff group, helping to keep track of the individuals associated with a particular group.
  5. Elation Group: The "is_elation_group" field can mark a group as an "Elation group," indicating its status within the Elation healthcare platform.
  6. Lifecycle Management: The "created_date" and "deleted_date" fields provide insight into the lifecycle of the staff group, helping track when it was created and, if applicable, when it was deleted.

Staff groups are integral in healthcare practices for coordinating the efforts of healthcare providers and support staff, ensuring efficient operations, and enhancing patient care. This source object simplifies the management of these groups, making it easier to maintain a well-organized workforce.

Mapping Table

Data FieldSource Field Data TypeResource Mapping ContextSource Data Field CardinalitySource Data Field DescriptionExample ValueSource Data Field Validation RuleMapped FHIR ResourceMapped FHIR Data FieldAugmented MappingAssociated Coding SystemAssociated FHIR Data Field ExtensionMapped FHIR Data Field Type
created_dateDateTimeTop Level0..1The created date.--Groupextension[*].valueDateTime-NAcreated-dateTBD
deleted_dateDateTimeTop Level0..1The deleted date (if its deleted).--Groupextension[*].valueDateTime-NAdeleted-dateTBD
idIntegerTop Level0..1The id of the staff group object.--Groupid-NA-TBD
is_elation_groupBooleanTop Level0..1Is it an elation group.--Groupextension[*].valueBoolean-NAelation-groupTBD
nameStringTop Level0..1The name of the staff group object.--Groupname-NA-TBD
practiceIntegerTop Level0..1The ID of the practice.--GroupmanagingEntity[*].referenceOrganizationNApracticeTBD
usersObjectTop Level0..*A list of user IDs inside the group.--Groupmember[*].entity.referenceGroupNA-TBD