xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh




The Encounter data model serves as a comprehensive record of a patient's interactions with healthcare providers throughout their healthcare journey. This model captures essential information related to patient-provider encounters, including key details such as bed status, admission date and time, discharge disposition, and more. It's a fundamental component of healthcare data management, enabling the tracking and analysis of patient interactions within healthcare systems.

Use Case

Developers can utilize the Encounter data model for various use cases to query and analyze patient encounter data, enhancing healthcare processes and patient care. Some common use cases include:

  1. Patient Journey Tracking: The Encounter data model allows developers to track and analyze a patient's entire healthcare journey. By querying this model, developers can retrieve information about admission, discharge, and transfer events, enabling a comprehensive view of the patient's experiences within the healthcare system.
  2. Bedside Management: Developers can query the bed_status, bedside_datetime, and discharge_datetime fields within the Encounter data model to determine bed availability, occupancy status, and historical bed utilization patterns and capture the date and time of specific bedside events or actions related to patient care.
  3. Admission and Discharge Analysis: Developers can query the admit_datetime and discharge_disposition fields to analyze admission and discharge trends. This information is crucial for optimizing resource allocation, predicting patient flow, and enhancing patient throughput.
  4. Clinical Research: Researchers can utilize the Encounter data model to access patient encounter data for clinical studies and research projects. It provides valuable insights into patient demographics, medical conditions, and treatment outcomes.
  5. Healthcare Analytics: Developers can aggregate and analyze encounter data to derive insights into hospital operations, patient demographics, lengths of stay, readmission rates, and other key performance indicators (KPIs). This data is vital for healthcare quality improvement initiatives.
  6. Billing and Revenue Cycle Management: Billing and revenue cycle management systems can query the total_payments in the Encounter data model to reconcile patient encounters with billing records, helping ensure accurate and timely billing processes.
  7. Quality Assurance: Healthcare institutions can use the Encounter data model to monitor and improve the quality of care provided to patients. Developers can query this model to identify trends related to patient satisfaction, clinical outcomes, and adherence to healthcare protocols.
  8. Workflow Optimization: By analyzing encounter data, developers can identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies in healthcare workflows. This information can inform process improvements and optimize the allocation of resources.

