xCaliber healthCare Data Mesh




The Schedule data model is designed to capture and manage information related to patient scheduling within a healthcare system. It plays a crucial role in organizing appointments, events, and timing details, facilitating efficient coordination of patient encounters and optimizing the utilization of healthcare resources.

Use Case

Developers can leverage the Schedule data model to address specific challenges related to patient scheduling, appointment management, and resource optimization. Here are some developer-centric use cases:

  1. Appointment Scheduling Systems: Develop applications that enable healthcare providers to schedule appointments for patients, considering factors such as appointment type, duration, and resource availability. This supports efficient use of clinical resources and minimizes patient wait times.
  2. Real-time Schedule Updates: Implement real-time schedule updates, allowing healthcare professionals and staff to dynamically adjust appointment details, reschedule events, and manage changes to the schedule. This ensures that the schedule remains accurate and up-to-date.
  3. Appointment Reminders: Create systems that send automated appointment reminders to patients, improving attendance rates and reducing no-shows. Integrate schedule data to trigger reminders based on upcoming appointments and provide patients with relevant information.
  4. Resource Allocation: Build tools that analyze schedule data to optimize the allocation of healthcare resources, including staff, rooms, and equipment. This helps in maximizing the efficiency of healthcare operations.
  5. Appointment Type Customization: Develop applications that allow healthcare providers to customize appointment types based on specific needs, ensuring that scheduling aligns with the diverse services offered by the healthcare organization.
  6. Patient Access to Scheduling Information: Enable patients to access their scheduled appointments through online portals or mobile applications. Utilize schedule data to provide patients with details such as appointment timing, location, and instructions.
  7. Waitlist Management: Implement waitlist management systems that utilize schedule data to efficiently fill canceled or rescheduled appointments. This ensures that available appointment slots are utilized optimally.
  8. Appointment Analytics: Develop analytics tools that leverage schedule data to analyze appointment patterns, identify peak times, and generate insights into resource utilization. This information can inform decision-making for optimizing operational workflows.
  9. Clinic Workflow Integration: Integrate schedule data with clinic workflows to ensure seamless coordination between different departments and healthcare professionals. This supports a smooth patient journey from check-in to consultation and follow-up.
  10. Appointment Categorization: Implement systems that categorize appointments based on factors such as urgency, complexity, or specialized requirements. This allows for prioritization of appointments and optimized allocation of resources.
  11. Automated Appointment Confirmation: Develop automated systems that confirm appointments with patients through various communication channels (e.g., SMS, email). Utilize schedule data to trigger confirmation messages based on upcoming appointments.
  12. Appointment Cancellation and Rescheduling: Create user-friendly interfaces that allow patients to cancel or reschedule appointments online. Ensure that schedule data is updated in real-time to reflect changes and maintain accuracy.

Data Fields

Attribute NameDescriptionHL7 MappingData TypeLabelUse case
occurrence_numberOccurrence NumberSCH-3stringOccurrence NumberUsed to number or index occurrences of specific events or conditions, such as instances of a particular diagnosis or procedure within a patient's history.
appointment_durationAppointment DurationSCH-9stringAppointment DurationThis field typically contains information about the duration of a scheduled appointment, procedure, or event. It helps in planning and managing appointments and ensures that sufficient time is allocated for each patient.
filler_appointment_idFiller Appointment IDSCH-24stringFiller Appointment IDThis field typically contains an identifier or code used to uniquely identify a scheduled appointment or event within a healthcare system. It can help in tracking and managing appointments and ensuring proper coordination.
appointment_duration_unitsAppointment Duration UnitsSCH-10stringAppointment Duration UnitsThis attribute captures the duration of a scheduled appointment, procedure, or event. It specifies the length of time for the appointment or event to occur. This attribute is necessary to calculate the bill as per the duration of the appointment.
batch_idBatch idSystem GeneratedstringBatch IDBatch IDs are used to label and track blood products, tissues, and organs in blood banks and tissue banks. This helps ensure patient safety by verifying the origin and quality of these products.
patient_idThis is patient_id attributePID-3-1stringPatient IDpatient id can be used to prevent confusion or errors that can arise from similar names or demographics.
appointment_timingAppointment TimingSCH-11dateAppointment TimingThis attribute captures the specific timing of a scheduled appointment. This attribute can be used tomange the crowd management at healthcare.
xc_visit_idXC visit idBased on alternate_visit_id followed by visit_number followed by system generated IDstringXC visit idAlternate IDs may be used to quickly access a patient's medical information if their primary identification is not readily available. This ensures that the right medical care is provided promptly.
event_reasonEvent ReasonSCH-6stringEvent ReasonThis field typically contains information related to the reason for scheduling or initiating a healthcare event.
visit_numberId of the visitPV1-19-1stringVisit NumberDevelopers may query visit numbers to check when appointments are scheduled. This ensures that each visit is uniquely identified and tracked. This is also used for crowd management in heathcare organisation.
alternate_visit_idAlternative visit idPV1-50/PID-18stringAlternate Visit IdAlternate visit IDs can be used for specific billing or claims processing scenarios, such as when a patient has multiple insurance policies or requires different billing codes for different aspects of their care.
placer_appointment_idPlacer Appointment IDSCH-1stringPlacer Appointment IDThis attribute typically contains an identifier or code that uniquely identifies a scheduled appointment or event. It ensures that each appointment or event is distinct and can be tracked and managed effectively.
appointment_typeAppointment TypeSCH-8stringAppointment TypeThis attribute captures the type or category of a scheduled appointment or event in a structured manner. It provides a standardized way to document the nature or purpose of the appointment.
lineageThis is lineage attributeFixed - HL7stringLineagelineage is essential for assessing genetic predispositions to hereditary diseases and conditions.
appointment_reasonAppointment ReasonSCH-7stringAppointment ReasonThis field typically contains information related to the reason for scheduling a particular healthcare appointment or event. To check for the medical condition or purpose behind the appointment this attribute can be used.
schedule_idSchedule IDSCH-5stringSchedule IDThis attribute typically contains an identifier or code used to uniquely identify a schedule or appointment schedule. It helps in distinguishing different schedules within a healthcare system, especially in scenarios where multiple schedules exist.
schedule_uidIdentifier of the scheduleSCH, MSH-10stringSchedule UIDThis attribute typically contains a universally unique identifier (UUID) or a unique code that uniquely identifies a schedule or appointment schedule. It ensures that schedules can be uniquely identified and tracked within the healthcare system.
bundle_idID of bundleMSH-10stringBundle IDBundle_id is typically used to group related data or transactions together, especially in situations where multiple pieces of information need to be processed or managed as a single unit. It could be used to check for the message in which information has been received in.

Similar Models

Here are the models that are similar to the current data model

Schedule_Enterer - It captures and gives information regarding the entities responsible for creating and inputting scheduling information within a healthcare environment

Schedule_Filler - It captures and gives information regarding the systems responsible for filling open appointment slots or schedules with patient appointments

Schedule_Participant - It captures and gives information regarding the individuals or entities involved in a patient's scheduled healthcare appointments

Schedule_Placer - It captures and gives information regarding the entity or individual responsible for initiating or creating appointments within a scheduling system