xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh




The Order data model is a fundamental component of healthcare information systems, designed to capture and manage essential details about medical orders or requests made by healthcare providers. These orders encompass various aspects, including ordering provider information, order status, timing, and other relevant data. The model focuses primarily on recording data related to the ORC (Common Order) segment of HL7 messages. It plays a crucial role in ensuring that medical orders are processed accurately and efficiently within healthcare organizations.

Use Case

Developers can leverage the capabilities of the Order data model to support a range of technical use cases, enabling the effective management of medical orders and related information:

  1. Order Entry Systems: Developers can build order entry systems that allow healthcare providers to create and submit medical orders electronically. The model provides the necessary fields to capture order details, including order type, timing, and order control.
  2. Order Tracking and Status Updates: Developers can use this model to create applications that track the status of medical orders. Providers can receive real-time updates on the progress of orders, ensuring timely execution.
  3. Order Validation: Developers can implement order validation systems that check orders for completeness and accuracy, helping to reduce errors and improve patient safety.
  4. Order Management: Healthcare organizations receive a significant volume of medical orders daily. Developers can use this model to manage and organize these orders efficiently, ensuring that each order is processed correctly.
  5. Alerts and Notifications: Developers can create alert systems that notify healthcare providers or patients of order-related events, such as order modifications, cancellations, or fulfillment.
  6. Order History and Auditing: Developers can implement auditing mechanisms to maintain a comprehensive history of orders. This information aids in auditing order-related activities, compliance, and troubleshooting.
  7. Order Prioritization: Some orders may have higher priority than others. Developers can use this model to build applications that prioritize orders based on clinical urgency, ensuring critical orders receive prompt attention.
  8. Order Reporting and Analytics: Researchers and analysts can use this model to perform data analytics, such as analyzing order trends, tracking order volumes, and identifying areas for process improvement.
  9. Provider Performance Analysis: Developers can analyze the data to assess the performance of healthcare providers in terms of order accuracy, timeliness, and adherence to guidelines.
  10. Clinical Decision Support: Developers can integrate order and provider data into clinical decision support systems. This integration assists healthcare providers in making informed decisions based on patient history and orders attributed to specific providers.
  11. Order Archiving: Healthcare organizations are required to maintain order records for compliance and legal purposes. Developers can use this model to archive and retrieve historical order data efficiently.
  12. Order Billing: Billing systems often rely on order data to generate accurate invoices. Developers can use this model to facilitate order-related billing processes.