Data Fields

Field NameDescriptionHL7 MappingData TypeLabelUse Case
bed_statusStatus of the bedPV1-40stringBed StatusAdmission: During the admission of a patient, this field may be used to specify the status of the bed assigned to the patient. Transfer: In the case of a patient transfer within a healthcare facility, this field can reflect changes in bed status.
discharge_dispositionDischarge dispositionPV1-36stringDischarge DispositionPatient Discharge: This field captures the disposition or destination of the patient following discharge from the healthcare facility.
typeType of interactionMSH-9stringType"Type of interaction" typically refers to the nature or purpose of the communication or interaction between systems or entities in a healthcare context.
admit_datetimeDate time of admissionPV1-44dateAdmit DatetimePatient Admission: This field captures the date and time when a patient is admitted to a healthcare facility.
alternate_visit_idAlternative visit idPV1-50/PID-18stringAlternate Visit IdPatient Visit Tracking: This field captures an alternate identifier for a patient's visit, which can be used to link visits across
readmission_indicatorReadmission indicatorPV1-13stringReadmission IndicatorReadmission Tracking: This field is used to indicate whether a patient has been readmitted to the healthcare facility within a certain time frame following a prior discharge.
preadmit_numberPreadmit numberPV1-5stringPreadmit NumberPre-admission Identification: This field captures a pre-admission identifier, often used to link a patient's pre-admission information or records to the formal admission process.
admit_sourceSource of admission like referral or transferPV1-14stringAdmit SourceAdmit Source: This field captures the source or location from which a patient was admitted to the healthcare facility. It provides information about where the patient was before being admitted.
encounter_idEncounter IDPV1+MSH-10stringEncounter ID"Encounter ID" is a unique identifier assigned to a specific healthcare encounter within an Electronic Health Record (EHR) or healthcare information system.
total_chargesTotal ChargesPV1-47stringTotal ChargesTotal Charges: This field captures the total charges associated with a patient's healthcare encounter. These charges encompass the cost of services, treatments, procedures, and accommodations provided during the encounter.
xc_visit_idXC visit idBased on alternate_visit_id followed by visit_number followed by system generated IDstringXC Visit IDThe "xc_visit_id" is a unique identifier used to group together all the interactions, procedures, tests, and check-ups associated with a single patient visit in a healthcare setting. This identifier helps in organising and managing various activities and data related to that specific patient encounter.
datetimeDate and time of the interactionTXA-4, MSH-7, EVN-6, EVN-2, PV1-45dateDatetimeThe "Date and Time of the Interaction" refers to the specific date and time when a particular interaction or event occurred within a healthcare system. In the context of healthcare data, this timestamp is crucial for accurately tracking and documenting patient care events.
discharged_to_locationDischarge locationPV1+MSH-10stringDischarged To Location"Discharged To Location" in a healthcare context refers to the specific place or destination to which a patient is sent or released after being discharged from a healthcare facility.
account_statusStatus of the accountPV1-41stringAccount StatusAccount Status: This field captures the status of the financial account or billing account associated with a patient's healthcare encounter. It indicates the current financial status of the patient's account, including whether it's active, closed, suspended, or has other status values.
patient_typeType of the patientPV1-18stringPatient TypePatient Type: This field captures the type or status of the patient within the healthcare facility. It indicates whether the patient is an inpatient, outpatient, observation patient, etc.
ratingRating provided by coders to the interactionNA to HL7stringRatingEncounter or Patient
visit_numberId of the visitPV1-19-1stringVisit NumberVisit Number: This field captures a unique identifier assigned to a patient's visit or encounter within a healthcare facility. It distinguishes one visit from another and helps in tracking a patient's history of visits.
preadmit_test_indicatorPreadmit test indicatorPV1-12stringPreadmit Test IndicatorPreadmit Test Indicator: This field indicates whether preadmission tests, such as laboratory tests, diagnostic imaging, or other medical tests, have been performed or ordered for a patient before admission.
batch_idBatch idSystem GeneratedstringBatch ID"batch ID" is a unique identifier assigned to a group of messages that are logically grouped together for processing or transmission. Batching messages is a common practice in healthcare systems to efficiently manage and transmit multiple messages as a single unit
ambulatory_statusAmbulatory statusPV1-15stringAmbulatory StatusAmbulatory Status: This field captures the patient's ambulatory status, which refers to the patient's ability to walk or move independently. It indicates whether the patient is ambulatory (able to walk), non-ambulatory (unable to walk), or has limited mobility.
total_paymentsTotal PaymentsPV1-49stringTotal PaymentsFinancial Information: This field captures the total payments made or expected for a patient's care within a healthcare facility. It includes payments received from insurance, patients, or other sources.
total_adjustmentsTotal AdjustmentsPV1-48stringTotal AdjustmentsTotal Adjustments: This field captures the total adjustments made to a patient's billing or financial account. These adjustments represent changes to the patient's charges or fees, which can include discounts, write-offs, corrections, or other financial adjustments.
hospital_serviceHospital service like cardiac, medical etc.PV1-10stringHospital ServiceHospital Service: This field captures the type of hospital service the patient is receiving or will receive during their stay at the healthcare facility. It indicates whether the patient is an inpatient, outpatient, observation patient, etc.
reasonReason for the interactionEVN-4stringReasonReason: This field captures the reason or explanation for the event described in the message. This can include the reason for creating a new record, modifying an existing one, or canceling a previous event.
visit_indicatorIndicator of visitPV1-51stringVisit IndicatorVisit Indicator: This field captures an indicator or status associated with the patient's visit or encounter. It can convey various types of information about the visit, such as whether it's a planned visit, an emergency visit, or other visit-related details.
facilityFacility concernedPV1-3+MSH-10stringFacilityFacility: This field captures the name or identifier of the facility or location where the patient is currently receiving healthcare services. This can include the name of the hospital, clinic, or other healthcare facility.
bedside_datetimeBed side Date and timePV1-44, EVN-6, EVN-2, MSH-7, PV1-45, TXA-4dateDatetimeBedside Documentation: This field captures the date and time of specific bedside events or actions related to patient care, such as procedures, assessments, or vital sign measurements.
discharge_datetimeDate time of dischargePV1-45dateDischarge DatetimeDischarge Date/Time: This field captures the specific date and time at which a patient is officially discharged from the healthcare facility. It marks the end of the patient's stay in that facility.
patient_idId of the patientPID-3-1stringPatient IDPatient ID is a crucial identifier for a patient within the healthcare system. It is used to uniquely identify and link a patient's health records, visits, and medical history.
bundle_idID of bundleMSH-10stringBundle IDBundle ID(Message Control ID) is used to uniquely identify and track HL7 messages. It helps ensure that messages are processed in the correct order and that message integrity is maintained.
current_patient_balanceBalance of the patientPV1-46stringCurrent Patient BalanceCurrent Patient Balance field in the PV1 segment provides information about the patient's current financial status, including outstanding charges, payments, and adjustments.
recorded_datetimeDate and time of recording of the interactionORC-9, EVN-2dateRecorded DatetimeRecorded Date/Time: This field captures the specific date and time when the event described in the message was recorded or created. This information helps establish the timeline and context for the event.
lineageThis is lineage attributeFixed - HL7stringLineage"lineage" refers to the information about the origin or source of a message. It helps trace the path of the message, indicating where it originated, how it was transmitted, and any intermediate systems or components it passed through before reaching its destination.
servicing_facilityServicing facilityPV1-3-4stringServicing FacilityServicing Facility indicates which healthcare facility or department is providing services to the patient during their visit.
diet_typeDiet typePV1-38stringDiet TypeDiet Type field specifies the type of diet prescribed or provided to the patient during their stay. It can include details such as a regular diet, diabetic diet, or other dietary restrictions.
admission_typeType of the admission like Routine, Urgent etc.PV1-4stringAdmission TypeAdmission Type field describes the reason or method of the patient's admission, such as emergency, elective, or transfer.
financial_classFinancial class codePV1-20stringFinancial ClassFinancial Class field categorizes the patient's financial status or class, which can impact billing and financial processes.
message_typeType of interactionMSH-9-1stringTypeMessage Type field specifies the type of HL7 message being sent, such as admission, discharge, transfer, or other message types.
patient_classPatient class like emergency, Inpatient etc.PV1-2stringPatient ClassPatient Class field indicates the class or type of the patient, such as inpatient, outpatient, or emergency.

Similar Models

Here are the models that are similar to the current data model

Encounter_Provider - It captures and gives information regarding the encounter of the patient with a specific type of provider

Encounter_Facility - It captures and gives information regarding the encounter of the patient with a specific type of facility