xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh

Schedule Participant

Schedule Participant


The Schedule Participant data model is crucial within healthcare information systems, as it provides comprehensive information about individuals or entities involved in a patient's scheduled healthcare appointments. This data model is essential for tracking and managing various participants, such as healthcare providers, resources, and support staff, throughout the scheduling process.

Use Case

Developers can leverage the Schedule Participant data model for a wide range of technical use cases to enhance the appointment scheduling process and provide better patient care:

  1. Multi-Participant Appointment Management: Develop applications that allow for the scheduling and coordination of multiple participants involved in a patient's appointment, such as healthcare providers, nurses, interpreters, or medical equipment.
  2. Resource Allocation: Optimize resource allocation by managing the availability of specific participants, such as specialists or medical equipment, to ensure efficient use of resources during patient appointments.
  3. Patient Notifications: Build systems that automatically notify patients about the participants involved in their upcoming appointments, ensuring transparency and improving patient experience.
  4. Participant Substitution: Implement features that allow for the substitution of participants when needed, such as scheduling an alternate healthcare provider in case the primary one is unavailable.
  5. Patient Flow Management: Use data from the Schedule_Participant model to manage the flow of patients through healthcare facilities, coordinating appointments and participants to minimize wait times and enhance patient care.
  6. Provider-Patient Matching: Create systems that match patients with appropriate healthcare providers based on their needs, specialties, and availability.
  7. Patient-Provider Communication: Facilitate communication between patients and the participants of their appointments, enabling patients to ask questions or make specific requests.
  8. Workflow Optimization: Develop workflow automation tools that streamline scheduling and coordination among various participants, improving efficiency in healthcare facilities.
  9. Participant Performance Analytics: Provide analytics and reports to assess participant performance in terms of appointment attendance, punctuality, and patient satisfaction.
  10. Resource Availability Monitoring: Continuously monitor the availability of participants and resources to prevent scheduling conflicts and ensure a seamless patient experience.
  11. Appointment Status Updates: Create real-time systems that update the status of appointments as participants confirm their involvement, providing accurate and up-to-date information to patients.
  12. Participant Billing and Compensation: Develop billing and compensation systems for participants based on their involvement in patient appointments.
  13. Coordination with Third Parties: Enable coordination with external entities, such as interpreters or transportation services, to ensure their availability when needed during patient appointments.

Data Fields

Attribute NameDescriptionHL7 MappingData TypeLabelUse Case
schedule_idSchedule IDSCH-5stringSchedule IDIt helps in distinguishing different schedules within a healthcare system, especially in scenarios where multiple schedules exist.
xc_visit_idXC visit idBased on alternate_visit_id followed by visit_number followed by system generated IDstringXC visit idAlternate IDs may be used to quickly access a patient's medical information if their primary identification is not readily available. This ensures that the right medical care is provided promptly.
participant_resource_groupResource group of the participantAIP-5,AIL-5,AIG-5stringParticipant Resource Group"participant_resource_group" is used to categorize or group resources or participants involved in a healthcare activity, which can aid in resource allocation and coordination. It ensures that the right resources, including personnel and facilities, are available at the scheduled times.
participant_resource_typeParticipant resource typeAIP-4, AIL-4, AIG-4stringParticipant Resource TypeIt is used to categorize or classify resources or participants based on their roles or functions, aiding in resource allocation and coordination.
alternate_visit_idAlternative visit idPV1-50/PID-18stringAlternate Visit IdAlternate visit IDs can be used for specific billing or claims processing scenarios, such as when a patient has multiple insurance policies or requires different billing codes for different aspects of their care.
start_datetimeStart date timeAIP-6dateStart Datetimestart date and time is used for a particular personnel resource's involvement in a scheduled appointment or healthcare activity. It allows healthcare providers and patients to plan their activities effectively.
bundle_idID of bundleMSH-10stringBundle IDBundle_id is typically used to group related data or transactions together, especially in situations where multiple pieces of information need to be processed or managed as a single unit. It could be used to check for the message in which information has been received in.
participant_uidIdentifier of the participantSystem GeneratedstringParticipant UIDparticipant_uid is used to enable precise tracking and management of Heathcare participants
patient_idThis is patient_id attributePID-3-1stringPatient IDPatient id is used to prevent confusion or errors that can arise from similar names or demographics.
allow_substitution_codeAllow substitution codeAIP-11stringAllow Substitution Codewhether a particular personnel resource is willing to accept substitutions or not in the context of a scheduled appointment or healthcare activity.
lineageThis is lineage attributeFixed - HL7stringLineagelineage is essential for assessing genetic predispositions to hereditary diseases and conditions.
visit_numberId of the visitPV1-19-1stringVisit Numbervisit numbers can be used to check when appointments are scheduled. This ensures that each visit is uniquely identified and tracked. This is also used for crowd management in heathcare organisation.
participant_idID of the participantAIP-3, AIS-3, AIG-3, AIL-3stringParticipant IDIt is used to uniquely identify and track personnel, service, general, and location resources involved in scheduled healthcare appointments or activities.
end_datetimeEnd DatetimeAIP-6,AIP-7,AIP-8,AIP-9,AIP-10dateEnd DatetimeThis field refers to the date and time when an action, intervention, or procedure ends or is completed in a medical context. This information is essential for documenting and tracking the timing of healthcare activities, especially in procedures, interventions, and other time-sensitive medical events.
filler_status_codeFiller Status CodeAIS-10stringFiller Status CodeThe Filler Status Code conveys information about the status or condition of a scheduled appointment.
participant_group_idGroup Id of the participantRGS-3stringParticipant Group IDThe Participant Group ID field is used to assign a unique identifier to the group, making it easier to reference and manage the resources collectively.
participant_resource_quantityParticipant Resource QuantityAIG-6stringParticipant Resource QuantityThe Participant Resource Quantity field specifies the quantity of resources required for a particular appointment or group appointment. This is essential for ensuring that the necessary resources are available to meet the requirements of the appointment.
action_codeAction codeRXA-21, OBX-31stringAction CodeIt could be used location administrator or entity responsible for administering a medication or treatment.
batch_idBatch idSystem GeneratedstringBatch IDBatch IDs are used to label and track blood products, tissues, and organs in blood banks and tissue banks. This helps ensure patient safety by verifying the origin and quality of these products.
participant_resource_nameResource name of the participantAIS-3-2stringParticipant Resource NameIt allows for allows for the grouping and organization of participants, helping to streamline processes and resource allocation.
participant_typeParticipant TypeSCH-12, PID-3-1, SCH-16stringParticipant TypeParticipant Type" allows for the classification of participants based on their roles, aiding in coordination and management.