Data Fields

Attribute NameDescriptionHL7 MappingData TypeLabelUse Case
advanced_beneficiary_notice_codeAdvanced Beneficiary Notice CodeORC-20stringAdvanced Beneficiary Notice CodeThis field provides a code that indicates whether an ABN has been issued or whether it is not applicable to the order or service. Common codes used in this field include "Y" for Yes (indicating that an ABN has been issued) and "N" for No (indicating that an ABN is not applicable).
xc_visit_idXC visit idBased on alternate_visit_id followed by visit_number followed by system generated IDstringXC visit idThe "xc_visit_id" is a unique identifier used to group together all the interactions, procedures, tests, and check-ups associated with a single patient visit in a healthcare setting. This identifier helps in organising and managing various activities and data related to that specific patient encounter.
quantityQuantityTQ1-2stringQuantityWhen ordering laboratory tests, this field can indicate the quantity of tests to be performed. For example, it may specify that five units of a particular blood test are required.
order_controlOrder ControlORC-1stringOrder ControlThis field specifies the control or command associated with a healthcare order. It determines the type of action to be taken for the order and is fundamental for order management within the healthcare information system.
enterer_locationLocation of the entererORC-13stringEnterer's LocationThis field may contain the identifier of the healthcare facility or department where a specific order was entered into the system. This is particularly useful in large healthcare systems with multiple entry points.
response_flagResponse FlagORC-6stringResponse FlagThis field is used to indicate whether a response or acknowledgment is required for a specific healthcare order or request. This field helps manage the communication and workflow between systems and entities involved in healthcare.
order_status_modifierOrder Status ModifierORC-25stringOrder Status ModifierThis field may be used to clarify or provide more details about the order's status. For example, it can indicate if the order is on hold pending further information, if it's been partially completed, or if there are specific conditions affecting the order's status.
placer_group_numberPlacer Group NumberORC-4stringPlacer Group NumberThis field is used to group related orders together. For example, if a patient has multiple laboratory tests scheduled as part of a single order request, each test may have a unique placer order number, but they can all share the same placer group number to indicate they are part of the same order set.
lineageThis is lineage attributeFixed - HL7stringLineage"lineage" refers to the information about the origin or source of a message. It helps trace the path of the message, indicating where it originated, how it was transmitted, and any intermediate systems or components it passed through before reaching its destination.
parent_orderParent OrderORC-8stringParent OrderThis field is used to establish a hierarchical relationship between orders. For example, in a laboratory setting, a parent order might be a comprehensive panel of tests, while the child orders represent individual tests within that panel.
entering_organizationEntering OrganizationORC-17stringEntering OrganizationThis field is used to identify the organisation or facility where the order was generated or entered into the system. This can be a physician's office, a laboratory, a hospital department, or any other healthcare entity.
advanced_beneficiary_notice_override_reasonAdvanced Beneficiary Notice Override ReasonORC-26stringAdvanced Beneficiary Notice Override ReasonThis field is used when there is a need to override a previously presented ABN. This might occur if, after discussing the potential cost with the patient, they decide to proceed with a service that was initially considered non-covered by Medicare.
confidentiality_codeConfidentiality CodeORC-28stringConfidentiality CodeThis field is used when the order or the information contained in the order is of a sensitive nature, and the healthcare provider or system wants to restrict access to it.
entering_deviceEntering DeviceORC-18stringEntering DeviceThis field is used to track which device or software application was used to enter a particular order into the healthcare system. This is important for auditing and accountability purposes.
timingTimingTQ1-7dateTimingThis field is used to define the timing or schedule for various healthcare-related activities, such as medication administration, lab tests, procedures, appointments, and more.
filler_order_numberFiller Order NumberORC-3,SCH-27,OBR-3stringFiller Order NumberFiller Order Numbers are essential for uniquely identifying orders within the healthcare system, ensuring that the correct service or procedure is performed.
visit_numberId of the visitPV1-19-1stringVisit NumberThe visit number serves as a unique identifier for a specific patient visit or encounter within a healthcare facility. It distinguishes one visit from another.
order_control_code_reasonOrder Control Code ReasonORC-16stringOrder Control Code ReasonThis field is used to clarify or provide a reason for the specific order control code used in ORC-1. The order control code indicates the action to be taken with the order (e.g., new order, order cancellation, order modification), and the reason helps explain why that action is being taken.
bundle_idID of bundleMSH-10stringBundle ID“bundle ID" typically refers to a unique identifier assigned to a group or bundle of related messages or data elements. This identifier is used to associate multiple messages or pieces of information that are related to a specific patient, event, or transaction.
call_back_phone_numberCall Back Phone NumberORC-14stringCall Back Phone NumberThis field provides contact information that can be used by healthcare providers or support staff to reach out to the ordering provider or the person responsible for the order.
patient_idId of the patientPID-3-1stringPatient IDThe patient ID is a unique identifier assigned to a patient within the healthcare system. It is used to accurately identify and link a patient's medical records, treatments, and history.
order_effective_datetimeOrder Effective Date/TimeORC-15,OBR-6dateOrder Effective Date/TimeThis field is typically used when an order is modified (e.g., updated, changed, or replaced). It provides a reason or explanation for the modification. For example, if a medication dosage is adjusted, this field might specify the reason for the adjustment, such as a change in the patient's condition.
encounter_idEncounter IDPV1+MSH-10stringEncounter IDThe patient ID is a unique identifier assigned to a patient within the healthcare system. It is used to accurately identify and link a patient's medical records, treatments, and history.
order_statusStatus of orderORC-5, SCH-25stringOrder StatusThis field can be used to track the status of patient appointments, such as whether an appointment is scheduled, in progress, completed, or canceled. It is also used to indicate the status of medical procedures, surgeries, or diagnostic tests, including whether they are in progress, completed, or canceled.
placer_order_numberPlacer Order NumberORC-2, OBR-53, SCH-26, (ORC-33 and not OBR-53), OBR-2stringPlacer Order NumberThis field is crucial for tracking and managing orders across various healthcare services, including diagnostic tests, procedures, and appointments.
datetime_of_transactionDate/Time of TransactionORC-9, (NOT OBR-8 then OBR-7)dateDate/Time of TransactionThe datetime of transaction is valuable for tracking the status and history of orders. It allows healthcare providers to know when specific actions related to an order took place.
order_typeType of OrderORC-29stringOrder TypeThis field is used to classify healthcare orders into different categories or types. For example, it can indicate whether an order is for a laboratory test, medication, procedure, consultation, or other healthcare service.
batch_idBatch idSystem GeneratedstringBatch ID"batch ID" is a unique identifier assigned to a group of messages that are logically grouped together for processing or transmission. Batching messages is a common practice in healthcare systems to efficiently manage and transmit multiple messages as a single unit
alternate_visit_idAlternative visit idPV1-50/PID-18stringAlternate Visit IdThis field provides an alternate identifier for a patient's visit. It is used for tracking and cross-referencing patient visits and records, especially in scenarios requiring multiple identifiers or references. This field is recorded during patient registration and aids in accurate record linkage.
filler_expected_availability_datetimeFiller's Expected Availability Date/TimeORC-27dateFiller's Expected Availability Date/TimeThe Filler Expected Availability Date/Time provides information about when a specific resource, such as a medical device, laboratory equipment, or medication, is expected to be ready for use.
order_idThis is order_id attributeSCH+MSH-10, ORC+MSH-10stringOrder IDThis field is an identifier associated with a specific order or request for healthcare services. This identifier helps track and manage orders within healthcare systems.
enterer_authorization_modeEnterer Authorization ModeORC-30stringEnterer Authorization ModeThis field describes how the order or request was authorised. This information can help in understanding the approval process within a healthcare organisation.

Similar Models

Here are the models that are similar to the current data model

Order_Facility - It captures and gives information regarding the medical orders or requests made by healthcare providers

Order_Note - It captures and gives information regarding the medical orders or requests made by healthcare providers

Order_Provider - It captures and gives information regarding the medical orders or requests made by healthcare providers